Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests


Pure Go Redis test server, used in Go unittests.

Sometimes you want to test code which uses Redis, without making it a full-blown integration test. Miniredis implements (parts of) the Redis server, to be used in unittests. It enables a simple, cheap, in-memory, Redis replacement, with a real TCP interface. Think of it as the Redis version of net/http/httptest.

It saves you from using mock code, and since the redis server lives in the test process you can query for values directly, without going through the server stack.

There are no dependencies on external binaries, so you can easily integrate it in automated build processes.

Be sure to import v2:

import "github.com/alicebob/miniredis/v2"


Implemented commands:

  • Connection (complete)
    • AUTH -- see RequireAuth()
    • ECHO
    • HELLO -- see RequireUserAuth()
    • PING
    • SELECT
    • SWAPDB
    • QUIT
  • Key
    • DEL
    • EXISTS
    • EXPIRE
    • KEYS
    • MOVE
    • PTTL
    • RENAME
    • RANDOMKEY -- see m.Seed(...)
    • SCAN
    • TOUCH
    • TTL
    • TYPE
    • UNLINK
  • Transactions (complete)
    • EXEC
    • MULTI
    • WATCH
  • Server
    • DBSIZE
    • TIME -- returns time.Now() or value set by SetTime()
  • String keys (complete)
    • APPEND
    • BITOP
    • BITPOS
    • DECR
    • DECRBY
    • GET
    • GETBIT
    • GETSET
    • INCR
    • INCRBY
    • MGET
    • MSET
    • MSETNX
    • PSETEX
    • SET
    • SETBIT
    • SETEX
    • SETNX
    • STRLEN
  • Hash keys (complete)
    • HDEL
    • HGET
    • HKEYS
    • HLEN
    • HMGET
    • HMSET
    • HSET
    • HSETNX
    • HVALS
    • HSCAN
  • List keys (complete)
    • BLPOP
    • BRPOP
    • LINDEX
    • LLEN
    • LPOP
    • LPUSH
    • LPUSHX
    • LRANGE
    • LREM
    • LSET
    • LTRIM
    • RPOP
    • RPUSH
    • RPUSHX
  • Pub/Sub (complete)
    • PUBSUB
  • Set keys (complete)
    • SADD
    • SCARD
    • SDIFF
    • SINTER
    • SMOVE
    • SPOP -- see m.Seed(...)
    • SRANDMEMBER -- see m.Seed(...)
    • SREM
    • SUNION
    • SSCAN
  • Sorted Set keys (complete)
    • ZADD
    • ZCARD
    • ZCOUNT
    • ZRANGE
    • ZRANK
    • ZREM
    • ZSCORE
    • ZSCAN
  • Stream keys
    • XACK
    • XADD
    • XDEL
    • XINFO STREAM -- partly
    • XLEN
    • XRANGE
    • XREAD -- partly
    • XREADGROUP -- partly
  • Scripting
    • EVAL
  • GEO
    • GEOADD
    • GEOPOS
  • Server
    • COMMAND -- partly
  • Cluster

TTLs, key expiration, and time

Since miniredis is intended to be used in unittests TTLs don't decrease automatically. You can use TTL() to get the TTL (as a time.Duration) of a key. It will return 0 when no TTL is set.

m.FastForward(d) can be used to decrement all TTLs. All TTLs which become <= 0 will be removed.

EXPIREAT and PEXPIREAT values will be converted to a duration. For that you can either set m.SetTime(t) to use that time as the base for the (P)EXPIREAT conversion, or don't call SetTime(), in which case time.Now() will be used.

SetTime() also sets the value returned by TIME, which defaults to time.Now(). It is not updated by FastForward, only by SetTime.

Randomness and Seed()

Miniredis will use math/rand's global RNG for randomness unless a seed is provided by calling m.Seed(...). If a seed is provided, then miniredis will use its own RNG based on that seed.

Commands which use randomness are: RANDOMKEY, SPOP, and SRANDMEMBER.


import (

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
	s, err := miniredis.Run()
	if err != nil {
	defer s.Close()

	// Optionally set some keys your code expects:
	s.Set("foo", "bar")
	s.HSet("some", "other", "key")

	// Run your code and see if it behaves.
	// An example using the redigo library from "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis":
	c, err := redis.Dial("tcp", s.Addr())
	_, err = c.Do("SET", "foo", "bar")

	// Optionally check values in redis...
	if got, err := s.Get("foo"); err != nil || got != "bar" {
		t.Error("'foo' has the wrong value")
	// ... or use a helper for that:
	s.CheckGet(t, "foo", "bar")

	// TTL and expiration:
	s.Set("foo", "bar")
	s.SetTTL("foo", 10*time.Second)
	s.FastForward(11 * time.Second)
	if s.Exists("foo") {
		t.Fatal("'foo' should not have existed anymore")

Not supported

Commands which will probably not be implemented:

  • CLUSTER (all)
    • CLUSTER *
  • HyperLogLog (all) -- unless someone needs these
    • PFADD
  • Key
    • DUMP
    • OBJECT
    • WAIT
  • Scripting
  • Server
    • BGSAVE
    • CLIENT *
    • CONFIG *
    • DEBUG *
    • INFO
    • ROLE
    • SAVE
    • SYNC


Integration tests are run against Redis 6.0.10. The ./integration subdir compares miniredis against a real redis instance.

