An open source recommender system service written in Go

gorse: Go Recommender System Engine

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Gorse is an open-source recommendation system written in Go. Gorse aims to be a universal open-source recommender system that can be quickly introduced into a wide variety of online services. By importing items, users, and interaction data into Gorse, the system will automatically train models to generate recommendations for each user. Project features are as follows.

  • Multi-source Recommendation: For a user, recommended items are collected from different ways (popular, latest, user-based, item-based, and collaborative filtering) and ranked by click-through rate prediction.
  • AutoML: Choose the best recommendation model and strategy automatically by model searching in the background.
  • Distributed Recommendation: Single node training, distributed prediction, and ability to achieve horizontal scaling in the recommendation stage.
  • RESTful API: Provide RESTful APIs for data CRUD and recommendation requests.
  • Dashboard: Provide dashboard for data import and export, monitoring, and cluster status checking.

Quick Start


Gorse is a single node training and distributed prediction recommender system. Gorse stores data in MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, or ClickHouse, with intermediate results cached in Redis, MySQL, MongoDB and Postgres.

  1. The cluster consists of a master node, multiple worker nodes, and server nodes.
  2. The master node is responsible for model training, non-personalized item recommendation, configuration management, and membership management.
  3. The server node is responsible for exposing the RESTful APIs and online real-time recommendations.
  4. Worker nodes are responsible for offline recommendations for each user.

In addition, the administrator can perform system monitoring, data import and export, and system status checking via the dashboard on the master node.


Any contribution is appreciated: report a bug, give advice or create a pull request. Read for more information.


gorse is inspired by the following projects:

Open source recommender system in Go.
  • Prevent recommending an item for an user who provided feedback

    Prevent recommending an item for an user who provided feedback

    I have been trying the gorse with bpr model to recommend content to users, whom have option to give feedback which are fed into gorse.

    I'm using gorse as standalone web server and accessing with it's own apis.

    What I'm trying to accomplish is preventing the engine from recommending content the user already provided feedback. Bu I have looked both into the docs and the code but nothing really looked like what I wanted. There is somewhat related #33 but it recommends an entry only once and never again.

    Is there any way to accomplish what I want.

  • cdn好像不太稳定

    cdn好像不太稳定 经常访问不了,但有时候又可以


    [root@loaclhost ~]# docker run -p 8088:8088 zhenghaoz/gorse-in-one --playground Welcome to Gorse v0.4.8 Playground {"level":"fatal","ts":1666740804.338797,"caller":"gorse-in-one/main.go:89","msg":"failed to initialize database","error":"Get \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout","errorVerbose":"Get \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout\nmain.initializeDatabase:177: ","stacktrace":"main.glob..func1\n\t/go/gorse/cmd/gorse-in-one/main.go:89\*Command).execute\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:876\*Command).ExecuteC\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:990\*Command).Execute\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:918\nmain.main\n\t/go/gorse/cmd/gorse-in-one/main.go:144\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}

  • gorse-in-one启动时候还有个panic


    只在启动时候出现, 不过捕获到了... 就是看着难受 -_-! { "level":"error", "ts":1656313095.142161, "caller":"base/util.go:61", "msg":"panic recovered", "panic":"runtime error: index out of range [-1]", "stacktrace":" /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/base/util.go:61 runtime.gopanic /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:838 runtime.goPanicIndex /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:89*IVF).Build.func1 /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/base/search/ivf.go:205 /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/base/parallel/parallel.go:31*IVF).Build /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/base/search/ivf.go:192*IVFBuilder).Build /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/base/search/ivf.go:274*Master).findItemNeighborsIVF /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/master/tasks.go:386*Master).runFindItemNeighborsTask /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/master/tasks.go:254*Master).runRankingRelatedTasks /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/master/tasks.go:857*Master).RunPrivilegedTasksLoop /Users/ak47/dec/gorse-master/master/master.go:277" }

  • Migration error with PostgresSQL database

    Migration error with PostgresSQL database

    I want to use Gorse with PostgreSQL (latest alpine image). The second and re-launch of containers are performed with the following error in the log.

