Golang push server cluster


gopush-cluster is a go push server cluster.


  • light weight
  • high performance
  • pure golang implementation
  • message expired
  • offline message store
  • public message or private message push
  • multiple subscribers (can restrict max subscribers)
  • heartbeat(service heartbeat or tcp keepalive)
  • auth (if a subscriber not auth then can't connect to comet node)
  • multiple protocol (websocket, tcp, todo http longpolling)
  • stat
  • cluster support (easy add or remove comet & web & message node)
  • failover support (zookeeper)







gopush-cluster is is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 GPLv3

  • golang中多goroutine操作map时直接赋值不用加锁?


    你好, 看到rand_lb.go中有这样的代码: r.Clients在这里未加锁直接修改r.Clients = tmpClients,在其他地方会被读取,这种赋值需要加锁吧?难道是高级用法?

    tmpClients := make(map[string]*WeightRpc, len(r.Clients))
            for addr, client := range r.Clients {
                if client == nil {
                tmpClients[addr] = client
                if client.Addr == retryAddr {
                    client.Client = rpcTmp
            // atomic update clients
            r.Clients = tmpClients
  • no title

    no title

    Just wondering how can I connect to the push-cluster using web socket or tcp since I can not find any sample code here.

    Say, I am looking to implement a chatroom that users can pub/sub messages via web socket or tcp. How can I do this with the help of gopush-cluster? If I implement it on my own, the code should be like this:

    netConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "")
    ws, _, err := websocket.NewClient(netConn, URL, nil, readBuffer, writeBuffer)
    # read message
    err = ws.ReadJSON(&v)
    # write message
    err = ws.WriteJSON(&v)

    I mean, what should I do in the client side to connect to the gopush-cluster and receive, send messages?

  • 关于Migrate的疑惑


    首先很感谢这个库,由于这个库我知晓了不少分布式架构知识。 另外这个库是我学习golang以来研究的第一份源码,有个地方有些疑惑,希望能得到回答。

    关于Migrate, 我查看cometchannel.go看到应该是comet在接到Migrate消息后nodeWeightMap更新到最新,然后去检查当前记录的channel key的一致性hash是否是本节点,如果不是就移除并且关闭此channel对应的所有长连接。 上述理解,应该没问题吧。

    我非常疑惑的是通知Migrate的时机,是由comet节点Add事件以外的事件触发的(Del和Update)。rpc/comet.go L195




  • 第7步配置貌似 文件不起作用

    第7步配置貌似 文件不起作用

    $ nohup ./message -c message.conf & $ nohup ./comet -c comet.conf & $ nohup ./web -c web.conf &

    我查看到8090断网未监听,而 80端口监听了。 还有,只监听localhost 换成非127 ip无法连接。修改配置文件,换成0.0.0.0 也不是监听所所有。

  • 按照步骤无法正常跑通测试


    hi, 我是在一台centos 6.4 x86_64环境下进行搭建的。

    按照步骤 可以跑起来message web comet三个进程

    [root@vagrant-centos64 bin]# netstat -apn | grep web tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16761/./web tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16761/./web tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16761/./web tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16761/./web tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16761/./web tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16761/./web [root@vagrant-centos64 bin]# netstat -apn | grep comet tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16754/./comet tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16754/./comet tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16754/./comet tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16754/./comet tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16754/./comet tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16754/./comet tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16754/./comet tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16754/./comet [root@vagrant-centos64 bin]# netstat -apn | grep message tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16748/./message tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16748/./message tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16748/./message tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16748/./message tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16748/./message


    [root@vagrant-centos64 bin]# curl -d "test2" 'http://localhost:8091/admin/push/public?expire=600' 404 page not found

    其他相关服务: root 4612 1 0 11:05 pts/1 00:00:10 java -Dzookeeper.log.dir=. -Dzookeeper.root.logger=INFO,CONSOLE -cp /data/programfiles/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/../build/classe root 4671 1 0 11:07 pts/0 00:00:03 /etc/init.d/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf root 4708 1819 0 11:16 pts/0 00:00:00 sudo su - root 4709 4708 0 11:16 pts/0 00:00:00 su - root 4710 4709 0 11:16 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash root 16480 1 0 13:15 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld mysql 16582 16480 0 13:15 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --pid-file=/var/r root 16748 4710 0 13:44 pts/0 00:00:00 ./message -c message.conf nobody 16754 4710 0 13:44 pts/0 00:00:00 ./comet -c comet.conf root 16761 4710 0 13:45 pts/0 00:00:00 ./web -c web.conf

