WIP - Pin - local pipeline project with Docker Golang API.

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WIP - Local pipeline project with Docker Golang API.


🌐 Installation

Download latest release

You can download latest release from here

Install with cloning

Clone the pin

git clone https://github.com/muhammedikinci/pin

Download packages

go mod download

Build executable

go build -o pin ./cmd/cli/.

Or you can run directly

go run ./cmd/cli/. apply -n "test" -f ./testdata/test.yaml

⚙️ Configuration

Sample yaml file

  - run

logsWithTime: true

  image: golang:alpine3.15
  copyFiles: true
  soloExecution: true
    - go mod download
    - go run .
    - ls
    - 8082:8080

You can create separate jobs like the run stage and if you want to run these jobs in the pipeline you must add its name to workflow.


default: false

If you want to copy all projects filed to the docker container, you must set this configuration to true


default: false

When you add multiple commands to the script field, commands are running in the container as a shell script. If soloExecution is set to true each command works in a different shell script.

soloExecution => false

# shell#1
cd cmd

soloExecution => true

# shell#1
cd cmd
# shell#2

If you want to see all files in the cmd folder you must set soloExecution to false or you can use this:

# shell#1
cd cmd && ls


default: false

logsWithTime => true

⚉ 2022/05/08 11:36:30 Image is available
⚉ 2022/05/08 11:36:30 Start creating container
⚉ 2022/05/08 11:36:33 Starting the container
⚉ 2022/05/08 11:36:35 Execute command: ls -a

logsWithTime => false

⚉ Image is available
⚉ Start creating container
⚉ Starting the container
⚉ Execute command: ls -a


default: empty mapping

You can use this feature for port forwarding from container to your machine with multiple mapping

    - 8082:8080
    - 8083:8080


default: empty mapping

You can use this feature to ignore copying the specific files in your project to the container.

Sample configuration yaml

  image: node:current-alpine3.15
  copyFiles: true
  soloExecution: true
    - 8080:8080
    - server.js
    - props
    - README.md
    - helper/.*/.py

Actual folder structure in project

    - test.py
    - mock
    - api:
    - props:

Folder structure in container

    - mock (empty)
    - api:


default: false

If you want to run parallel job, you must add parallel field and the stage must be in workflow(position doesn't matter)

  - testStage
  - parallelJob
  - run


  image: node:current-alpine3.15
  copyFiles: true
  soloExecution: true
  parallel: true
    - ls -a


go test ./...


  • Implement web interface
  • Support concurrent jobs Issue#9
  • Add working with remote docker deamon support
  • Change image pulling logs (get only status logs)Issue#1
  • Add custom ignore configuration to copyFiles for project files (like gitignore) Issue#7
  • Add shared artifacts support between different jobs
  • Add timestamp to container names Issue#2
  • Create small pieces with extracting codes from runner struct and write unit test:
  • Add port expose support Issue#6
  • Support long living containers
  • Add concurrency between jobs and graceful shutdown with global context Issue#8


Muhammed İkinci - [email protected]

Muhammed İKİNCİ
Software Developer
Muhammed İKİNCİ
  • Support concurrent jobs

    Support concurrent jobs

    I will add the parallel field to the stage for concurrent support.

      image: node:current-alpine3.15
      copyFiles: true
      soloExecution: true
      parallel: true
        - ls -a
  • Add custom ignore configuration to copyFiles for project files (like gitignore)

    Add custom ignore configuration to copyFiles for project files (like gitignore)

    I want to add file and folder ignore support with Golang regexp like the below example;

    sample configuration yaml

      image: node:current-alpine3.15
      copyFiles: true
      soloExecution: true
        - 8080:8080
        - server.js
        - props
        - README.md
        - helper/.*/.py

    actual folder structure in project

        - test.py
        - mock
        - api:
        - props:

    expected folder structure in container

        - mock (empty)
        - api:
  • Add port expose support

    Add port expose support

    I want to add port expose support like below;

      - run
      image: node:current-alpine3.15
      copyFiles: true
      soloExecution: true
        - 8082:8080
        - 8083:8080
  • Create image_manager, interfaces package. Write unit tests for image_manager with mockgen

    Create image_manager, interfaces package. Write unit tests for image_manager with mockgen

    I want to make codes loosely coupled and creation by micro pieces. Therefore, I will create interfaces and add some unit tests with mockgen. In this issue, I am starting with image_manager.

  • Add timestamp to container names

    Add timestamp to container names

    In pin, container names are created from stage names. This can block the creation new container while docker has another container with the same name as the stage.

    Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/run" is already in use by container "{container_id}". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
  • Change image pulling logs (get only status logs)

    Change image pulling logs (get only status logs)

    If the image that you used in a job doesn't exist in your system, the pin will pull the image and print the result like below. Print is not good at all. I will change the log to just getting the status field in the JSON.

    {"status":"Pulling from library/node","id":"current-alpine3.15"}
    {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"df9b9388f04a"}
    {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"75d830d4694c"}
    {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"8f5e371a64cc"}
    {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"0c741fedcc2f"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":450,"total":450},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e]     450B/450B","id":"0c741fedcc2f"}
    {"status":"Verifying Checksum","progressDetail":{},"id":"0c741fedcc2f"}
    {"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"0c741fedcc2f"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":23928,"total":2345696},"progress":"[\u003e                                                  ]  23.93kB/2.346MB","id":"8f5e371a64cc"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":474350,"total":46627276},"progress":"[\u003e                                                  ]  474.4kB/46.63MB","id":"75d830d4694c"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":261361,"total":2345696},"progress":"[=====\u003e                                             ]  261.4kB/2.346MB","id":"8f5e371a64cc"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":818417,"total":2345696},"progress":"[=================\u003e                                 ]  818.4kB/2.346MB","id":"8f5e371a64cc"}
    {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":952702,"total":46627276},"progress":"[=\u003e                                                 ]  952.7kB/46.63MB","id":"75d830d4694c"}
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