Simple and fast template engine for Go


Simple and fast template engine for Go.

Fasttemplate performs only a single task - it substitutes template placeholders with user-defined values. At high speed :)

Take a look at quicktemplate if you need fast yet powerful html template engine.

Please note that fasttemplate doesn't do any escaping on template values unlike html/template do. So values must be properly escaped before passing them to fasttemplate.

Fasttemplate is faster than text/template, strings.Replace, strings.Replacer and fmt.Fprintf on placeholders' substitution.

Below are benchmark results comparing fasttemplate performance to text/template, strings.Replace, strings.Replacer and fmt.Fprintf:

$ go test -bench=. -benchmem
BenchmarkFmtFprintf-4                   	 2000000	       790 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkStringsReplace-4               	  500000	      3474 ns/op	    2112 B/op	      14 allocs/op
BenchmarkStringsReplacer-4              	  500000	      2657 ns/op	    2256 B/op	      23 allocs/op
BenchmarkTextTemplate-4                 	  500000	      3333 ns/op	     336 B/op	      19 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastTemplateExecuteFunc-4      	 5000000	       349 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastTemplateExecute-4          	 3000000	       383 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastTemplateExecuteFuncString-4	 3000000	       549 ns/op	     144 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastTemplateExecuteString-4    	 3000000	       572 ns/op	     144 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastTemplateExecuteTagFunc-4   	 2000000	       743 ns/op	     144 B/op	       3 allocs/op


See .


	template := "http://{{host}}/?q={{query}}&foo={{bar}}{{bar}}"
	t := fasttemplate.New(template, "{{", "}}")
	s := t.ExecuteString(map[string]interface{}{
		"host":  "",
		"query": url.QueryEscape("hello=world"),
		"bar":   "foobar",
	fmt.Printf("%s", s)

	// Output:

Advanced usage

	template := "Hello, [user]! You won [prize]!!! [foobar]"
	t, err := fasttemplate.NewTemplate(template, "[", "]")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("unexpected error when parsing template: %s", err)
	s := t.ExecuteFuncString(func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) {
		switch tag {
		case "user":
			return w.Write([]byte("John"))
		case "prize":
			return w.Write([]byte("$100500"))
			return w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[unknown tag %q]", tag)))
	fmt.Printf("%s", s)

	// Output:
	// Hello, John! You won $100500!!! [unknown tag "foobar"]
Aliaksandr Valialkin
Working on @VictoriaMetrics
Aliaksandr Valialkin
  • remove vendor directory

    remove vendor directory

    • built on #14
    • modules supersede vendor directories: see wiki
      • this is not required, but does clean-up the repo, thus it is a separate pr
      • may be better to wait till 1.13 drops and the default is to ignore vendor
  • Fails on GAE because of

    Fails on GAE because of "unsafe" import

    fasttemplate is used by echo, a web framework, for its logger. I currently use echo on Google App Engine, and it throws the following error :

    2017/01/16 16:08:42 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: parser: bad import "unsafe" in from GOPATH

    As far as I understand, fasttemplate now relies heavily on unsafe for performance optimizations. How could we workaround this so that fasttemplate and echo stay compatible with GAE ?

  • ExecFuncStringWithErr will not panick when f call returns error

    ExecFuncStringWithErr will not panick when f call returns error

    ExecFuncString will panic if f call returns an error. But panic isn't a good choice, why not just return that error to user? To avoid unexpected panic, user must recover before calling ExecFuncString, this is a hidden requirement to call ExecFuncString.

    For the sake of not breaking the compatibility, I added two new method called ExecFuncStringWithErr, which will not panic when f get an error, just returns an empty string and that error directly

  • strings.Replacer drop in replacement

    strings.Replacer drop in replacement

    Hey @valyala! Thanks for the great lib! We have a lot of code, for url macros substitutioning with strings.Replacer. When we realised, that it was using too much memory, we chose your lib to optimize the performance.

    But the main problem is that we are using different replacers not once on a single template string, but many times. Example

    a := "{a}{b}"
    r := strings.Replace(a, "{a}", "1") // r == 1{b}
    ...(other part of code)...
    r = strings.Replace(r, "{b}", "2") // r == 12

    with replacers all is fine, but your engine skips the unknown values by default.

    a := "{a}{b}"
    r := fasttemplate.ExecuteString(a, "{", "}", map[string]intreface{}{"a": "1"}) // r == 1
    ...(other part of code)...
    r = fasttemplate.ExecuteString(r, "{", "}", map[string]intreface{}{"b": "2"}) // r == 1

    We made a wrapper for your lib, that fixes that. It actually just changes a little the stdTagFunc.

