A simple project for demonstrating Temporal with the Go SDK

Temporal Go Project Template

This is a simple project for demonstrating Temporal with the Go SDK.

The full 20 minute guide is here: https://docs.temporal.io/docs/go/run-your-first-app-tutorial

Basic instructions

Step 0: Temporal Server

Make sure Temporal Server is running first:

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/docker-compose.git
cd  docker-compose
docker-compose up

Leave it running. You can see Temporal Web at localhost:8088. There should be no workflows visible in the dashboard right now.

Step 1: Clone this repo

In another terminal instance, clone this repo and run this application.

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/money-transfer-project-template-go
cd money-transfer-project-template-go

Step 2: Run the Workflow

go run start/main.go

Observe that Temporal Web reflects the workflow, but it is still in "Running" status. This is because there is no Workflow or Activity Worker yet listening to the TRANSFER_MONEY_TASK_QUEUE task queue to process this work.

Step 3: Run the Worker

In YET ANOTHER terminal instance, run the worker. Notice that this worker hosts both Workflow and Activity functions.

go run worker/main.go

Now you can see the workflow run to completion. You can also see the worker polling for workflows and activities in the task queue at http://localhost:8088/namespaces/default/task-queues/TRANSFER_MONEY_TASK_QUEUE.

CleanShot 2021-07-20 at 17 48 45@2x

What Next?

You can run the Workflow code a few more times with go run start/main.go to understand how it interacts with the Worker and Temporal Server.

Please read the tutorial for more details.

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