    master_1    | 2022/05/23 14:58:11 /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/migrator.go:270 pq: syntax error at or near "not"
    master_1    | [0.374ms] [rows:0] ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "labels" TYPE json not null default '[]'
    postgres_1  | 2022-05-23 14:58:11.740 UTC [33] ERROR:  syntax error at or near "not" at character 53
    postgres_1  | 2022-05-23 14:58:11.740 UTC [33] STATEMENT:  ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "labels" TYPE json not null default '[]'
    master_1    | {"level":"fatal","ts":1653317891.7413962,"caller":"master/master.go:190","msg":"failed to init database","error":"pq: syntax error at or near \"not\"","errorVerbose":"pq: syntax error at or near \"not\"\n/go/gorse/storage/data/sql.go:134: ","stacktrace":"*Master).Serve\n\t/go/gorse/master/master.go:190\nmain.glob..func1\n\t/go/gorse/cmd/gorse-master/main.go:57\*Command).execute\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:842\*Command).ExecuteC\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:943\*Command).Execute\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:883\nmain.main\n\t/go/gorse/cmd/gorse-master/main.go:70\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}

    Gorse version I'm tried both nightly and latest tag of docker images.

    My docker-compose.yml file:
    version: "3"
        image: redis
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 6379:6379
        image: postgres:alpine
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 5432:5432
          POSTGRES_DB: "gorse"
          POSTGRES_USER: "gorse"
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "gorse_pass"
          PGDATA: /data/postgres
          - pg_data:/data/postgres
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-worker:nightly
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8089:8089
        command: >
          --master-host master --master-port 8086 
          --http-host --http-port 8089
          --log-path /var/log/gorse/worker.log 
          --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - gorse_log:/var/log/gorse
          - worker_data:/var/lib/gorse
          - master
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-server:nightly
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8087:8087
          GORSE_CACHE_STORE: redis://redis:6379
          GORSE_DATA_STORE: postgres://gorse:gorse_pass@postgres:5432/gorse?sslmode=disable
        command: >
          --master-host master --master-port 8086 
          --http-host --http-port 8087
          --log-path /var/log/gorse/server.log 
          --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - gorse_log:/var/log/gorse
          - server_data:/var/lib/gorse
          - master
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-master:nightly
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8086:8086
          - 8088:8088
          GORSE_CACHE_STORE: redis://redis:6379
          GORSE_DATA_STORE: postgres://gorse:gorse_pass@postgres:5432/gorse?sslmode=disable
        command: >
          -c /etc/gorse/config.toml 
          --log-path /var/log/gorse/master.log 
          --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - ./config.toml:/etc/gorse/config.toml
          - gorse_log:/var/log/gorse
          - master_data:/var/lib/gorse
          - redis
          - postgres

    What's wrong?

  • Inserting feedback fails on DB constraint

    Inserting feedback fails on DB constraint

    Gorse version latest

    Describe the bug Whenever I try to insert feedback through API or dashboard, it fails with the message

    Error 4025: CONSTRAINT `users.labels` failed for `gorse`.`users`","errorVerbose":"Error 4025: CONSTRAINT `users.labels` failed for `gorse`.`users`

    To Reproduce Startup Gorse on clean DB -> Import feedback through dashboard -> On confirm import it fails

    Expected behavior The insert should pass for feedback.

    Additional context I have no problem with inserting users and items. I had the same problem even with items and users imported.

    Stack trace:

    {"level":"error","ts":1634292942.5676055,"caller":"server/rest.go:1323","msg":"internal server error","error":"Error 4025: CONSTRAINT `users.labels` failed for `gorse`.`users`","errorVerbose":"Error 4025: CONSTRAINT `users.labels` failed for `gorse`.`users`\n/go/gorse/storage/data/sql.go:805: ","stacktrace":"\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:1323\*RestServer).insertFeedback.func1\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:1153\*FilterChain).ProcessFilter\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/filter.go:21\\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:69\*FilterChain).ProcessFilter\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/filter.go:19\*Container).dispatch\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/container.go:291\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2046\nnet/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2424\nnet/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2878\nnet/http.(*conn).serve\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1929"}

    Screenshot from 2021-10-15 12-53-25 Screenshot from 2021-10-15 12-53-33

    Gorse config:

    # This section declares settings for the database.
    cache_store = "redis://localhost:6379"
    data_store = "<connection string>"
    cache_size = 50
    auto_insert_user = true
    auto_insert_item = false
    positive_feedback_types = ["watch_full"]
    click_feedback_types = []
    read_feedback_type = "view"
    positive_feedback_ttl = 0
    item_ttl = 0
    port = 8086                     # master port
    host = ""                # master host
    http_port = 8088                # HTTP API port
    http_host = ""           # HTTP API host
    n_jobs = 4                      # number of working jobs
    meta_timeout = 10               # cluster meta timeout (second)
    default_n = 20                  # default number of returned items
    api_key = "<API-key>"  # secret key for RESTful APIs (SSL required)
    popular_window = 7
    fit_period = 10
    search_period = 60
    search_epoch = 100
    search_trials = 10
    refresh_recommend_period = 1
    fallback_recommend = ["item_based", "popular"]
    explore_latest_num = 20
    item_neighbor_type = "auto"
    user_neighbor_type = "auto"
    enable_latest_recommend = true
    enable_popular_recommend = true
    enable_user_based_recommend = true
    enable_item_based_recommend = true
    enable_collaborative_recommend = true
  • Feedbacks import problem