The Redis 6 RESP3 protocol is supported. If there are problems, please open an issue.

If you want to test Redis Sentinel have a look at minisentinel.

A changelog is kept at CHANGELOG.md.

Build Status Go Reference

  • Will timeouts be considered to adding to the repo?

    Will timeouts be considered to adding to the repo?

    I found that timeout are not implemented, is there any plan to implement it? And is there any technical challenge in the implementation? Do you accept the contribution from outside? Thank you!

  • v2.5.0 tag is gone

    v2.5.0 tag is gone

    Hi @alicebob -- I have encountered an error in a go library which requires v2.5.0 of this package. I am guessing that the tag was removed recently. Can we verify and/or re-add this tag?

  • Simulate server unavailable?

    Simulate server unavailable?

    I have a health check that pings redis to make sure it's alive. How do I configure or mock miniredis to pretend that is unavailable/unresponsive? Also specifying a timeout on the request?

  • Support for new cluster and streams commands.

    Support for new cluster and streams commands.

    • COMMAND (partly, only full command list);
    • CLUSTER SLOTS. For go-redis/redis cluster connection;
    • XINFO STREAM (partly, only stream length);
    • XREADGROUP (partly, BLOCK and NOACK arguments not processed);
    • XACK;
    • XDEL.
  • ZRANGEBYLEX: Fix min resulting in empty set returning full set instead

    ZRANGEBYLEX: Fix min resulting in empty set returning full set instead

    If ZRANGEBYLEN was used with a Min that would result in an empty set, the break condition would never trigger so the full set would get returned instead.

    Fixes #99

  • Add PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE commands

    Add PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE commands

    Hi there! We're using your awesome miniredis library for redis-related unit tests in the company I'm working at. Once we started using HLL-related commands of redis, we also definitely wanted to cover the corresponding logic with unit tests but unfortunately found out that HLL-related commands are not supported in miniredis.

    I'm adding HLL-related commands to miniredis with this PR using one quite popular implementation of HLL in golang https://github.com/axiomhq/hyperloglog but not reimplementing the actual C++ implementation of HLL https://download.redis.io/redis-stable/src/hyperloglog.c. Why I did this choice - in fact the miniredis is mainly used for testing purposes and hence it's not necessary to have the 100% compatibility of all the internal details, it's enough to have the compatibility of the protocol and the functionality. Basically the implementation of HLL used in this PR behaves almost the same as redis' variant of HLL. One potential difference I could think of is that the set cardinality estimation accuracy could slightly differ on big sets (containing over 1M of elements), but anyway I'm not sure that somebody plans to have sets of over 1M cardinality in unit tests. Please let me know what you think about it.

    Also one arguable question - not sure if it's OK for you that I'm adding a new dependency. I could have added the implementation of HLL explicitly as it's been done for geohash library.

    Thanks, please let's discuss all the things. If you have any concern about what might be improved, please let me know.

  • Allow custom command implementations

    Allow custom command implementations

    My specific scenario was the need to implement INFO and it seemed like this would be relatively easy to do if the underlying Server.Register was accessible.

    In my private fork, I ended up exposing the Server like here. If exposing the full Server object is too much, we could just proxy the Register() method.


  • Can't store values with '\n' character

    Can't store values with '\n' character

    There is an issue where you can't store any values that contain a \n character. This is causing some problems for me as I'm trying to marshal proto into redis (which separates values with a \n char). It works on a live redis server but not in miniredis. Here's a simple test I just wrote up:

    func TestNewLine(t *testing.T) {
    	redisServer := setup()
    	defer teardown(redisServer)
    	// Query to check that it exists in DB
    	redisClient := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
    		Addr:     redisServer.Addr(),
    		Password: "", // no password set
    		DB:       0,  // use default DB
    	err := redisClient.ZAdd("effects", redis.Z{
    		Score:  float64(0),
    		Member: "value",
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Errorf("got unexpected error: %v", err)
    	err = redisClient.ZAdd("effects", redis.Z{
    		Score:  float64(0),
    		Member: "value2\n",
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Errorf("got unexpected error: %v", err)
    	keys, _ := redisClient.ZScan("effects", 0, "*", 0).Val()
    	if len(keys) != 4 {
    		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", len(keys), 4)


    [value 0]
    --- FAIL: TestNewLine (0.00s)
        /Users/zachary/Documents/code/github.com/terrariumai/simulation/pkg/datacom/redis_test.go:776: got 2, want 4
    FAIL	github.com/terrariumai/simulation/pkg/datacom	0.033s
    Error: Tests failed.

    Looking at the print out, only the first ZAdd is working. Whats more interesting is that the second doesn't error out. The value is just not getting added.

  • Add GEOADD and GEORADIUS commands

    Add GEOADD and GEORADIUS commands

    This PR adds basic support for redis Geo commands GEOADD and GEORADIUS. I've also added a very simple test.

