REST API boilerplate built with go and clean architecture - Echo Framework

GO Boilerplate

Go Reference License: MIT Go Report Card


Install go-migrate for running migration

App requires 2 database (postgreSQL and redis server), run from your local machine or run it using docker with the following command

# run postgreSQL
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=go-boilerplate postgres

# run redis
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis


Run below command to run migration

migrate -path migration -database "${DATABASE_URL}" up

To create a new migration file

migrate create -ext sql -dir migration -seq name


Run below command to run test, and make sure that all tests are passing

go test -v ./...


Run below command to run app

go run ./cmd/api/main.go

You can find usefull commands in Makefile.

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    /* folded code */
    func main() {
           /* folded code */
    	// Setup route engine & middleware
    	e := echo.New()
    	// Setup handler
    	e.GET("/swagger/*", echoSwagger.WrapHandler)
    	e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
    		return c.String(http.StatusOK, "i am alive")
    	httpDelivery.NewTodoHandler(e, appMiddleware, todoUC)
    	httpDelivery.NewAuthHandler(e, appMiddleware, authUC)
           // gracefull shutdown
           	go func() {
    		if err := e.Start(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", configApp.ServerPORT)); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
    			e.Logger.Fatal("shutting down the server")
            quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    	signal.Notify(quit, os.Interrupt)
    	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
    	defer cancel()
    	if err := e.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {

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