    Feedbacks import problem

    Gorse version last version

    Describe the bug I imported my feedbacks in the Import feedbacks window on Gorse. However, in the Gorse Dashboard Overview I do not have any feedback displayed. Moreover, then, I exported the feedbacks from Gorse and there is literally nothing in there. It is as if Gorse fakes to import the feedbacks, but in reality it does not. I don't think it's a TimeStamp Type issue (but maybe it is), as I tried with many different types and it still doesn't work.

    Even when I try with a csv file of 5 lines like this one it does not work : favori,UserId,ItemId,Timestamp favori,3423,186758,2022-06-24 21:20:11 favori,3423,186758,2022-06-24 21:20:13 favori,2823,186085,2022-06-24 21:20:19 favori,2140,185965,2022-06-24 21:20:20


    Can you help me please ?

  • [solved] Extend the api to get last viewed items

    [solved] Extend the api to get last viewed items

    I know the recommender is responsible for making recommends, but I think it would be useful to get access to the last viewed items over the api. This should be easily made.

    All the needed data is already collected for gorse. So it would be nice to get access to the last 10 viewed items, instead of collecting the same data again.

    I know this is not the primary goal of you recommender, but I guess this is also a typical use case for others.

  • Memory build-up on Redis

    Memory build-up on Redis

    Gorse version 0.3.4

    Describe the bug I've been noticing a memory build-up (probably a leakage) on the Gorse Database used on Redis. Not sure why but the memory has been slowly building until it reaches 100%.

    To Reproduce Let gorse running for a few days and memory should hit 100%.

  • valid positive 0

    valid positive 0

    0 valid positive

    Gorse version


    Describe the bug

    Status from the overview:


    Search click-through rate prediction model | Failed | 0000/12/31 20:06 |   | No feedback found. -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Fit collaborative filtering model | Failed | 0000/12/31 20:06 |   | No feedback found. Fit click-through rate prediction model | Failed | 0000/12/31 20:06 |   | No feedback found. Search collaborative filtering model | Failed | 0000/12/31 20:06 |   | No feedback found.

    positive feedback in config.toml: positive_feedback_types = ["contact"] I can see just item-related recommendations

