A lightweight transactional message bus on top of RabbitMQ

CircleCI Go Report Card Coverage Status GitHub release


A lightweight transactional message bus on top of RabbitMQ supporting:

  1. Supported Messaging Styles
    • One Way (Fire and forget)
    • Publish/Subscribe
    • Aync Command/Reply
    • Blocking Command/Reply (RPC)
  2. Transactional message processing
  3. Message Orchestration via the Saga pattern
  4. At least once reliable messaging via Transaction Outbox and Publisher Confirms
  5. Retry and backoffs
  6. Structured logging
  7. Reporting Metrics via Prometheus
  8. Distributed Tracing via OpenTracing
  9. Extensible serialization with default support for gob, protobuf and avro

Stable release

the v1.x branch contains the latest stable releases of grabbit and one should track that branch to get point and minor release updates.

Supported transactional resources

  1. MySql > 8.0 (InnoDB)

Basic Usage

  • For a complete sample application see the vacation booking sample app in the examples directory

The following outlines the basic usage of grabbit. For a complete view of how you would use grabbit including how to write saga's and handle deadlettering refer to grabbit/tests package

import (

Define a message

type SomeMessage struct {}

func(SomeMessage) SchemaName() string{
   return "some.unique.namespace.somemessage"

Creating a transactional GBus instance

gb := builder.
    Bus("connection string to RabbitMQ").
    Txnl("mysql", "connection string to mysql").
    Build("name of your service")

Register a command handler

handler := func(invocation gbus.Invocation, message *gbus.BusMessage) error{
    cmd, ok := message.Payload.(*SomeCommand)
    if ok {
      fmt.Printf("handler invoked with  message %v", cmd)
            return nil

        return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle message")

gb.HandleMessage(SomeCommand{}, handler)

Register an event handler

eventHandler := func(invocation gbus.Invocation, message *gbus.BusMessage) {
    evt, ok := message.Payload.(*SomeEvent)
    if ok {
      fmt.Printf("handler invoked with event %v", evt)
            return nil

        return fmt.Errorf("failed to handle event")

gb.HandleEvent("name of exchange", "name of topic", SomeEvent{}, eventHandler)

Start the bus

defer gb.Shutdown()

Send a command

gb.Send(context.Background(), "name of service you are sending the command to", gbus.NewBusMessage(SomeCommand{}))

Publish an event

gb.Publish(context.Background(), "name of exchange", "name of topic", gbus.NewBusMessage(SomeEvent{}))

RPC style call

request := gbus.NewBusMessage(SomeRPCRequest{})
reply := gbus.NewBusMessage(SomeRPCReply{})
timeOut := 2 * time.Second

reply, e := gb.RPC(context.Background(), "name of service you are sending the request to", request, reply, timeOut)

if e != nil{
  fmt.Printf("rpc call failed with error %v", e)
} else{
  fmt.Printf("rpc call returned with reply %v", reply)


  1. ensure that you have the dependencies installed: go get -v -t -d ./...
  2. make sure to first: docker-compose up -V -d
  3. then to run the tests: go test ./...
Working with and contributing to the open source community
  • Optimistic locking violation when saving saga instances should retry handler until success

    Optimistic locking violation when saving saga instances should retry handler until success

    When a saga instance gets invoked and persisted to the saga store an optimistic locking error may occur due to concurrent invocations. Currently when this happens the general retry strategy retries the message until success or until the set max retry count is exceeded and the message gets rejected.

    In highly concurrent saga's this may cause unneeded operational efforts due to failed messages. In case of concurrency violations we should retry the message until success.

  • first commit towards supporting persistent timeouts

    first commit towards supporting persistent timeouts

    Timeouts now are not passed as bus messages to avoid the need to deal with serialization. Timeout interface changed so that handling a timeout now accepts a transaction and a bus instance instead of an invocation and a bus message #32

  • added metrics for transactional outbox

    added metrics for transactional outbox

    The following metrics were added outbox_total_records: reports the total amount of records currently in the outbox outbox_pending_delivery: reports the total amount of records pending delivery currently in the outbox outbox_pending_removal: reports the total amount of records that were sent and pending removal currently in the outbox


  • Add generic handler metrics with the message type as a label

    Add generic handler metrics with the message type as a label

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The handler metrics that grabbit exposes are per handler which makes creating generic dashboards difficult.

    Describe the solution you'd like I'd like generic metrics with the message type as a label, for the result counters the result would be a label as well

  • Allow configuring max retries

    Allow configuring max retries


    Provide a way to externally configure the maximum amount of retries handlers get executed before declaring the message as poison and rejecting it

    Closes #35

  • migrations fail when building a Bus for test db

    migrations fail when building a Bus for test db

    Describe the bug Getting an error when building a Bus - in the migrations part, test db ONLY: migrator: error while running migrations: error executing golang migration: Error 1060: Duplicate column name 'started_by_request_of_svc'. This error happens in sagaStoreAddSagaCreatorDetails, and causes the test to run forever (doesn't even panic). Note: when building a bus for the app itself - no error there. The errors occur in circleCI too. Table when running test: grabbit_testinvoicematching_sagas. Table when running app: grabbit_invoicematchingweb_sagas.

    If I delete the test DB entirely between tests - the migration works for the first time we build the bus. If I don't delete the test db between tests - I get that error in the second test onwards...

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Build a test db twice...
    2. Or: simply run 2 tests that use the bus builder in IM.
  • 👌 feat(message:deduplication) implementing the feature #33

    👌 feat(message:deduplication) implementing the feature #33

    A way to manage message de-duplication in grabbit.

    Implementation details:

    • Each instance would set its own policy, it can be the default - None, reject duplicates - Reject and ack duplicates - Ack
    • Each service can set a duration to store each message in the duplicates table
    • Once a message is received from grabbit we check if the message-id is in our table
    • If it's in the table we invoke the policy
    • If it's not in the table we add the message, using our internal transaction, to be stored in the db
    • Once the processing is complete we and the internal tx is committed the message-id is also committed into the DB.
    • In the background we have an additional scheduler running which deletes messages that are older then what is set in the policy (currently hardcoded every minute to reduce the number of messages deleted in iteration to a minute)

    This PR closes issue #33

  • Allow saga's to override correlation logic.

    Allow saga's to override correlation logic.

    By default, grabbit correlates a message to the correct saga instance when a handler replies to an incoming message. There are many cases in which you would like to interact with a saga instance and send it messages not in the context of replying to a specific message originating from the saga.

    This is an improvement and should provide a better API than the one developed for #172

  • Fetching saga instances from the saga store should be optimized

    Fetching saga instances from the saga store should be optimized

    The current implementation of the mysql saga store, when fetching saga instances by sage type, fetches all saved instances in one round trip which may cause a performance issue when there are large amounts of saga instances that need to be fetched.

    In order to prevent a potential performance hit the fetching logic should be optimized to include paging and potentially parallel the fetching using a set of goroutines

  • Invoking the RPC interface from a handler fails

    Invoking the RPC interface from a handler fails

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