Windows GUI framework for Go.

gform is an easy to use Windows GUI toolkit for Go

It provides two approaches to create UI.

1. Pure code.


mainWindow := gform.NewForm(nil)
mainWindow.SetPos(300, 100)
mainWindow.SetSize(500, 300)
mainWindow.SetCaption("Controls Demo")

btn := gform.NewPushButton(mainWindow)
btn.SetPos(10, 10)



2. Create dialog in resource file and attach to it.


dialog := gform.NewDialogFromResId(nil, 101) //101 is the resource Id.

edt = gform.AttachEdit(dialog, 1000)

btn := gform.AttachPushButton(dialog, 2)


Event handling

gform provides two approaches to handle event. For most commonly used events, convenient event handler is introduced. To handle windows message directly, "Bind" mechanism is introduce.

1. Convenient event handler.

These kind of event handler follows the same naming convention, "OnSomething".

btn.OnLBUp().Bind(btn_onclick) //LB means Left Button.
btn.OnMBUp //MB means middle button

If you bind two methods for one event, the first bind will be overwritten by later bind. E.g.


Only "btn_onclick2" will be triggered.

You can also bind "nil" to a event handler, that simply means nothing will be triggered.

2. Raw windows message handler.

It's a common case that we need to handler various windows messages in GUI, and to wrap them all is basically "mission impossible" (and I don't think a GUI framework should do that frankly), so gform leaves the freedom to user. The "Bind" method could bind an event handler directly to a raw windows message. E.g.

btn.Bind(w32.WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE, btn_onClipboardUpdate)

func btn_onClipboardUpdate(arg *EventArg) {
    sender := arg.Sender()
    if data, ok := arg.Data().(*gform.RawMsg); ok {
        println(data.Hwnd, data.Msg, data.WParam, data.LParam)

The event handler uses the same method signature "func(arg *EventArg)", but a new struct named "RawMsg" will be filled to the "data" field of EventArg.

type RawMsg struct {
    Hwnd           w32.HWND
    Msg            uint
    WParam, LParam uintptr

The same with convenient event handler, if you bind two methods for one event, the first bind will be overwritten by later bind. And bind "nil" to a message is allowed.


  1. Make sure you have a working Go installation and build environment, see more for details from below page.

  2. go get

  3. go install

Have fun now!

Recommand Tools

  1. ResEdit - very good tool to edit resource file, strongly recommand!

  2. windres - tools to compile *.rc file to *.o which makes it is possible to embed resource file into *.exe.


Contributions in form of design, code, documentation, bug reporting or other ways you see fit are very welcome.

Thank You!

  • Demo canvas import

    Demo canvas import

    demo\canvas>go build testcanvas.go

    testcanvas.go:4:2: import "gform": cannot find package testcanvas.go:6:2: import "w32": cannot find package

    File testcanvas.go

    import ( "gform" "syscall" "w32" )

    Change to

    import ( "syscall" "" "" )

  • [Closed] Cannot build with gform

    [Closed] Cannot build with gform

    When I try to build any Go program which contains gform.Init(), it crashes with the following message:

    runtime.callbackasm1: nosplit stack overflow
        120     assumed on entry to runtime.callbackasm1
        104     after runtime.callbackasm1 uses 16
        96      on entry to runtime.cgocallback_gofunc
        88      after runtime.cgocallback_gofunc uses 8
        80      on entry to runtime.cgocallbackg
        48      after runtime.cgocallbackg uses 32
        40      on entry to runtime.exitsyscall
        32      after runtime.exitsyscall uses 8
        24      on entry to exitsyscallfast
        0       after exitsyscallfast uses 24
        -8      on entry to runtime.lock
    runtime.callbackasm: nosplit stack overflow
        120     assumed on entry to runtime.callbackasm
        112     on entry to runtime.callbackasm1
        96      after runtime.callbackasm1 uses 16
        88      on entry to runtime.cgocallback_gofunc
        80      after runtime.cgocallback_gofunc uses 8
        72      on entry to runtime.cgocallbackg
        40      after runtime.cgocallbackg uses 32
        32      on entry to runtime.exitsyscall
        24      after runtime.exitsyscall uses 8
        16      on entry to exitsyscallfast
        -8      after exitsyscallfast uses 24

    Go version: go1.3.2 windows/amd64 Windows version: Windows 8.1 (64 bit)

  • go build dialog.go bug line 32

    go build dialog.go bug line 32

    go build dialog.go


    .\dialog.go:32: lv.InsertItem undefined (type *gform.ListView has no field or method InsertItem)

