Fairly general building blocks used in Arista Go code and open-sourced for the benefit of all.

Arista Go library Build Status codecov.io GoDoc Go Report Card


Helper functions to work with the reflect package. Contains ForceExport(), which bypasses the check in reflect.Value that prevents accessing unexported attributes.


Provides access to a fast monotonic clock source, to fill in the gap in the Go standard library, which lacks one. Don't use time.Now() in code that needs to time things or otherwise assume that time passes at a constant rate, instead use monotime.Now().


See the cmd directory.


Provides ListenTCPWithTOS(), which is a replacement for net.ListenTCP() that allows specifying the ToS (Type of Service), to specify DSCP / ECN / class of service flags to use for incoming connections. Requires go1.9.


Provides common types used across various Arista projects. The type key.Key is used to work around the fact that Go can't let one use a non-hashable type as a key to a map. Because we often use a map[string]interface{} (or other non-hashable type) as a key to a map, the type key.Map is used to represent a map that can store both natively hashable and non-hashable types alike. To do this, a non-hashable type must have a custom Hash() method defined. The type key.Path is the representation of a path broken down into individual elements, where each element is a key.Key. The type key.Pointer represents a pointer to a key.Path.


Provides functions that can be used to manipulate key.Path objects. The type path.Map may be used for mapping paths to values. It allows for some fuzzy matching for paths containing path.Wildcard keys.


A client for LANZ streaming servers. It connects to a LANZ streaming server, listens for notifications, decodes them and sends the LANZ protobuf on the provided channel.


A library to help expose monitoring metrics on top of the expvar infrastructure.


netns.Do(namespace, cb) provides a handy mechanism to execute the given callback cb in the given network namespace.


This is a influxdb library that provides easy methods of connecting to, writing to, and reading from the service.


This is a Go library to help in writing unit tests.



  • goprometheus to veos ?

    goprometheus to veos ?

    Is it possible to test basic telemetry features such as bandwidth with vEOS?

    I'm getting a timeout error trying to connect to the management1 interface, wireshark shows syn but no syn ack coming back from the switch. All default vrf. Also can see the openconfig service running.

    ~/go/bin# ./ocprometheus -config /etc/arista/config.yml -addr F0219 14:44:23.665902 11331 main.go:90] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection timed out"

  • ocprometheus not able to parse complex path

    ocprometheus not able to parse complex path


    I`m trying to collect LLDP data using the telemetry paths ( that I found in CVP ) :

    /Sysdb/l2discovery/lldp/status/local/1/portStatus/Ethernet1/1/remoteSystem/2 : sysName : { "value": "NeighborHostname" }

    Exporter config :

       - name: lldpNeighborInfo
         path: /Sysdb/l2discovery/lldp/status/local/(?P<localIndex>.+)/portStatus/(?P<intf>.+)/remoteSystem/(?P<remoteSystemIndex>.+)/sysName/value
         help: LLDP metric info
         valuelabel: neighborName
         defaultvalue: 1

    The metric is not mapped and no error logs are found.

    I`m trying other paths to debug and when I try the config below :

           - name: lldpPortStatus
              path: /Sysdb/l2discovery/lldp/status/local/1/portStatus/(?P<intf>.+)/(?P<type>.+)
              help: Test with PortStatus
              valuelabel: textValue

    Seems the path changes for the remotesystem, adding "_counts" after the interface :

    lldpPortStatus{intf="Ethernet10\/3/_counts",job="poc-arista",textValue="textValue",type="remoteSystem"} EOS : 4.22.4M

    Could you please verify?

    Thank you, Anderson Topine

  • -v flag redefined when using with github.com/golang/glog

    -v flag redefined when using with github.com/golang/glog

    /tmp/go-build149476797/b001/tests.test flag redefined: v panic: /tmp/go-build149476797/b001/tests.test flag redefined: v goroutine 1 [running]: flag.(*FlagSet).Var(0xc00007e180, 0x12ab2f8, 0x1b49c88, 0x1151007, 0x1, 0x116e1e8, 0x14) /usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:871 +0x485 flag.Var(...) /usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:886 github.com/golang/glog.init.0() /home/go/pkg/mod/github.com/golang/[email protected]/glog.go:401 +0x127 Further investigating we discovered that go test module has its own glog module and again goarista package is redefining the same glog module with same flags, which is conflicting and Its expected to fail [go language behavior]

  • gNMI fails with timeout error

    gNMI fails with timeout error

    Hello, I am currently getting an issue.

    When I try to dial into Arista switch and subcribe a path to grab data from swith. I got an error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: timed out waiting for server handshake.

