A little library for turning TCP connections into go channels.


By Tim Henderson ([email protected])

This is a little library that was part of a larger project that I decided to pull out and make public. It is kinda a replacement for netchan in the sense that it allows you to treat a TCP connection as a pair of chans. However, it is not as ambitious as netchan was. It doesn't attempt to solve any sort of serialization for you instead it is a []byte oriented interface.

How It Works

It has two important methods which can take a TCP connection and turn it into a pair of channels. The first is TCPReader:

func TCPReader(con *net.TCPConn) (recv <-chan byte) 

TCPReader emits a chan byte which you can use to read the TCP connection in a byte oriented manner. Internally, it is maintaining a buffer but externally it presents it as a smooth stream. If you want to process the connection in a line or other delimiter oriented way there are utility methods to assist you.

The second method is TCPWriter which is almost the inverse of TCPReader:

func TCPWriter(con *net.TCPConn) (send chan<- []byte)

Instead of creating a byte oriented channel it creates a []byte oriented channel. This maps more smoothly to how sending is usually done, by sending preconstructed packets of data. If you are interested in sending a free form stream of bytes you probably want to use the TCP connection object natively.



package netutils
    import "github.com/timtadh/netutils"


var DEBUG bool = false


func IsEOF(err error) bool
    A utility function which tests if an error returned from a TCPConnection
    or TCPListener is actually an EOF. In some edge cases this which should
    be treated as EOFs are not returned as one.

func ReadDelim(recv <-chan byte, delim byte) (line []byte, EOF bool)
    A blocking read operation on a byte channel. It reads up to a delimiter
    and returns a byte slice of the bytes read (not including the delim). If
    it encounters an EOF (a closed channel) it returns true on EOF and
    whatever was read before the EOF.

func ReadDelims(recv <-chan byte, delim byte) (linechan <-chan []byte)
    ReadDelims is a nonblocking reader on a byte channel. It consumes the
    channel (eg. will read until the recv channel closes). You should not do
    other reads on the recv channel if using ReadDelims.

    ReadDelims reads until a deliminter it encountered. It then emits a byte
    slice which does not include the deliminter. The sending channel will be
    closed when the recieving channel is closed.

func Reader(reader io.Reader, errors chan<- error) <-chan byte

func Readline(recv <-chan byte) (line []byte, EOF bool)
    A block read operation which reads one line from the byte channel. It
    used ReadDelim(recv, '\n') under the hood.

func Readlines(recv <-chan byte) (linechan <-chan []byte)
    Readlines is a nonblock reader on a byte channel. It reads all the lines
    from the recieving channel. See the ReadDelims documentation for caveats
    on usage (as it uses ReadDelims under the hood).

func TCPReader(con *net.TCPConn, errors chan<- error) (recv <-chan byte)
    A TCPReader takes a tcp connection and transforms it into a readable
    byte channel. It doesn't read []byte since it doesn't know what
    delimiters you want to use. If you want to consume the byte channel as a
    series of lines try "Readlines" if you have another delimiter ('\0' or
    similar) try ReadDelims.

func TCPWriter(con *net.TCPConn, errors chan<- error) (send chan<- []byte)
    A TCPWriter takes a tcp connection and transforms it into a writable
    []byte channel. You can use this to build more "goish" tcp servers.

func Writer(writer io.WriteCloser, errors chan<- error) chan<- []byte

Tim Henderson
Hacker / Software Engineering and Data Mining Researcher from CWRU. Now at Google. keybase.io/tadh
Tim Henderson
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