A DDoS program written in Golang.



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🔨 使用方法

  1. 首先,你的系统需要满足以下条件:

    • Windows 7 或更高版本,不支持Windows XP/2003/2007
  2. 使用本程序前,先关闭安全软件和防火墙。

  3. 以管理员身份运行本程序,使用.\AGDDoS -h查看帮助。


This software is under WTFPL.


📄 支持者证书


使 AGDDoS 与 Windows 的版本保持同步并与所有 Web 服务器兼容是一项永无止境的工作。请考虑通过购买支持者证书来支持这项工作。如果您过去已经捐款,您可以联系我来获取您的支持者证书,然后下载您的证书即可,新的捐赠者将在几天内通过电子邮件收到证书。

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  • Add license scan report and status

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    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

  • Update the CHANGELOG.md

    Update the CHANGELOG.md

    This is a pre-release

    What's Changed

    Exciting New Features 🎉

    • Update Readme by @xiaozhu2007 in https://github.com/AGDDoS/AGDDoS/pull/13

    Other Changes ✨

    • Update README.md by @xiaozhu2007 in https://github.com/AGDDoS/AGDDoS/pull/14
    • #10

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/AGDDoS/AGDDoS/compare/1.0.2-alpha-1...1.0.2-alpha-3

  • [feat]升级后显示1次What's New

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    	// TODO: 升级后显示1次What's New
    	UpgradeMsg = "" +
    		"---------- What's New? ----------\n" +
    		"[+]Please see 'CHANGELOG.md'\n" +
    		"[*]If you have some problem when you use this tool,\n" +
    		"please submit issue at : https://github.com/AGDDoS/AGDDoS"
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    复现方法 Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Build without GUI
    2. Run it
    3. Open 'Task Manger'
    4. See memory boom.

    Patches This problem has been patched.Users should upgrade to v1.0.1

    Workarounds Add runtime.GC() to solves this.



    • 操作系统(记得带上版本) :Windows 10
    • 您的Golang编译器版本 : 1.18
    • 程序版本 : 1.0.0

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