Library to watch and follow kubernetes resources in CI/CD deploy pipelines


Kubedog is a library to watch and follow Kubernetes resources in CI/CD deploy pipelines.

This library is used in the werf CI/CD tool to track resources during deploy process.

NOTE: Kubedog also includes a CLI, however it provides a minimal interface to access library functions. CLI was created to check library features and for debug purposes. Currently, we have no plans on further improvement of CLI.

Table of Contents

Install kubedog CLI

With trdl (recommended)

Linux (Bash)

Setup trdl, which will install and update kubedog:

# Add ~/bin to the PATH.
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

# Install trdl.
curl -L "$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/')/bin/trdl" -o /tmp/trdl
mkdir -p ~/bin
install /tmp/trdl ~/bin/trdl

Add kubedog repo to trdl:

trdl add kubedog 1 2cc56abdc649a9699074097ba60206f1299e43b320d6170c40eab552dcb940d9e813a8abf5893ff391d71f0a84b39111ffa6403a3e038b81634a40d29674a531

Install and activate kubedog:

# Activate kubedog binary in the current shell.
source $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)

# Check whether kubedog is available now.
kubedog version

# Activate kubedog binary automatically during shell initializations.
echo 'source $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)' >> ~/.bashrc

macOS (Zsh)

Setup trdl, which will install and update kubedog:

# Add ~/bin to the PATH.
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zprofile
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

# Install trdl.
curl -L "$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/')/bin/trdl" -o /tmp/trdl
mkdir -p ~/bin
install /tmp/trdl ~/bin/trdl

Add kubedog repo to trdl:

trdl add kubedog 1 2cc56abdc649a9699074097ba60206f1299e43b320d6170c40eab552dcb940d9e813a8abf5893ff391d71f0a84b39111ffa6403a3e038b81634a40d29674a531

Install and activate kubedog:

# Activate kubedog binary in the current shell.
source $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)

# Check whether kubedog is available now.
kubedog version

# Activate kubedog binary automatically during shell initializations.
echo 'source $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)' >> ~/.zshrc

Windows (PowerShell)

Setup trdl, which will install and update kubedog:

# Add %USERPROFILE%\bin to the PATH.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:USERPROFILE\bin" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User"), "User")
$env:Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\bin;$env:Path"

# Install trdl.
mkdir -Force "$env:USERPROFILE\bin"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$env:USERPROFILE\bin\trdl.exe"

Add kubedog repo to trdl:

trdl add kubedog 1 2cc56abdc649a9699074097ba60206f1299e43b320d6170c40eab552dcb940d9e813a8abf5893ff391d71f0a84b39111ffa6403a3e038b81634a40d29674a531

Install and activate kubedog:

# Activate kubedog binary in the current shell.
. $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)

# Check whether kubedog is available now.
kubedog version

To allow automatic activation of kubedog binary for new PowerShell instances you'll need to allow execution of scripts created locally. Run in the PowerShell under Administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

# Activate kubedog binary automatically during PowerShell initializations.
if (!(Test-Path "$profile")) {
  New-Item -Path "$profile" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$profile" -Value '. $(trdl use kubedog 0 stable)'

Alternative binary installation


Execute in shell:

curl -L "$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/')/bin/kubedog" -o /tmp/kubedog
sudo install /tmp/kubedog /usr/local/bin/kubedog


Execute in shell:

curl -L "$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/')/bin/kubedog" -o /tmp/kubedog
sudo install /tmp/kubedog /usr/local/bin/kubedog


Execute in PowerShell:

# Add %USERPROFILE%\bin to the PATH.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:USERPROFILE\bin" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User"), "User")
$env:Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\bin;$env:Path"

# Install kubedog.
mkdir -Force "$env:USERPROFILE\bin"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$env:USERPROFILE\bin\kubedog.exe"



Please feel free to reach us via project's Discussions and werf's Telegram group (there's another one in Russian as well).

You're also welcome to follow @werf_io to stay informed about all important news, articles, etc.


Kubedog is an Open Source project licensed under the Apache License.

werf CI/CD tool and related projects
  • Move Binaries off of Bintray

    Move Binaries off of Bintray


    We noticed today that the bintray link for downloading KubeDog (and bintray as a whole) is going away on May 1st, is there plan to migrate the KubeDog binaries off of bintray to a different platform?

    In the mean time can install the CLI from source, however the curl from bintray was convenient.

    More info on Bintray sunsetting:

  • Fail fast when resource readiness probe failed

    Fail fast when resource readiness probe failed

    Kubedog should handle fails of readiness-probes as errors and fail tracking. For now these fails only printed to log.

    There should be statuses of child pods in the status-reports of non-ready controllers.

    There is info about readiness-probes failures in the pod's status in conditions fields.

  • Option to change the display prefix

    Option to change the display prefix

    Rather than have the output be prefixed with #, I would like to indent the output by some arbitrary number of characters. This would make the output look much better when used as a step within a build pipeline in my case.

    Would you take a PR to modify the display prefix when tracking rollouts?

  • feat: add flagger canary support

    feat: add flagger canary support


    We are using Kubedog in our pipeline to watch rollouts and now we are moving to Flagger to have Canary Deployment but Kubedog doesn't support it.


    Since Flagger is a popular operator for Kubernetes, we would like to add support to Flagger Canary. The changes are isolated: we have created a new tracker specific for Canary so it won't impact in other resources.