    To Reproduce


    # This section declares settings for the database.
    # The database for caching, support Redis only:
    #   redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_number>
    cache_store = "redis://redis:6380"
    # The database for persist data, support MySQL, Postgres, ClickHouse and MongoDB:
    #   mysql://[username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN]
    #   postgres://bob:[email protected]:5432/mydb?sslmode=verify-full
    #   clickhouse://user:password@host[:port]/database?param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN
    #   mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]]
    data_store = "mysql://gorse:gorse_pass@tcp(mysql:3306)/gorse?parseTime=true"
    # The cache size for recommended/popular/latest items. The default value is 100.
    cache_size = 200
    # Insert new users while inserting feedback. The default value is true.
    auto_insert_user = true
    # Insert new items while inserting feedback. The default value is true.
    auto_insert_item = true
    # The feedback types for positive events.
    positive_feedback_types = ["contact"]
    # The feedback types for read events.
    read_feedback_types = ["read"]
    # The time-to-live (days) of positive feedback, 0 means disabled. The default value is 0.
    positive_feedback_ttl = 0
    # The time-to-live (days) of items, 0 means disabled. The default value is 0.
    item_ttl = 0
    # This section declares settings for the master node.
    port = 8086                     # master port
    host = ""                # master host
    http_port = 8088                # HTTP API port
    http_host = ""           # HTTP API host
    n_jobs = 4                      # number of working jobs
    meta_timeout = 10               # cluster meta timeout (second)
    # This section declares settings for the server node.
    default_n = 20                  # default number of returned items
    api_key = ""                    # secret key for RESTful APIs (SSL required)
    # This section declares settings for recommendation.
    # The time window of popular items (days). The default values is 180.
    popular_window = 30
    # The time period for model fitting (minutes). The default values is 60.
    fit_period = 10
    # The time period for model searching (minutes). The default values is 100.
    search_period = 60
    # The number of epochs for model searching. The default values is 100.
    search_epoch = 100
    # The number of trials for model searching. The default values is 10.
    search_trials = 10
    # The time period to refresh recommendation for inactive users (days). The default values is 5.
    refresh_recommend_period = 1
    # The fallback recommendation method is used when cached recommendation drained out:
    #   item_based: Recommend similar items to cold-start users.
    #   popular: Recommend popular items to cold-start users.
    #   latest: Recommend latest items to cold-start users.
    # Recommenders are used in order. The default values is ["latest"].
    fallback_recommend = ["item_based", "latest"]
    # The type of neighbors for items. There are three types:
    #   similar: Neighbors are found by number of common labels.
    #   related: Neighbors are found by number of common users.
    #   auto: If a item have labels, neighbors are found by number of common labels.
    #         If this item have no labels, neighbors are found by number of common users.
    # The default values is "auto".
    item_neighbor_type = "similar"
    # The type of neighbors for users. There are three types:
    #   similar: Neighbors are found by number of common labels.
    #   related: Neighbors are found by number of common liked items.
    #   auto: If a user have labels, neighbors are found by number of common labels.
    #         If this user have no labels, neighbors are found by number of common liked items.
    # The default values is "auto".
    user_neighbor_type = "similar"
    # Enable latest recommendation during offline recommendation. The default values is false.
    enable_latest_recommend = true
    # Enable popular recommendation during offline recommendation. The default values is false.
    enable_popular_recommend = true
    # Enable user-based similarity recommendation during offline recommendation. The default values is false.
    enable_user_based_recommend = true
    # Enable item-based similarity recommendation during offline recommendation. The default values is false.
    enable_item_based_recommend = true
    # Enable collaborative filtering recommendation during offline recommendation. The default values is true.
    enable_collaborative_recommend = true
    # Enable click-though rate prediction during offline recommendation. Otherwise, results from multi-way recommendation
    # would be merged randomly. The default values is true.
    enable_click_through_prediction = true
    # The explore recommendation method is used to inject popular items or latest items into recommended result:
    #   popular: Recommend popular items to cold-start users.
    #   latest: Recommend latest items to cold-start users.
    # Recommenders are used in order. The default values is { popular = 0.0, latest = 0.0 }.
    explore_recommend = { popular = 0.1, latest = 0.2 }


    version: "3"
        image: redis
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 6380:6380
        image: mysql/mysql-server
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 3306:3306
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root_pass
          MYSQL_DATABASE: gorse
          MYSQL_USER: gorse
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: gorse_pass
          - ./var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-worker
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8089:8089
        command: >
          --master-host master --master-port 8086 --http-host --http-port 8089
          --log-path /var/log/gorse/worker.log --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - ./var/log/gorse:/var/log/gorse
          - ./var/lib/gorse:/var/lib/gorse
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-server
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8087:8087
        command: >
          --master-host master --master-port 8086 --http-host --http-port 8087
          --log-path /var/log/gorse/server.log --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - ./var/log/gorse:/var/log/gorse
          - ./var/lib/gorse:/var/lib/gorse
        image: zhenghaoz/gorse-master
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8086:8086
          - 8088:8088
        command: -c /etc/gorse/config.toml --log-path /var/log/gorse/master.log --cache-path /var/lib/gorse/
          - ./config.toml:/etc/gorse/config.toml
          - ./var/log/gorse:/var/log/gorse
          - ./var/lib/gorse:/var/lib/gorse

    (simplified) data


    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `feedback`;
    CREATE TABLE `feedback` (
      `feedback_type` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
      `user_id` integer NOT NULL,
      `item_id` integer NOT NULL,
      `time_stamp` timestamp NOT NULL,
      `comment` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`feedback_type`,`user_id`,`item_id`),
      KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
    LOCK TABLES `feedback` WRITE;
    INSERT INTO `feedback` VALUES
    ('contact', 9285, 2, '2013-01-21 18:47:08', ''),('contact', 9521, 2, '2013-04-22 14:21:10', ''),('contac
    t', 12614, 2, '2013-04-22 14:21:10', ''),('contact', 39577, 2, '2013-04-01 18:47:47', ''),('contact', 42
    083, 2, '2013-04-08 17:28:57', '');UNLOCK TABLES;


