Go library for accessing multi-host SQL database installations


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hasql provides simple and reliable way to access high-availability database setups with multiple hosts.


hasql is production-ready and is actively used inside Yandex' production environment.



With Go module support, simply add the following import

import "golang.yandex/hasql"

to your code, and then go [build|run|test] will automatically fetch the necessary dependencies.

Otherwise, to install the hasql package, run the following command:

$ go get -u golang.yandex/hasql

How does it work

hasql operates using standard database/sql connection pool objects. User creates *sql.DB objects for each node of database cluster and passes them to constructor. Library keeps up to date information on state of each node by 'pinging' them periodically. User is provided with a set of interfaces to retrieve *sql.DB object suitable for required operation.

dbFoo, _ := sql.Open("pgx", "host=foo")
dbBar, _ := sql.Open("pgx", "host=bar")
cl, err := hasql.NewCluster(
    []hasql.Node{hasql.NewNode("foo", dbFoo), hasql.NewNode("bar", dbBar) },
if err != nil { ... }

node := cl.Primary()
if node == nil { ... }

// Do anything you like
fmt.Println("Node address", node.Addr)

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err = node.DB().PingContext(ctx); err != nil { ... }

hasql does not configure provided connection pools in any way. It is user's job to set them up properly. Library does handle their lifetime though - pools are closed when Cluster object is closed.

Supported criteria

Alive primary|Alive standby|Any alive node, or none otherwise

node := c.Primary()
if node == nil { ... }

Alive primary|Alive standby, or any alive node, or none otherwise

node := c.PreferPrimary()
if node == nil { ... }

Ways of accessing nodes

Any of currently alive nodes satisfying criteria, or none otherwise

node := c.Primary()
if node == nil { ... }

Any of currently alive nodes satisfying criteria, or wait for one to become alive

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
node, err := c.WaitForPrimary(ctx)
if err == nil { ... }

Node pickers

When user asks Cluster object for a node a random one from a list of suitable nodes is returned. User can override this behavior by providing a custom node picker.

Library provides a couple of predefined pickers. For example if user wants 'closest' node (with lowest latency) PickNodeClosest picker should be used.

cl, err := hasql.NewCluster(
    []hasql.Node{hasql.NewNode("foo", dbFoo), hasql.NewNode("bar", dbBar) },
if err != nil { ... }

Supported databases

Since library works over standard database/sql it supports any database that has a database/sql driver. All it requires is a database-specific checker function that can tell if node is primary or standby.

Check out golang.yandex/hasql/checkers package for more information.


Node's state is transient at any given time. If Primary() returns a node it does not mean that node is still primary when you execute statement on it. All it means is that it was primary when it was last checked. Nodes can change their state at a whim or even go offline and hasql can't control it in any manner.

This is one of the reasons why nodes do not expose their perceived state to user.



You can add instrumentation via Tracer object similar to httptrace in standard library.


hasql can operate over database/sql pools wrapped with sqlx. It works the same as with standard library but requires user to import golang.yandex/hasql/sqlx instead.

Refer to golang.yandex/hasql/sqlx package for more information.

Yandex open source projects and technologies
  • Support for checking node latency:

    Support for checking node latency:

    • all alive nodes are stored in order of their latency (from lowest to greatest)
    • added PickNodeClosest - always returns 'closest' node (with least latency)
  • unneeded casting or something else in sqlx/node.go

    unneeded casting or something else in sqlx/node.go

    https://github.com/yandex/go-hasql/blob/master/sqlx/node.go#L74 why this is needed? In my case - i'm use own Node struct as sqlx.Node interface but this breaks anything

