The plugins of opentracing-go.


The plugins of opentracing-go.


go get -u


Initialize a tracer

Create a tracer such as jaeger.

package main

import (

func initJaeger(service, url string) (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer) {
	sender := transport.NewHTTPTransport(url)
	reporter := jaeger.NewRemoteReporter(sender, jaeger.ReporterOptions.Logger(jaeger.StdLogger))

	// samples 100% of traces
	tracer, closer := jaeger.NewTracer(service, jaeger.NewConstSampler(true), reporter)
	return tracer, closer

Initialize the global tracer

Let's initialize the global tracer, that's because the function opentracing.GlobalTracer() returns a no-op tracer by default.

func initGlobalTracer() io.Closer {
	// the closer can be used in shutdown hooks
	tracer, closer := initJaeger("hello-world", "https://your-reporter-url")

	return closer

Plugin Summary

  1. goroutine
  2. gin
  3. goredis
  4. gorm
  5. grpc
  6. http client
  7. omnipotent
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    大致代码(Gin 部分)如下,不知道是不是我哪里理解或者使用方式不当?


    // main.go
    var (
    	tracerCloser io.Closer
    func main() {
            // 调用 tracer 初始化
    	tracerCloser = initialize.InitGlobalTracer()
            // 调用 gin 初始化
    	err := tracerCloser.Close()
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("tracerCloser failed:", err.Error())
    //  initialize.jaeger.go
    package initialize
    import (
    func initJaeger(service, url string) (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer) {
    	sender := transport.NewHTTPTransport(url)
    	reporter := jaeger.NewRemoteReporter(sender, jaeger.ReporterOptions.Logger(jaeger.StdLogger))
    	// samples 100% of traces
    	tracer, closer := jaeger.NewTracer(service, jaeger.NewConstSampler(true), reporter)
    	return tracer, closer
    func InitGlobalTracer() io.Closer {
    	// the closer can be used in shutdown hooks
    	tracer, closer := initJaeger("demo", "")
    	return closer
    // core.server.go
    func RunServer() {
        router := initialize.Routers()
        s := initServer("", router)
        go func() {
        graceful.ShutdownAndCleanup(func() {
            _, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    // initialize.router.go
    var Router = gin.Default()
    // jaeger
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        var Router = gin.Default()
        // 注入 trace
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        Router.GET("/swagger/*any", ginSwagger.WrapHandler(swaggerFiles.Handler))
        // ......
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        return Router
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