    My only concern is just about a custom specific configuration for Canary:

    func setDefaultCanarySpecValues(spec *MultitrackSpec) {
    	*spec.AllowFailuresCount = 0

    In a Canary deployment, we don't want to "keep trying" a rollout: if it fails, it must stop. Also I don't think it's a good idea to let people pass AllowFailuresCount because could lead a mistakes like eternal loopings.

  • Error is when following by pod

    Error is when following by pod

    ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1225 16:03:56.419831 28319 reflector.go:270] watch of *v1.Event ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old. ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1225 16:12:36.563961 28319 reflector.go:270] watch of *v1.Event ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old. ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1225 16:31:59.683147 28319 reflector.go:270] watch of *v1.Event ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old. ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1225 16:39:27.725860 28319 reflector.go:270] watch of *v1.Event ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old.

    ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1225 16:54:45.818893 28319 reflector.go:270] watch of *v1.Event ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old.

  • Github releases not available since v8.0.0, nor v0.9.0

    Github releases not available since v8.0.0, nor v0.9.0

    Github releases not available since v8.0.0, nor v0.9.0. For example, trying to download the following:

    v0.8.0: macOS arm64

    ... It returns:

    <Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
    <Details>No such object: kubedog-tuf/targets/releases/0.8.0/darwin-arm64/bin/kubedog</Details>
  • Fix Job tracker hangs sometimes

    Fix Job tracker hangs sometimes

    The issue occured when deleting a Pod of the Job. Then Job tracker starts tracking newly created Pod, but a tracker for old Pod has not been stopped properly in some condition.

    Added Deleted channel to the Pod tracker, added handling of Pod deletion to Job, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and Deployment trackers.


  • Kubernetes 1.16 support

    Kubernetes 1.16 support

    Hello, guys!

    Love your product.

    It looks like kubedog 0.3.3 doesn't support the latest version of Kubernetes 1.16.0, which was released 2 days ago.

    I'm getting this error:


    kubedog rollout track deployment nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress-nginx


    E0921 00:01:45.823083   18836 reflector.go:131] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:99: Failed to list *v1beta1.Deployment: the server could not find the requested resource
  • chore: release 0.9.6

    chore: release 0.9.6

    :robot: I have created a release *beep* *boop*

    0.9.6 (2022-07-29)

    Bug Fixes

    • generic: ignore jsonpath errs on Condition search (8d88c65)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

  • chore: release 0.9.5

    chore: release 0.9.5

    :robot: I have created a release *beep* *boop*

    0.9.5 (2022-07-26)

    Bug Fixes

    • generic: add logging and don't retry fatal errors on List/Watch (246d454)
    • generic: Condition output was malformed (8c05e40)
    • hide Header if no resources of such type being tracked (232c4ed)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

  • chore: release 0.9.4

    chore: release 0.9.4

    :robot: I have created a release *beep* *boop*

    0.9.4 (2022-07-21)

    Bug Fixes

    • generic-tracker: improve logging + few possible fixes (3524520)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

  • Research & implement new architecture for Deployment tracker

    Research & implement new architecture for Deployment tracker

    Problems with current impl:

    • unreliable detection of dependent resources (for example ReplicaSet for Deployment);
    • hard to maintain current codebase of trackers because of a lot of duplication and boilerplate code, which could be generalized;
    • hard to create new resources trackers also because of a lot of duplication and boilerplate code.

    Following problems cannot be resolved without such rework:

  • Pod tracker hangs when there are problems with pod scheduling

    Pod tracker hangs when there are problems with pod scheduling

    0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.

    Event describes the error with the pod and pod tracker does not handle this event.

    Kubedog should somehow react on such events.

  • Print container logs in the final error report

    Print container logs in the final error report

    The problem:

    • container exits with non-zero error code, because there is some error in the application;
    • user sees some "container has been exited with non-zero code" in the end of multitracker log;
    • user needs to see application logs to fix the problem;
    • application logs has been printed somewhere in the middle of multitracker logs, so user need to search these logs to fix application problems.

    Solution: multitracker should print failed application logs, events and other information in the end of tracking log giving user all needed information immediately.

  • Rework multitracker

    Rework multitracker

    Multitracker should be renamed to something like LoggerMultitracker. Also implement common part of multitracker so that logger/printing logic reside on top of some base multitracker. Use only new reworked lowlevel resources trackers in this new multitracker (see

  • Rework internal resource trackers

    Rework internal resource trackers

    The problem: there is a lot of repeated code in each tracker in pkg/tracker, it is:

    1. hard to maintain this code and fix bugs;
    2. hard to add new trackers for custom resources, because a lot of code need to be copied.

    Solution: rework pkg/tracker, so that:

    • it uses dynamic kubernetes client;
    • it implements some common base resource with typical operations needed to implement any concrete resource tracker;
    • it does not mix representational logic with status reporting mechanics (status-indicators in the current implementation should not be implemented in the resource trackers, but instead should be implemented at the multitracker level).

    1st step includes:

    • implementing new framework to build resource trackers;
    • implementing Deployment tracker on top of such framework;
    • implementing compatibility adapter for Deployment so that new tracker can be used in the current version of multitracker.
  • False positive pod error when crashloopbackoff have occured

    False positive pod error when crashloopbackoff have occured

    1. Successfully deploy initial version.
    2. Change app so that application pods are crashing.
    3. Leave app so that application pods states change to deep crashloopbackoff.
    4. Fix deploy limits and try to redeploy — first converge will crash.

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