    What do you think of making this the default behaviour to make the engine more compatible with strings.Replacer? PR will be made on having your approve

  • Fix possible memory confusion in unsafe slice cast

    Fix possible memory confusion in unsafe slice cast

    I found an incorrect cast from string to []byte in unsafe.go. The problem is that when reflect.SliceHeader is created as a composite literal (instead of deriving it from an actual slice by cast), then the Go garbage collector will not treat its Data field as a reference. If the GC runs just between creating the SliceHeader and casting it into the final, real []byte slice, then the underlying data might have been collected already, effectively making the returned []byte slice a dangling pointer.

    This has a low probability to occur, but projects that import this library might still use it in a code path that gets executed a lot, thus increasing the probability to happen. Depending on the memory layout at the time of the GC run, this could potentially create an information leak vulnerability.

    This PR changes the function to create the reflect.SliceHeader from an actual slice by first instantiating the return value.

  • add mod file

    add mod file

    • go modules will be enabled in 1.13
    • go mod tidy was also run to include required dependencies
    • after merge it would be nice if you would tag this repo: e.g. v1.0.0
      • this will allow consumers something more consistent and readable than v0.0.0-20170224212429-dcecefd839c4
  • Question: why a pool for each template?

    Question: why a pool for each template?

    Why do you use a worker pool for bytes.Buffers that are template-specific (vs. a global pool)? Is it for getting similar sized buffers each time, or is there another reason?

  • Nested object in map[string]interface{}.

    Nested object in map[string]interface{}.

    Is it possible to match a nested map object's key? For example I having a variable shown below:

    input := map[string]interface{}{
      "user": map[string]interface{}{
    	  "name": "James",
    	  "age":  "20",

    Example template

    "Hi, my name is {{}}, I'm {{user.age}} years old."

    How do I get the {{}} as the tags for template when calling ExecuteStringStd() ? I tried with {{}} but it doesn't work.

  • make ExecuteStringStd to be compatible to strings.Replacer on nested tags

    make ExecuteStringStd to be compatible to strings.Replacer on nested tags

    Hi @valyala! In #23 we added ExecuteStringStd which works as a drop-in replacement to strings.Replacer. It worked great, but we found a missmatch on nested start/end tags. Here is an example:


    After replacing id with strings.Replacer:


    After replacing id with fasttemplate.ExecuteStringStd:


    The reason is because fasttemplate takes the first start tag it finds, but strings.Replacer takes the closest to the end tag. So i made a PR to change the logic only in the ExecuteStringStd and other *Std funcs to make them compatible with strings.Replacer.

    Please review when you have the time

  • Support escaping startTags (and endTags) in the template

    Support escaping startTags (and endTags) in the template

    Hey, thanks for this awesome library!

    At present, there is no way to include a startTag in the template string without the engine picking up on it as a tag:

    I'd like to use this with some user defined templates, where there might well be a use case for them having whatever character I choose for the startTag in their template string proper. Using backslashes to escape would be the obvious option, but there's currently no functionality for anything of this sort in the library as far as I can see - so consider this a feature request :)


  • Throwing error rather than panic in ExecuteFuncString

    Throwing error rather than panic in ExecuteFuncString

    I found that if ExecuteFunc returns an error, ExecuteFuncString will use panic. I think returning an error is more reasonable. See

  • Add GetTags function.

    Add GetTags function.

    I'm storing templates in a database. When users of the admin UI go to create/update a template, I want to validate that it uses only fields that my code can actually provide. This PR adds a method for getting the names of all the tags used in a template, so I can do that validation.

  • global lock contention when the generated Template object not reused by user

    global lock contention when the generated Template object not reused by user

    We are using this lib in our online system, and in a load test, we found that if the Template generated is not reused( sync.Map), there will be strong contention when the load is high:

    goroutine profile: total 18910
    18903 @ 0x102f20b 0x102f2b3 0x103fa4c 0x103f77d 0x10714df 0x1071d8f 0x1071d26 0x1071a5f 0x12feeb8 0x13005f0 0x13007c3 0x130107b 0x105c931
    #	0x103f77c	sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex+0x3c								/usr/local/go/src/runtime/sema.go:71
    #	0x10714de	sync.(*Mutex).Lock+0xfe										/usr/local/go/src/sync/mutex.go:134
    #	0x1071d8e	sync.(*Pool).pinSlow+0x3e									/usr/local/go/src/sync/pool.go:198
    #	0x1071d25	sync.(*Pool).pin+0x55										/usr/local/go/src/sync/pool.go:191
    #	0x1071a5e	sync.(*Pool).Get+0x2e										/usr/local/go/src/sync/pool.go:128
    #	0x12feeb7*Pool).Get+0x37	/Users/xargin/go/src/
    #	0x13005ef*Template).ExecuteFuncString+0x3f				/Users/xargin/go/src/
    #	0x13007c2*Template).ExecuteString+0x52					/Users/xargin/go/src/
    #	0x130107a	main.loop.func1+0x3a										/Users/xargin/test/go/http/httptest.go:22

    and after we use sync.Map to store the generated template objects, the piled goroutines disappear.

    Maybe you need to warn users about this?

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