Simple web content/proxy server that embodies enterprise zero trust security

pswa - Protected Static Web App


pswa is a simple web content/proxy server which is suitable for various static web apps.


  • Available as a Docker image
  • User authentication with Azure Active Directory (supporting other OIDC providers is planned)
  • Flexible authorization using roles based on the groups claim in each user's ID token
  • Support rewriting, redirecting, and proxying on incoming requests
  • Support navigation fallback rewriting suitable for single page apps
  • pswa.config.json - JSON configuration file that mimics staticwebapp.config.json


Azure AD app registration

  • Register an Azure AD application with Azure Portal.
  • Collect tenant ID and client ID for PSWA_TENANT_URI and PSWA_CLIENT_ID settings respectively.
  • Generate a client secret string for PSWA_CLIENT_SECRET settings.
  • Add <YOUR-APP-URL>/.auth/login/aad/callback to the application redirect URIs. It's also for PSWA_REDIRECT_URI settings.
  • Modify the application's manifest to set groupMembershipClaims to SecurityGroup. It's required to expose user's member groups in ID token. See the document for details.

Environment variable settings

Variable Description
PSWA_TENANT_ID Tenant ID of Azure AD
PSWA_CLIENT_ID Client ID registered in Azure AD
PSWA_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret generated in Azure AD
PSWA_REDIRECT_URI Rediect URI specifed in Azure AD
PSWA_SESSION_KEY Ramdom string to encrypt values in the cookie session store
PSWA_LISTEN Server address to listen. Default: :8080
PSWA_WWWROOT Web content root directory. Default: /home/site/wwwroot
PSWA_CONFIG Configuration file location. It's relative to PSWA_WWWROOT if not an absolute path. Default: pswa.config.json

Configuration file (pswa.config.json)

roles configuration is to define roles and its members. members are object IDs of Azure AD groups.

routes configuration is very similar to staticwebapp.config.json of Azure Static Web Apps.

  "routes": [
      "route": "/admin/*",
      "allowedRoles": [
      "route": "/internal/*",
      "allowedRoles": [
      "route": "/pswa.config.json",
      "redirect": "/"
  "roles": [
      "role": "admin",
      "members": [


The following steps need docker, docker-compose, and hugo on your system.

Copy pswa-example.env to pswa.env and edit it as your environment settings:

$ cp pswa-example.env pswa.env
$ vi pswa.env

Edit pswa.config.json and run hugo to build a static web site in hugo/public:

$ vi hugo/static/pswa.config.json
$ hugo -s hugo

Build the container and run it with docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up --build
Attaching to pswa_pswa_1
pswa_1  | 2021/11/13 05:15:27 Listening on :8080

Open http://localhost:8080 with your web browser.

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