KNoC is a Kubernetes Virtual Kubelet that uses an HPC cluster as the container execution environment

Kubernetes Node on Cluster


KNoC is a Virtual Kubelet Provider implementation that manages real pods and containers in a remote container runtime by supporting the lifecycle management of pods, containers and other resources in the context of Kubernetes.

Virtual Kubelet is an open source Kubernetes kubelet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet for the purposes of connecting Kubernetes to other APIs.

Remote environments include Singularity container runtime utilizing Slurm's resource management and job scheduling


  • Create, delete and update pods
  • Container logs and exec
  • Get pod, pods and pod status
  • Support for EmptyDirs, Secrets and ConfigMaps



go get
go get[email protected]
#builds the KNoC("virtual-kubelet") binary
make build
  • Optionally, make a container:
make container
  • Prepare the secret needed for the communication with the remote system:
# generate a secret with ssh keys and remote-user
kubectl create secret generic remote-secret \
    --from-file=ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa \
    --from-file=ssh-publickey=$HOME/.ssh/ \
    --from-literal=remote_user="<USER>" \
    --from-literal=host="<HOST>" \

[OPTIONAL] Alternatively KNoC uses bitnami's kubeseal that encrypts the above secret for your cluster and creates a sealed-secret. KNoC requests the secrets values and kubeseal decrypts them upon request. Then KNoC uses the produced k8s secret and uses these values as enviromental variables inside the KNoC's yaml

  • Create and add the sealed-secret inside the skaffold manifests:
# install bitnami's kubeseal
wget -O kubeseal
sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal

# deploy kubeseal's controller in our cluster
kubectl apply -f

#encrypt it only for your k8s controller
kubectl get secret remote-secret -o yaml > deploy/remote-secret.yml
kubeseal < deploy/remote-secret.yml > deploy/sealed-remote-secret-crd.yaml

#add the correct sealed-secret-crd file to the manifests of skaffold.yaml
# i.e.
# deploy:
#  kubectl:
#     manifests:
#      - deploy/sealed-remote-secret-crd.yaml # <--------


#Builds a container for the knoc-vkubelet and deploys it on your k8s
#using the existing k8s context and config
#(skaffold: by default in dev mode)
make skaffold

Setup in minikube

minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.19.13 --apiserver-ips=<host-ip>
# then copy your local certificates and configs from ~/.minikube to your "knoc-targetted" system

# --apiserver-ips flag is used so that minikube apiserver can be accesed outside the local network it resides.

After setting up argo you can run a sample workflow located in examples/

Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory
Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory
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