    求指教 谢谢

  • go语言的版本是否有些过老,在新版本下编译不过(go 1.7.3)

    go语言的版本是否有些过老,在新版本下编译不过(go 1.7.3)

    $ go version go version go1.7.3 windows/386

    $ go install github.com/terry-mao/gopush-cluster/web


    ..\zk\zk.go:148: undefined: syscall.Kill


  • Redis.Dial()报错,没有解析到正确的Redis服务器


    Message模块配置Redis为不带密码的情况下,会跳转到Messge/redis.go的91行 log.Error("redis.Dial("%s", "%s") error(%v)", tmpProto, tmpAddr, err) 变量tmpProto和tmpAddr都是空

  • gopush-cluster-javascript-sdk在index.html页websocket 403错误

    gopush-cluster-javascript-sdk在index.html页websocket 403错误

    在学习lz的这套框架。搭建起来运行正常。准备用js sdk测试一下websocket。遇到一个问题: WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:6968/sub?key=Lanfei&heartbeat=60' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403


  • 有选择的存储消息,避免占用过多内存




    1. gopush的消息存储,不适合做永久消息历史之用,我们自己会做消息历史的存储。
    2. 发送个人消息的时候,如果commet发现有订阅,就不用告知message去存储了
    3. 离线消息一旦被请求,也不必再次存储。这样每次获取离线消息,也无需传递消息id。



  • 65535 错误

    65535 错误

    当执行这句话的时候。即使没有Terry-Mao 这个用户,报404 比较好。 curl -d "test" 'http://localhost:8091/admin/push?key=Terry-Mao&expire=600&gid=0'


    E0502 09:12:52.124653 20465 redis.go:87] json.Marshal("&{[116 101 115 116] 1398993772}") error(json: error calling MarshalJSON for type json.RawMessage: invalid character 'e' in literal true (expecting 'r')) E0502 09:12:52.125464 20465 rpc.go:60] UseStorage.SavePrivate("Terry-Mao", "test", 13989931721237542, 600) error(json: error calling MarshalJSON for type json.RawMessage: invalid character 'e' in literal true (expecting 'r')) E0502 09:12:52.125878 20474 seq_channel.go:112] MessageRPC.SavePrivate("Terry-Mao", "&{Terry-Mao [116 101 115 116] 13989931721237542 600}", &ret) error(json: error calling MarshalJSON for type json.RawMessage: invalid character 'e' in literal true (expecting 'r')) E0502 09:12:52.143297 20474 rpc.go:113] ch.PushMsg("Terry-Mao", "&{[116 101 115 116] 13989931721237542 0}") error(json: error calling MarshalJSON for type json.RawMessage: invalid character 'e' in literal true (expecting 'r')) E0502 09:12:52.143899 20312 admin.go:80] client.Call("CometRPC.PushPrivate", "&{Terry-Mao [116 101 115 116] 600}", &ret) error(json: error calling MarshalJSON for type json.RawMessage: invalid character 'e' in literal true (expecting 'r'))

  • Simplify gopush-cluster

    Simplify gopush-cluster

    How can I config gopush-cluster to be used like this :

    Client <-- Comet <-- Web

    I do not want to store any offline data on the server but just want to push data to all connected clients for my app. :-) Maybe it's a bit weird but it's exactly what I want :)

  • user channel list 求余的问题

    user channel list 求余的问题

    //func (l *ChannelList) Bucket(key string) *ChannelBucket 
    idx := uint(h.Sum32()) & uint(Conf.ChannelBucket-1)  //其中 ChannelBucket = runtime.NumCPU()

    只有当x=2^n(n为自然数)时,a % x = a & (x - 1 )才成立, 又服务器cpu至少我见过有10核12核的


  • bug for regexp

    bug for regexp

    file path: message/redis.go

    reg := regexp.MustCompile("(.+)@(.+)#(.+)|(.+)@(.+)")

    This match for ""@""# or ""@"", but for the file like *.conf, comment(#) is not required.

    So, it's a good idea for change to the following

    reg := regexp.MustCompile("(.+)@(.+)")
  • Modify absolute dependency path to relative and Add mid config

    Modify absolute dependency path to relative and Add mid config

    1. Modify absolute dependency path to relatvie path , when to fork gopush-cluster project, can save project to anywhere, will not dependency origin project .
    2. Add config field mid_use_long_timestamp (default is yes), let user can select long or short timestamp to use. Because redis ZADD score dose not support whole int64, so when use long timestamp as mid, it will lead mid has been changed when save private message to redis, if use short timestamp , it will be work. For some business the short timestamp as mid is enough.
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