🤖 Telegram Bot API on Go


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Telegram Bot API on Go. API v4.4 (29 July 2019) is supported. All methods and types represent their alter ego from Telegram Bot API so you would expect what you see in the official documentation. And you don't need to study the new API to use this library.



go get -u github.com/xamut/telegraphist


package main

import (

	Telegraphist "github.com/xamut/telegraphist"
	Telegram "github.com/xamut/telegraphist/telegram"

func printResp(resp interface{}, err error) {
	if err != nil {
	respAsJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resp, "", "\t")

func main() {
	telegraphist, err := Telegraphist.NewClient(&Telegraphist.ClientConfig{
		BotToken: "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",

	if err != nil {

	printResp(telegraphist.GetMe()) // Simple method to obtain basic bot info
					// https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getme
					// Returns an User struct

	chatID := int64(<YOUR_CHAT_ID>)
	printResp(telegraphist.SendMessage(&Telegram.SendMessageParams{ // Send a text message to a chat
		ChatID: chatID,  				        // https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
		Text:   "Hello there!", 				// Returns a Message struct

	photo, _ := os.Open("<PATH_TO_PHOTO>")
	printResp(telegraphist.SendPhoto(&Telegram.SendPhotoParams{ // Send a photo to a chat
		ChatID:  chatID,              			    // https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto
		Photo:   photo,					    // Returns a Message struct
		Caption: "Just a nice photo",

Getting updates


  • Find your IP
curl ifconfig.co
  • Use nip.io to pretend you have a domain, for example, "app.X.X.X.X.nip.io"

  • Generate a certificate, replace X.X.X.X with your IP:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -new -nodes -x509 \
  -days 3650 \
  -out cert.pem \
  -keyout key.pem \
  -subj "/O=Organization/CN=app.X.X.X.X.nip.io"
  • Run server
package main

import (

	Telegraphist "github.com/xamut/telegraphist"
	Telegram "github.com/xamut/telegraphist/telegram"

func combineURL(host string, parts ...string) string {
	baseURL, err := url.Parse(host)
	if err != nil {
	parts = append([]string{baseURL.Path}, parts...)
	baseURL.Path = path.Join(parts...)

	return baseURL.String()

func main() {
	telegraphist, err := Telegraphist.NewClient(&Telegraphist.ClientConfig{
		BotToken: "<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>",

	if err != nil {

	host := "https://app.X.X.X.X.nip.io" // For example: "https://example.com"
	webhookPath := "<YOUR_WEBHOOK_PATH>" // For example: "/telegram_webhook"

	cert, _ := os.Open("./cert.pem")
	ok, err := telegraphist.SetWebhook(&Telegram.SetWebhookParams{
		URL:         combineURL(host, webhookPath),
		Certificate: cert,

	if err != nil {

	if !ok {
		log.Println("Something went wrong and the webhook wasn't set up")

	handlers := map[string]func(update Telegram.Update) error{
		// "message":              func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "edited_message":       func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "channel_post":         func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "edited_channel_post":  func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "inline_query":         func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "chosen_inline_result": func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "callback_query":       func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "shipping_query":       func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "pre_checkout_query":   func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		// "poll":                 func(update Telegram.Update) error {},
		"always": func(update Telegram.Update) error {
			js, _ := json.MarshalIndent(update, "", "\t")
			return nil

	err = Telegraphist.NewServer(&Telegraphist.ServerConfig{
		EnableHTTPS: true,
		Webhook:     webhookPath,
	}, &handlers)

	if err != nil {

NOTE: Use this example only for testing purposes, for production use something like nginx or traefik to serve HTTPS (and/or to (re)generate Let's Encrypt certificate).


Telegraphist is released under the MIT License.

Ilya Manin
Software Engineer
Ilya Manin
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  • " when using telegraphist.SendPhoto">

    "\\u003cb..." (unicode) instead of "<>" when using telegraphist.SendPhoto


    when I use this...

    			ChatID:    chatID,
    			Photo:     p,
    			ParseMode: "HTML",
    			Caption:   "<b>test</b>",

    ...I get this output:

    	"message_id": xxx,
    	"from": {
    		"id": xxx,
    		"is_bot": true,
    		"first_name": "xxxr",
    		"username": "xxx"
    	"date": xxx,
    	"chat": {
    		"id": xxx,
    		"type": "private",
    		"username": "xxx",
    		"first_name": "xxx"
    	"photo": [
    			"file_id": "xxx",
    			"width": 320,
    			"height": 320,
    			"file_size": 18490
    			"file_id": "xxx",
    			"width": 461,
    			"height": 461,
    			"file_size": 32722
    	**"caption": "\\u003cb\\u003etest\\u003c/b\\u003e"**
    reply sent

    Note the "caption": "\u003cb\u003etest\u003c/b\u003e"; "<" and ">" is somehow converted into unicode (while "äöü" are submitted correctly).

    This issue doesn't occur when using...

    			ChatID:    chatID,
    			ParseMode: "HTML",
    			Text:      "<b>test</b>",

    ...here the output is...

    	"message_id": xxx,
    	"from": {
    		"id": xxx,
    		"is_bot": true,
    		"first_name": "xxx",
    		"username": "xxx"
    	"date": xxx,
    	"chat": {
    		"id": xxx,
    		"type": "xxx",
    		"username": "xxx",
    		"first_name": "xxx"
    	**"text": "test",**
    	"entities": [
    			"type": "bold",
    			"offset": 0,
    			"length": 4

    ...it's perfectly fine and bold as it should be.

    I'd be very happy if you could help! Thank you.

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