A kubernetes controller that watches the Deployments and “caches” the images


This is just an exercise.

It's a kubernetes controller that watches the Deployments and “caches” the images by re-uploading to your own registry repository and reconfiguring the applications to use these copies.

To configure the backup image registry you must specify the following environment variables:

Variable Description Example
IMAGE_CLONER_REGISTRY target registry localhost:5000
IMAGE_CLONER_USER target registry login username testuser
IMAGE_CLONER_PASS target registry login password testpass
IMAGE_CLONER_SKIP_NAMESPACES namespaces to skip ns1,...,nsN

For example, an option could be saving:

  • IMAGE_CLONER_REGISTRY in a configmap

Local development and testing

Clone this project

$ git clone https://github.com/lucasepe/image-cloner.git

Change directory to examples.

$ cd examples

Start KinD with a local docker registry enabled

$ make kind.up

when you are done, to destroy the cluster, type:

$ make kind.down

Run the controller

Go back to root folder:

$ cd ..

Run the controller:

$ go run cmd/main.go

You should see something like this:

2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller-runtime.metrics	metrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ":8080"}
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	setup	starting manager
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller-runtime.manager	starting metrics server	{"path": "/metrics"}
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller.image-cloner	Starting Controller
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller.image-cloner	Starting workers	{"worker count": 1}
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller-runtime.manager.controller.deployment	Starting EventSource	{"reconciler group": "apps", "reconciler kind": "Deployment", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2021-12-18T18:46:48.693+0100	INFO	controller-runtime.manager.controller.deployment	Starting Controller	{"reconciler group": "apps", "reconciler kind": "Deployment"}
2021-12-18T18:46:48.795+0100	INFO	controller-runtime.manager.controller.deployment	Starting workers	{"reconciler group": "apps", "reconciler kind": "Deployment", "worker count": 1}

Create a deployment and watch the logs

$ kubectl apply -f examples/deploy-nginx.yml

As soon as the deployment will be ready, the controller will clone the image.

In the next iteration, during the reconciliation loop, the controller will realize that the image has already been cloned and will skip the backup.

2021-12-18T18:51:25.484+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner inspecting deployment   {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system"}
2021-12-18T18:51:25.484+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner checking deployment container   {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "image": "nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}
2021-12-18T18:51:25.484+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner cloning deployment image        {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "image": "nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}
2021-12-18T18:51:32.077+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner updating deployment image       {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "From": "nginx:1.21.4-alpine", "To": "localhost:5000/nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}
2021-12-18T18:51:32.086+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner deployment image reference updated      {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "image": "localhost:5000/nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}
2021-12-18T18:51:32.086+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner inspecting deployment   {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system"}
2021-12-18T18:51:32.086+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner checking deployment container   {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "image": "localhost:5000/nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}
2021-12-18T18:51:32.086+0100    DEBUG   controller.image-cloner image already cloned    {"name": "nginx", "namespace": "demo-system", "image": "localhost:5000/nginx:1.21.4-alpine"}

Deploying this controller to your Kubernetes cluster

Deploy the RBAC

Since this controller must be able to update deployments in any namespace, it will at least need a cluster role that gives permissions to list, get and update those resources.

To apply RBAC, type:

$ kubectl apply -f examples/rbac.yml

Deploy the Controller

$ kubectl apply -f examples/image-cloner.yml

Watch the logs

Loook at the image-cloner-system namespace to find the pod name:

$ kubectl get pods -n image-cloner-system

Retrieve the controller log stream:

$ kubectl logs --follow -n image-cloner-system image-cloner

Luca Sepe
Software Craftsman [Golang / CLI tools / K8s operators].
Luca Sepe
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