    Windows 7 SP1 amd64

    commit 1abee3a69849ea573d871da734b04a21e372d236

  • In during install appear error

    In during install appear error

    $ cd gform/src && gomake make -C pkg/gform clean make[1]: Entering directory /d/projects/GO/src/gform/src/pkg/gform' rm -rf *.o *.a *.[568vq] [568vq].out *.so _obj _test _testmain.go *.exe _cgo* te st.out build.out make[1]: Leaving directory/d/projects/GO/src/gform/src/pkg/gform' make -C pkg/gform install make[1]: Entering directory /d/projects/GO/src/gform/src/pkg/gform' 8g -p gform -o _go_.8 init.go rect.go color.go font.go imagelist.go globalvars .go util.go pen.go brush.go canvas.go icon.go msghandlerregistry.go controller.g o eventhandler.go eventarg.go eventmanager.go controlbase.go wndproc.go w32contr ol.go dialog.go form.go customcontrol.go buttons.go statics.go edit.go progressb ar.go commondlgs.go listview.go tooltip.go app.go brush.go:14: undefined: w32.BS_SOLID canvas.go:61: undefined: user32.FillRect make[1]: *** [_go_.8] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory/d/projects/GO/src/gform/src/pkg/gform' make: *** [all] Error 2

    w32 installed good

  • Failed to find SetWindowLongPtrW procedure in user32.dll on Windows XP

    Failed to find SetWindowLongPtrW procedure in user32.dll on Windows XP

    Windows XP go version go1.1.2 windows/386

    D:\gform>go run test-gform.go
    panic: Failed to find SetWindowLongPtrW procedure in user32.dll: The specified procedure could not be found.
    goroutine 1 [running]:
            C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/2/bindist465310315/go/src/pkg/syscall/dll_windows.go:258 +0x52
    syscall.(*LazyProc).Call(0x10e41e80, 0x30e51748, 0x3, 0x3, 0x10e41d80, ...)
            C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/2/bindist465310315/go/src/pkg/syscall/dll_windows.go:277 +0x38, 0xfffffffc, 0x10e42728, 0x10e43060)
            C:/Go/src/pkg/ +0x81*W32Control).init(0x10e430c0, 0x4a3558, 0x6, 0x10e44000, 0x10e43060, ...)
            d:/gform/GOPATH/src/ +0xda*PushButton).init(0x10e430c0, 0x10e44000, 0x10e43060)
            d:/gform/GOPATH/src/ +0x55, 0x10e43060, 0xd)
            d:/gform/GOPATH/src/ +0x48
            D:/gform/test-gform.go:15 +0x9b
    exit status 2


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        mainWindow := gform.NewForm(nil)
        mainWindow.SetPos(300, 100)
        mainWindow.SetSize(500, 300)
        mainWindow.SetCaption("Controls Demo")
        btn := gform.NewPushButton(mainWindow)
        btn.SetPos(10, 10)
  • Can't install : Error msg says cannot use flag (type uint32).

    Can't install : Error msg says cannot use flag (type uint32).

    Hi, I tried to install this as you stated in this page.But i got this error message. " C:\Users\UserName>go get

    go\src\\AllenDang\w32\user32.go:1039:10: cannot use flag (type uint32) as type uintptr in argument to procRedrawWindow.Call " What to do ?

  • Recommand Tools an Virus Alert: Trotux.

    Recommand Tools an Virus Alert: Trotux.

    Hello Allen,

    I tried play with your repository but when i install resedi tools that you higly recommend it. My system infected by Trotux virus.

    I think you could suggest a clean link for your repo.

    With my best


  • Error on installation C:\\MinGW\mingw-get.exe: unrecognised option `-E`

    Error on installation C:\\MinGW\mingw-get.exe: unrecognised option `-E`

    windows 8 I'am install mingw and mingw-w64-install.exe If i run "go get" display error "cc1.exe: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in", then i run mingw-w64.bat and run "go get" - display error "C:\MinGW\mingw-get.exe: unrecognised option -E" Whats wrong?

  • to many func not found when i run the demo

    to many func not found when i run the demo

    my code like this:

    package main

    import ( "" )

    func main() { gform.Init()

    mainWindow := gform.NewForm(nil)
    mainWindow.SetPos(300, 100)
    mainWindow.SetSize(500, 300)
    mainWindow.SetCaption("Controls Demo")
    btn := gform.NewPushButton(mainWindow)
    btn.SetPos(10, 10)

    when i run it ,it print


    but when i check the program,it has that functions.

  • Button

    Button "Close window" doesn't work. Is it bug or feature?

    When I click on button "Close window" or press <Alt+F4>, window doesn't close. Must I write my own onClose-handler?

    func formOnClose(arg *gform.EventArg) {
            var sender = arg.Sender()
    func main() {
            mainWindow.Bind(w32.WM_CLOSE, formOnClose)

    Or is there default handler?

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