Effortlessly generate chmod commands


Simple cli tool that brings the chmod command in tui format. Generate permissions for files and directories by selecting easy to read config options and copy the result both in numeric and symbolic format.



$ brew install Mayowa-Ojo/tap/chmod-cli

Download one of the pre-compiled binaries from releases and add the location to your PATH

Build from source

go version: 1.16

$ git clone github.com/Mayowa-Ojo/chmod-cli
$ cd chmod-cli
$ make install
$ chmod-cli


Run chmod-cli in your terminal to start the app.

You can also run chmod-cli --help to show an overview of the keybindings


Key Description
up Move up in the current section
down Move down in the current section
left Move left in the current section
right Move right in the current section
tab/space Move to the next section
shift+tab Move to the previous section
shift+tab Move to the previous section
Enter Select/toggle current item
Ctrl+c Copy command
Shift+? toggle help
q quit

Built with

Mayowa Ojo
Backend Engineering | APIs | Automation
Mayowa Ojo
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