    CREATE TABLE `users` (
      `user_id` integer NOT NULL,
      `labels` json NOT NULL,
      `comment` text NOT NULL,
      `subscribe` json NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
    ) ;
    LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE;
    (111830, '["Uruguay", "Montevideo", "Pocitos"]', '', '[]'),(113915, '["Uruguay", "Montevideo", "Pocitos"
    ]', '', '[]'),(119975, '["Uruguay", "Montevideo", "Pocitos"]', '', '[]'),(121938, '["Uruguay", "Montevid
    eo", "Pocitos"]', '', '[]');UNLOCK TABLES;


    CREATE TABLE `items` (
      `item_id` integer NOT NULL,
      `time_stamp` timestamp NOT NULL,
      `labels` json NOT NULL,
      `comment` text NOT NULL,
      `is_hidden` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `categories` json NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`)
    ) ;
    LOCK TABLES `items` WRITE;
    (1257, '2013-09-27 02:10:06', '["Uruguay", "Montevideo", "Pocitos"]', '', 0, '[]'),(2814, '2014-10-09 13
    :26:37', '["amoblado", "amenities", "encargado", "portero", "vigilancia", "seguridad", "Argentina", "Bs.
    As. G.B.A. Zona Norte", "Pilar", "La Lonja"]', '', 0, '[]');UNLOCK TABLES;

    Expected behavior


    Additional context



    {"level":"info","ts":1638877759.9023194,"caller":"master/tasks.go:60","msg":"load dataset","positive_feedback_types":["contact"],"read_feedback_types":["read"],"item_ttl":0,"feedback_ttl":0,
  • pq: sorry, too many clients already

    pq: sorry, too many clients already

    Hi, I have updated my gorse version to latest v0.2.5, along with the latest config.toml . Now we are getting below error after the application runs for few time:-

    {"level":"error","ts":1631013939.8973596,"caller":"server/rest.go:1252","msg":"internal server error","error":"pq: sorry, too many clients already","errorVerbose":"pq: sorry, too many clients already\n/go/gorse/storage/data/sql.go:226: ","stacktrace":"\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:1252\*restserver).getmeasurements\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:1234\*filterchain).processfilter\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/filter.go:21\\n\t/go/gorse/server/rest.go:71\*filterchain).processfilter\n\t/go/pkg/mod/"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1631013939.897418,"caller":"server/rest.go:74","msg":"GET /api/measurements/ClickThroughRate?n=30","status_code":500}

    I have used the docker implementation with Postgres as backend database. Thanks.

  • Information regarding valid time formats.

    Information regarding valid time formats.

    Hi, I recieve errors in the form of 'failed to parse datetime `` at line x' in the console while loading csv's. Could you point me to the valid datetime formats acceptable for timestamps in the csv file? Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Avinash.

  • Data race: worker.Sync() and worker.Recommend()

    Data race: worker.Sync() and worker.Recommend()

    Gorse version Version: unknown-version API version: v0.2.7 Go version: go1.19.3 Git commit: 762f21f3154f35877fe376ba435c11e7eaaf5edc

    Describe the bug A data race occurs when the worker configuration is updated. Sync() write w.Config, and Recommend() read.

    Perhaps it is better to sync the configuration only between reranking cycles? Because the sync operation is much faster than the calculation of recommendations, as well as changing the configuration parameters during the ranking process can lead to incorrect result.

    To Reproduce Test go test -v -race -run TestWorker_SyncRecommend

    Expected behavior no data race

  • More label types

    More label types

    Currently, only string labels are supported. This makes it impossible to have numeric relations like a price. ("User 1 likes Items that cost below 300 $")

    It would be helpful to have more types of labels like numeric (i.e. prices) and dates (i.e. event dates).

    I helped myself by having price ranges as string labels (i.e. "200-300$). This is a good workaround but does not fully solve the problem.

  • Filter possible items for recommendation

    Filter possible items for recommendation

    Currently, the only possibility to filter items for a recommendation is the use of categories. Only one category can be used as a filter. I.e. this scenario in an e-com shoe store is not possible: "Recommend shoes from category sneaker with colors black, white or gray."

    I think it would be helpful to have the opportunity to filter by multiple categories, as well as by certain labels.