  • Support broken database cluster on startup

    Support broken database cluster on startup

    Error pops up while running newly added test with -race flag

    $ go test -v -race -run=^TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup$ ./...
    You use x86_64 version of selected tool.
    === RUN   TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup
    === RUN   TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_primary
    Read at 0x00c0001901d8 by goroutine 21:
          /Users/gzuykov/go/pkg/mod/github.com/!d!a!t!a-!d!o!g/[email protected]/rows.go:45 +0xa8
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2967 +0x1d0
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2945 +0x48
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:3396 +0x74
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2944 +0x7c
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:3333 +0x108
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/checkers/check.go:29 +0xd8
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/checkers/postgresql.go:26 +0x54
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:149 +0x80
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:109 +0x88
    Previous write at 0x00c0001901d8 by goroutine 20:
          /Users/gzuykov/go/pkg/mod/github.com/!d!a!t!a-!d!o!g/[email protected]/rows.go:45 +0xc0
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2967 +0x1d0
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2945 +0x48
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:3396 +0x74
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:2944 +0x7c
          /Users/gzuykov/.ya/tools/v4/1217047391/src/database/sql/sql.go:3333 +0x108
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/checkers/check.go:29 +0xd8
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/checkers/postgresql.go:26 +0x54
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:149 +0x80
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:109 +0x88
    Goroutine 21 (running) created at:
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:106 +0x450
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/cluster.go:321 +0x1b4
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/cluster.go:297 +0x30
    diff --git a/cluster_test.go b/cluster_test.go
    index 10c22eb..c816f2f 100644
    --- a/cluster_test.go
    +++ b/cluster_test.go
    @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import (
    +       "golang.yandex/hasql/checkers"
     func TestNewCluster(t *testing.T) {
    @@ -543,6 +545,89 @@ func TestCluster_WaitForStandbyPreferred(t *testing.T) {
    +// TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup checks if broken at startup cluster behaves properly
    +func TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup(t *testing.T) {
    +       isPrimaryRow := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{`NOT pg_is_in_recovery()`}).AddRow(true)
    +       isStandbyRow := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{`NOT pg_is_in_recovery()`}).AddRow(false)
    +       testCases := []struct {
    +               name  string
    +               nodes []Node
    +       }{
    +               {
    +                       name: "broken_primary",
    +                       nodes: func() []Node {
    +                               db1, mock1, _ := sqlmock.New() // primary
    +                               db2, mock2, _ := sqlmock.New() // standby
    +                               db3, mock3, _ := sqlmock.New() // standby
    +                               mock1.ExpectQuery(`SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()`).WillDelayFor(20 * time.Millisecond)
    +                               mock2.ExpectQuery(`SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()`).WillReturnRows(isStandbyRow)
    +                               mock3.ExpectQuery(`SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()`).WillReturnRows(isStandbyRow)
    +                               return []Node{
    +                                       NewNode("primary", db1),
    +                                       NewNode("standby1", db2),
    +                                       NewNode("standby2", db3),
    +                               }
    +                       }(),
    +               },
    +               {
    Goroutine 20 (finished) created at:
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/check_nodes.go:106 +0x450
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/cluster.go:321 +0x1b4
          /Users/gzuykov/dev/github.com/yandex/go-hasql/cluster.go:297 +0x30
        testing.go:1152: race detected during execution of test
    === RUN   TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standby
    === RUN   TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standbys
            	Error Trace:	cluster_test.go:624
            	Error:      	Received unexpected error:
            	            	context deadline exceeded
            	Test:       	TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standbys
            	Error Trace:	cluster_test.go:625
            	Error:      	Expected value not to be nil.
            	Test:       	TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standbys
            	Error Trace:	cluster_test.go:626
            	Error:      	Should NOT be empty, but was []
            	Test:       	TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standbys
    === CONT  TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup
        testing.go:1152: race detected during execution of test
    --- FAIL: TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup (0.01s)
        --- FAIL: TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_primary (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standby (0.00s)
        --- FAIL: TestCluster_BrokenAtStartup/broken_standbys (0.01s)
    === CONT
        testing.go:1152: race detected during execution of test
    FAIL	golang.yandex/hasql	0.286s
    ?   	golang.yandex/hasql/checkers	[no test files]
    testing: warning: no tests to run
    ok  	golang.yandex/hasql/sqlx	(cached) [no tests to run]
  • Allow creating a new Cluster with alive and down nodes

    Allow creating a new Cluster with alive and down nodes


    • I call hasql.NewCluster with three nodes. One node is unreachable ("context deadline exceeded").
    • All further calls to Cluster.WaitFor* return an error.
    • Calls to Cluster.Alive, Cluster.Primary* and Cluster.Standby* return nil.

    Expected: Being able to create a cluster which includes unreachable nodes and still be able to query the alive nodes.

  • [feature] Support replication lag checking

    [feature] Support replication lag checking

    This commit adds ability to filter replica nodes by replication lag. User can provide ReplicationLagChecker function and MaxreplicationLag value as options to cluster constructor to check nodes and remove any replica which is too slow.


    // Construct cluster nodes
    nodes := []hasql.Node{...}
    // Use options to fine-tune cluster behavior
    opts := []hasql.ClusterOption{
    	hasql.WithUpdateInterval(2 * time.Second),        // set custom update interval
    	hasql.WithNodePicker(hasql.PickNodeRoundRobin()), // set desired nodes selection algorithm
    	hasql.WithReplicationLagChecker(checkers.PostgreSQLReplicationLag), // set appropriate replication lag checker
    	hasql.WithMaxReplicationLag(10 * time.Second), // set desired maximum lag value
    // Create cluster handler
    c, err := hasql.NewCluster(nodes, checkers.PostgreSQL, opts...)
    if err != nil {
    defer func() { _ = c.Close() }() // close cluster when it is not needed
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    // Wait for any alive standby
    node, err = c.WaitForStandby(ctx)
    if err != nil {
  • Return error with description when node of requested type is unavailable

    Return error with description when node of requested type is unavailable

    Functions like Primary return node and nothing else. If nil is returned it is very hard to understand why exactly it happened - you have to parse logs (if you have those), etc.

    We need another set of functions returning both node and error describing why exactly requested node is unavailable.

    When we have enough API changes to warrant v2 we should think about removing old versions of these functions leaving only one variant.

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