    Credits: Thank you @alicebob for your help :-)

  • ERR unknown command 'brpop'

    ERR unknown command 'brpop'

    This issue is rather a question. I see commands like brpop are not implemented. Can we have a discussion about this? Why are such commands not implemented? One of my pet projects makes use of brpop. Now I added miniredis to test my storage implementations. It would be supreme to have support for these commands. Cheers.

  • Intermittent panic when go test with -coverpkg

    Intermittent panic when go test with -coverpkg

    Miniredis intermittent panic when I run go test with -coverpkg

    - GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go test ./... -coverprofile=./cover.out -coverpkg=./...
    {"level":"info","time":"2022-08-12T11:05:26Z","message":"No redis set on env, start mini redis."}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x956e9c]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/server/server.go:122 +0x3c
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/miniredis.go:290 +0x85
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:76 +0xb4
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:47 +0x50
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:15 +0x25
    FAIL	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/btp_auditlog	0.024s
    ?   	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/cmd	[no test files]
    {"level":"info","time":"2022-08-12T11:05:26Z","message":"No redis set on env, start mini redis."}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x9622fc]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/server/server.go:122 +0x3c
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/miniredis.go:290 +0x85
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:76 +0xb4
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:47 +0x50
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:15 +0x25
    FAIL	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/consts	0.028s
    {"level":"info","time":"2022-08-12T11:05:26Z","message":"No redis set on env, start mini redis."}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x9f1efc]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/server/server.go:122 +0x3c
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/miniredis.go:290 +0x85
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:76 +0xb4
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:47 +0x50
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:15 +0x25
    FAIL	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/errors	0.025s
    ok  	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/infra	0.270s	coverage: 5.2% of statements in ./...
    {"level":"info","time":"2022-08-12T11:05:26Z","message":"No redis set on env, start mini redis."}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x91ebdc]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/server/server.go:122 +0x3c
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/miniredis.go:290 +0x85
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:76 +0xb4
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:47 +0x50
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:15 +0x25
    FAIL	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/logger	0.030s
    ok  	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/middlewares	0.052s	coverage: 18.4% of statements in ./...
    ok  	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/model	0.051s	coverage: 4.6% of statements in ./...
    {"level":"info","time":"2022-08-12T11:05:26Z","message":"No redis set on env, start mini redis."}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x1289b9c]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/server/server.go:122 +0x3c
    	/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alicebob/miniredis/[email protected]/miniredis.go:290 +0x85
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:76 +0xb4
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:47 +0x50
    	/workspace/proxy/model/redis.go:15 +0x25
    FAIL	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/routers	0.028s
    ok  	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/services	0.030s	coverage: 3.0% of statements in ./...
    ok  	github.tools.sap/aeolia/bff/proxy/utils	0.048s	coverage: 8.7% of statements in ./...
  • Stream XREAD last ID '$' has incorrect behavior when blocking forever

    Stream XREAD last ID '$' has incorrect behavior when blocking forever

    Hi, I found an issue using the XREAD command when passing in $ as the ID. I'm using version v2.20.0.

    I think this is because in the MiniRedis server it's performing the xread callback periodically and each time getting the last ID if the original XREAD command contained $. Instead I think it should be getting the last ID in the initial command and then re-using that instead of $ for future xread polls.

    For example this will never return anything:

    go func() {
      result, err := client.XRead(ctx, &redis.XReadArgs{
        Streams: []string{"my-stream", "$"},
        Block:   0,
    _, err = client.XAdd(ctx, &redis.XAddArgs{
      Stream: "my-stream",
      Values: map[string]interface{"test": "data"}

    Because when we add the new item to the stream, in MiniRedis it's then using the newest item ID in the next poll to xread.

    Easiest fix looks like in cmd_stream.go it should fetch IDs before the blocking call:

    	s, _ := m.db(getCtx(c).selectedDB).streamKeys[opts.streams[0]]
    	opts.ids = []string{s.lastID()}

    Please correct me if you think this behavior is wrong 😄

  • Problem about overflow inspection of INCRBY/DECRBY

    Problem about overflow inspection of INCRBY/DECRBY

    Miniredis throws out no error of overflowing when the value becomes greater than math.MaxInt64 after INCRBY or DECRBY (also INCR or DECR). Instead it returns a negative number which was exactly the overflowed value. As a comparison, the real redis instance returns ERR increment or decrement would overflow which thrown out by overflow detection and nothing will be changed.

    I found the cause of it and some potential issues as well. I can make a patch to it if it is indeed an unexpected behavior of miniredis.

    The following code reproduces the problem.

    package main
    func main() {
        server, _ := miniredis.Run()
        minirds, _ := redis.Dial("tcp", server.Addr())
        defer miniredis.Close()
        realrds, _ := redis.Dial("tcp", "") // redis instance
        defer realrds.Close()
    func overflowTest(r redis.Conn) {
        _, _ = r.Do("SET", "number", 100)
        rsp, err := redis.Int64(r.Do("INCRBY", "number", math.MaxInt64)
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("got an error when exec INCRBY, err=%v", err)
        log.Printf("got=%d", rsp)
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