  • implement queue in data storage

    implement queue in data storage


    In Gorse v0.4.x, neighbors, and models are not updated until the next round of full dataset loading. In practice, it would be better to update neighbors or models once a new user, item, or feedback is inserted. A queue is required to achieve this goal.


    type Database interface {
           // Enqueue put the value to the back of a named queue.
           Enqueue(name, value string) error
           // Dequeue remove the front value of a named queue and return this value. 
           // If no value in the queue, return io.EOF.
           Dequeue(name string) (value string, err error) 
  • support more APIs in Go client

    support more APIs in Go client

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An open source, online coding platform that offers code practice and tutoring in 50 different programming languages

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slang ??‍?? goal was to learn how a interpreter works, in other works who does these programing languages i use on daily basis works behind the seen h

Nov 18, 2021

open-falcon agent源码阅读及二次开发 关于open-falcon的架构及说明可参考open-falcon官方网站。 目前小米、美团、滴滴、360、金山云、新浪微博、京东、爱奇艺等都在使用open-falcon或者基于open-falcon的二次开发。open-falcon的架构清晰,

Nov 21, 2022
Open IM Demo Register Use Tutorial

Open-IM-Demo-Register Use Tutorial First step: Log in to this site: Buy Short Message Service You will get accessKe

Mar 19, 2022
Markdown version of Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

The big BNT162b2 archive All vaccine data here is sourced from this World Health Organization document. This describes the RNA contents of the BNT162b

Dec 2, 2022
Source code of the 100 Go Mistakes book

100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Source code of 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Cod

Dec 30, 2022
e-Dnevnik grade/exam alerting system

e-dnevnik-bot About / Opće informacije e-Dnevnik bot is a self-hosting alerting system which reads from the official CARNet e-Dnevnik which regularly

Dec 27, 2022
A course to build distributed key-value service based on TiKV model
A course to build distributed key-value service based on TiKV model

The TinyKV Course This is a series of projects on a key-value storage system built with the Raft consensus algorithm

Jan 7, 2023
Check-location - A golang service to check user location using their IP address

this is a golang service to check user location using their IP address. The purp

Aug 29, 2022
This project is a GO Restful API service with Gin framework and Gorm SQLite with authorization

GO Restful API service with Gin framework and Gorm SQLite Template Structure Gin is a web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a martini-like

Oct 24, 2022
📁 Examples for 🚀 Fiber - Express inspired web framework written in Go

?? Examples for ?? Fiber - Express inspired web framework written in Go

Dec 29, 2022
Example skills and a cli utility written in Go for interacting with Webex Assistant Skills

Webex Assistant Skills - Go This repository holds example skills and a cli utility written in Go for interacting with Webex Assistant Skills. It is in

Oct 29, 2021
Exercise project written in Go that I did on my own during the course "gRPC [Golang] Master Class: Build Modern API & Microservices" taught by Stephane Maarek on Udemy

calculator Exercise project written in Go that I did on my own during the course "gRPC [Golang] Master Class: Build Modern API & Microservices" taught

Nov 9, 2022
Go-interview-problems - Interview problems written in Go

go-interview-problems I created this repository in 2021 to learn Go and practice

Jan 25, 2022
This is a test / interview implementation, written in go
This is a test / interview implementation, written in go

Factorizer This is a test / interview implementation, written in go. Author's kinda first go project. Just move on. Számok Faktorializálása A faktoriz

Feb 9, 2022
A recommender system service based on collaborative filtering written in Go

Language: English | 中文 gorse: Go Recommender System Engine Build Coverage Report GoDoc RTD Demo gorse is an offline recommender system backend based o

Dec 29, 2022
Stackoverflow-Tag-Recommender - Calculate similarity of different tags based on the data of stackoverflow

Recommender System with Stackoverflow's Data This project is written to recommen

Apr 4, 2022
SigNoz helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool
SigNoz helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥.   👉  Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool

Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Documentatio

Sep 24, 2021
An open-source, distributed, cloud-native CD (Continuous Delivery) product designed for developersAn open-source, distributed, cloud-native CD (Continuous Delivery) product designed for developers
An open-source, distributed, cloud-native CD (Continuous Delivery) product designed for developersAn open-source, distributed, cloud-native CD (Continuous Delivery) product designed for developers

Developer-oriented Continuous Delivery Product ⁣ English | 简体中文 Table of Contents Zadig Table of Contents What is Zadig Quick start How to use? How to

Oct 19, 2021
mesh-kridik is an open-source security scanner that performs various security checks on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and is leveraged by OPA (Open Policy Agent) to enforce security rules.
mesh-kridik is an open-source security scanner that performs various security checks on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and is leveraged by OPA (Open Policy Agent) to enforce security rules.

mesh-kridik Enhance your Kubernetes service mesh security !! mesh-kridik is an open-source security scanner that performs various security checks on a

Dec 14, 2022