ACN - Agent Communication Network

The libp2p_node is an integral part of the ACN.

ACN - Agent Communication Network

The agent communication network (ACN) provides a system for agents to find each other and communicate, solely based on their wallet addresses. It addresses the message delivery problem.

For more details check out the docs.


To run all tests run:

go test -p 1 -timeout 0 -count 1 -v ./...

To lint:

golines . -w
golangci-lint run
staticcheck ./...

For mocks generation: check

Messaging patterns

Interaction protocol



Messaging patterns inwards ACN:

Connection (p2p_libp2p_client) > Delegate Client > Relay Peer > Peer (Discouraged!)

Connection (p2p_libp2p_client) > Delegate Client > Peer

Connection (p2p_libp2p) > Relay Peer > Peer

Connection (p2p_libp2p) > Peer

Messaging patterns outwards ACN

Peer > Relay Peer > Delegate Client > Connection (p2p_libp2p_client) (Discouraged!)

Peer > Relay Peer > Connection (p2p_libp2p)

Peer > Delegate Client > Connection (p2p_libp2p_client)

Peer > Connection (p2p_libp2p)

In total 44 = 16 patterns (practically: 33 = 9 patterns)


ACN should guarantee total ordering of messages for all agent pairs, independent of the type of connection and ACN messaging pattern used.

Advanced feature (post v1):

Furthermore, there is the agent mobility. An agent can move between entry-points (Relay Peer/Peer/Delegate Client). The ACN must ensure that all messaging patterns maintain total ordering of messages for agent pairs during the move.

ACN protocols

The ACN has the following protocols:

  • register
  • lookup
  • unregister (dealt with by DHT defaults)
  • DHT default protocols in libp2p
  • message delivery protocol
Building crypto's open and autonomous service layer
  • docs/update


    updating README:

    • remove referencing usage of open-aea to generate the keys and peer id. This section / version will be ported to open-aea repo.
    • passing necessary configuration via environmental variables instead of copying key file and passing the configuration via CLI arguments
    • example showcasing starting an entry node connecting to the bootstrap node.
  • feat: ACN image

    feat: ACN image


    This introduces the run_acn_node_standalone script and Dockerfile previously developed by 8ball030. The Dockerfile has been modified:

    • to target this repository
    • to use git instead of subversion
    • updated golang to 1.17.7
  • PR template

    PR template

    code was not matching open-aea. Decided to make this explicit in a PR template as it will break tests on open-aea main branch which should not occur

    added a ticket to trello to turn open-acn into a submodule of open-aea to prevent such occurrence in the future

  • Feat/update protobuf

    Feat/update protobuf

    updated protobuf module because the one we were using was deprecated

    go: module is deprecated: Use the "" module instead.

  • libp2p extra logging on internode communication #2699

    libp2p extra logging on internode communication #2699

    Additional logging ported from

    Should not be merged before open-aea is updated, because tests that checks for code similarity will otherwise fail

  • stacktrace and imports

    stacktrace and imports

    goal: matching open-aea implementation


    • clean up import statements, make crypto imports more explicit
    • add traceback


    • verified make test passes locally
    • verified the code matches the code on the open-aea repo locally
    • verified the open-aea code passes all test_p2p_libp2p tests locally
  • test:workflow


    I minimized the workflow.yml and added some protolint related things to the makefile. It uses go, not sure if it should be here though, but that holds for more. The first commit is simply adding the workflow.yml, the second contains the alterations I made

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