A simple generic in-memory caching layer


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sc is a simple in-memory caching layer for golang.


Wrap your function with sc - it will automatically cache the values for specified amount of time, with minimal overhead.

type HeavyData struct {
	Data string
	// and all the gazillion fields you may have in your data

func retrieveHeavyData(_ context.Context, name string) (*HeavyData, error) {
	// Query to database or something...
	return &HeavyData{
		Data: "my-data-" + name,
	}, nil

func main() {
	// Wrap your data retrieval function.
	cache, _ := sc.New[string, *HeavyData](retrieveHeavyData, 1*time.Minute, 2*time.Minute, sc.WithLRUBackend(500))
	// It will automatically call the given function if value is missing.
	foo, _ := cache.Get(context.Background(), "foo")

For a more detailed guide, see reference.

Notable Features

  • Simple to use: wrap your function with New() and just call Get().
    • There is no Set() method. Calling Get() will automatically retrieve the value for you.
    • This prevents cache stampede problem idiomatically (see below).
  • Supports 1.18 generics - both key and value are generic.
    • No interface{} or any used other than in type parameters, even in internal implementations.
  • All methods are safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
  • Allows 'graceful cache replacement' (if freshFor < ttl) - a single goroutine is launched in the background to re-fetch a fresh value while serving stale value to readers.
  • Allows strict request coalescing (EnableStrictCoalescing() option) - ensures that all returned values are fresh (a niche use-case).

Supported cache backends (cache replacement policy)

The default backend is the built-in map. This is ultra-lightweight, but does not evict items. You should only use the built-in map backend if your key's cardinality is finite, and you are comfortable holding all values in-memory.

Otherwise, you should use LRU or 2Q backend which automatically evicts overflown items.

  • Built-in map (default)
  • LRU (Least Recently Used)
  • 2Q (Two Queue Cache)

The design

Why no Set() method? / Why cannot I dynamically provide load function to Get() method?

Short answer: sc is designed as a foolproof 'cache layer', not an overly complicated 'cache library'.

Long answer:

sc is designed as a simple, foolproof 'cache layer'. Users of sc simply wrap data-retrieving functions and retrieve values via the cache. By doing so, sc automatically reuses retrieved values and minimizes load on your data-store.

Now, let's imagine how users would use a more standard cache library with Set() method. One could use Get() and Set() method to build the following logic:

  1. Get() from the cache.
  2. If the value is not in the cache, retrieve it from the source.
  3. Set() the value.

This is probably the most common use-case, and it is fine for most applications. But if you do not write it properly, the following problems may occur:

  • If data flow is large, cache stampede might occur.
  • Accidentally using different keys for Get() and Set().
  • Over-caching or under-caching by using inappropriate keys.

sc solves the problems mentioned above by acting as a 'cache layer'.

  • sc will manage the requests for you - no risk of accidentally writing a bad caching logic and overloading your data-store with cache stampede.
  • No manual Set() needed - no risk of accidentally using different keys.
  • Only the cache key is passed to the pre-provided replacement function - no risk of over-caching or under-caching.

This is why sc does not have a Set() method, and forces you to provide replacement function on setup. In this way, there is no risk of cache stampede and possible bugs described above - sc will handle it for you.

But I still want to manually Set() value on update!

By the nature of the design, sc is a no-write-allocate type cache. You update the value on the data-store, and then call Forget() to clear the value on the cache. sc will automatically load the value next time Get() is called.

One could design another cache layer library with Set() method which automatically calls the pre-provided update function which updates the data-store, then updates the value on the cache. But that would add whole another level of complexity - sc aims to be a simple cache layer.

Inspirations from

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