Package strnaming is used to Convert string to camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case.


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Package strnaming is used to Convert string to camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case.


API Examples


To start using strnaming, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u

This will retrieve the library.

Quick start


package main

import (


func main() {
	// camel case
	camel := strnaming.NewCamel()
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("camelcase_key")) // camelcaseKey

	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("user_id")) // userId

	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("user-id")) // userId

	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("user_id")) // UserId

	camel.WithCache("user_id", "UserID")
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("user_id")) // UserID

	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("json_data")) // JsonData
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("http_test")) // HttpTest

	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("user_name")) // MyuserName
using golang style
package main

import (


func main() {
	camel := strnaming.NewCamel()
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("json_data")) // JsonData
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("http_test")) // HttpTest
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("json_data")) // JSONData
	fmt.Println(camel.Convert("http_test")) // HTTPTest


package main

import (


func main() {
	// snake case
	snake := strnaming.NewSnake()
	fmt.Println(snake.Convert("SnakeKey")) // snake_key

	fmt.Println(snake.Convert("My-IDCard")) // my-id_card

	fmt.Println(snake.Convert("SnakeKey")) // SNAKE_KEY

	snake.WithCache("UserID", "userid")
	fmt.Println(snake.Convert("UserID")) // userid

	fmt.Println(snake.Convert("PageSize")) // go_page_size


package main

import (


func main() {
	// kebab case
	kebab := strnaming.NewKebab()
	fmt.Println(kebab.Convert("KebabKey")) // kebab-key

	kebab.WithIgnore('@', '.')
	fmt.Println(kebab.Convert("[email protected]")) // [email protected]

	fmt.Println(kebab.Convert("KebabKey")) // KEBAB-KEY

	kebab.WithCache("UserID", "User-Id")
	fmt.Println(kebab.Convert("UserID")) // User-Id

	fmt.Println(kebab.Convert("PageSize")) // go-page-size

CLI Examples


To start using strnaming in command line, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u

Quick start

convert json keys to camelcase keys, like:

// ./testdata/test.json

  "test_url": "",
  "another_case": [
      "sub_case": [
          "for_ready": 1234,
          "bba_media": "hahahaha"
      "sub_url_two": [
          "for_ready_two": "ben",
          "bba_media_two": 2021,
          "key_space": [
                  "low_code": true


$ strnaming c -f=./testdata/test.json


  "anotherCase": [
      "subCase": [
          "bbaMedia": "hahahaha",
          "forReady": 1234
      "subUrlTwo": [
          "bbaMediaTwo": 2021,
          "forReadyTwo": "ben",
          "keySpace": [
                  "lowCode": true
  "testUrl": ""


using main command:

$ strnaming help


   strnaming - a cli tool to convert string name

   strnaming [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   v0.4.0 linux/amd64

   camel, c  convert to camel string
   snake, s  convert to snake string
   kebab, k  convert to kabab string
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

using sub command like camel:

$ strnaming c -help


   strnaming camel - convert to camel string

   strnaming camel [command options] [arguments...]

   --file value, -f value       input a json file path (eg: /path/to/strnaming.json)
   --json value, -j value       input a json
   --delimiter value, -d value  using custom delimiter (default: _)
   --upperFirst, --uf           using first char upper (default: false)
   --prefix value, -p value     using prefix
   --cache value, -c value      using cache (eg: -c="user_id" -c="UserID")
   --help, -h                   show help (default: false)


  • Add prefix for string
  • Cli for command line access
  • Support Golang language naming style
  • Support Golang language naming style for cli tool
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