pubsub controller using kafka and base on sarama. Easy controll flow for actions streamming, event driven.


helper for create system using kafka to streaming and events driven base.


 go get

have 3 env variables for config:

  • KAFKA_NUM_PARTITION: config number of partition( default: 3)
  • KAFKA_REPLICATION_FACTOR: config replication factor.(default: -1)
  • KAFKA_VERSION: for set kafka version for sarama config

you can overide 3 variables for cluster configs


Library have 2 modules publisher and consumer, or use can use both. For example to setup:

  • Both setup
func NewPubSub() error {
	ps := &psub.PubSub{}
	brokers := strings.Split("localhost:9002,localhost:9003", ",")
	err := ps.InitConsumerGroup(cf.PubsubSubscription, brokers...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
  • Publisher setup
func NewPubSub() error {
	ps := &psub.PubSub{}
	brokers := strings.Split("localhost:9002,localhost:9003", ",")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// using for publish event
func SendMessage(msg string) {
    sms := map[string]interface{}{
		Body: "hello everyone",
        App:  "",
		To:   []string{"0374140511"},
    if err := ps.Publish("topic_send_example", sms); err != nil {
  • Consumer setup
func main() {

    // if this task running will block main thread


func NewPubSub() error {
	ps := &psub.PubSub{}
	brokers := strings.Split("localhost:9002,localhost:9003", ",")
	err := ps.InitConsumerGroup(cf.PubsubSubscription, brokers...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// using for publish event
func SendMessage() error {
    sms := map[string]interface{}{
		Body: "hello everyone",
        App:  "",
		To:   []string{"0374140511"},
    if err := ps.Publish("topic_send_example", sms); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func onListenUserInsert(payload []byte, h *Account, fnCommit func()) {
	defer fnCommit()
	user := &User{}

type MsgHandler struct {
	f          func([]byte, *Account, func())
	AutoCommit bool

var (
	backend_user_insert_user = "backend_user_insert_user"
    numberOfConcurrents = 1
	subsList                   = map[string]*MsgHandler{
		backend_user_insert_user:                   {onListenUserInsert, false},

func onStreamRunning(ps *pubsub.PubSub, h *Account) {
	log.Print("Stream start")
	msgBuf := make(chan pubsub.Message, 1000)

	topics := make([]pubsub.Topic, 0)
	for topic, handler := range subsList {
		topics = append(topics, pubsub.Topic{Name: topic, AutoCommit: handler.AutoCommit})

	go func() {
		for {
			psMessage := <-msgBuf
			msghandler := subsList[psMessage.Topic]
			if msghandler.f != nil {
				msghandler.f(psMessage.Body, h, psMessage.Commit)
	err := ps.OnAsyncSubscribe(topics, numberOfConcurrents, msgBuf)
	if err != nil {
Te Nguyen
A little bits for thinking yourself
Te Nguyen
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