    Does it mean too many connection requests to the switch? I am not sure why it returns timeout. Is it the issue about my code or something wrong on the switch side. Thanks

    some codes:
    ip :=ipaddress
    cfg := &aristagnmi.Config{}
    cfg.Username =username
    cfg.Password = password
    cfg.Addr = ip + ":5909"
    ctx := aristagnmi.NewContext(context.Background(), cfg)
    client, err := aristagnmi.Dial(cfg)
    if err != nil {
    respChan := make(chan *pb.SubscribeResponse)
    errChan := make(chan error)
    defer close(respChan)
    defer close(errChan)
    paths := append(make([]string, 0), "/lldp/interfaces/interface/neighbors")
    subscribeOptions := &aristagnmi.SubscribeOptions{
    	Mode:       "stream",
    	StreamMode: "target_defined",
    	Paths:      aristagnmi.SplitPaths(paths),
    go aristagnmi.Subscribe(ctx, client, subscribeOptions, respChan, errChan)
    for {
         select {
              case resp := <-respChan:
              case err := <-errChan:
                         **got error here: timeout**
  • gnmireverse client fails to run

    gnmireverse client fails to run


    I am trying to run gnmireverse client on my linux machine(ubuntu 18.04). I am running go version go1.10.4 linux/amd64. When I am running the client I am getting the bellow error:

    :~/work/src$ go install gnmireverse/client
    # github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/dscp
    github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/dscp/dial.go:20:10: unknown field 'Control' in struct literal of type net.Dialer
    github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/dscp/dial.go:38:10: unknown field 'Control' in struct literal of type net.Dialer
    github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/dscp/dial.go:56:10: unknown field 'Control' in struct literal of type net.Dialer
    github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/dscp/dscp_unix.go:25:9: undefined: net.ListenConfig
    # golang.org/x/net/http2
    golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go:305:6: undefined: errors.Is
    golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go:234:72: undefined: tls.VersionTLS13

    am I doing something wrong here?

  • monotime: add Since function

    monotime: add Since function

    This is a convenience function for computing the elapsed time since a given timestamp, as it's a little cumbersome to type

    time.Duration(monotime.Now() - start)

    over and over. Adds an example to show how it should be used.

    This adds a dependency on the time package, which might not be desirable.

  • enhance importsort with directory support & exclude flag

    enhance importsort with directory support & exclude flag

    In multiple projects I am working on (e.g gardener - see example file), we are using the same import grouping this tool supports

    • stdlib,
    • VCS repo-local
    • non-local

    Added support for directories and the possibility to define a regex pattern for excluded filenames. This is useful in our case to exclude auto-generated files.

    This tool is somewhat one of the only simple enough tools I found to achieve this import grouping, so kudos for that.

  • ocprometheus build fails

    ocprometheus build fails

    go get github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/cmd/ocprometheus

    # github.com/prometheus/client_model/go
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:96:31: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:141:27: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:179:29: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:218:30: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:265:29: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:317:29: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:357:31: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:410:28: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:461:28: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:544:34: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
    prometheus/client_model/go/metrics.pb.go:544:34: too many errors
    # github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmi
    aristanetworks/goarista/gnmi/operation.go:212:12: undefined: gnmi.TypedValue_ProtoBytes
  • gNMI build fails

    gNMI build fails

    New Go installation: go version go1.11.1 windows/amd64

    C:%GOPATH%>go get github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/cmd/gnmi


    src\github.com\aristanetworks\goarista\netns\netns.go:35:17: undefined: getNs src\github.com\aristanetworks\goarista\netns\netns.go:39:8: undefined: setNs src\github.com\aristanetworks\goarista\netns\netns_110.go:34:19: undefined: getNs src\github.com\aristanetworks\goarista\netns\netns_110.go:54:11: undefined: setNs

  • fsnotify@v1.4.5 fails to compile under windows

    [email protected] fails to compile under windows


    I was trying to build a go project with goarista under windows which fails to compiles.

    The project pulls in github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmi which further pulls in github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/netns and then from this github.com/aristanetworks/fsnotify

    C:\project\go build .
    github.com/aristanetworks/fsnotify C:\Programming\go\pkg\mod\github.com\aristanetworks\[email protected]\windows.go:68:24: not enough arguments in call to w.AddWithFlags have (number) want (string, uint32)

    Could the AddWithFlags function be modified so that it compiles under windows ?

    many thanks

  • valuelabel doesn't work for non strings

    valuelabel doesn't work for non strings

    There are a few metrics in openconfig for example bgp asn along the path of


    where valuelabel would be handy as it is difficult to join prometheus metrics based on values.

  • ocprometheus fails with duplicated metrics with EOS 4.27

    ocprometheus fails with duplicated metrics with EOS 4.27

    Using latest goarista from master branch, EOS 4.27.4M, and a configuration like this:

            - name: ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number  #No unit
              path: /Sysdb/routing/bgp/export/vrfBgpPeerInfoStatusEntryTable/(?P<vrf>.+)/bgpPeerInfoStatusEntry/(?P<name>.+)/bgpPeerAs
              help: BGP Peer  AS Number

    ocprometheus fails with errors like this:

    * collected metric "ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number" { label:<name:"name" value:"" > label:<name:"vrf" value:"default" > gauge:<value:0 > } was collected before with the same name and label values

    This used to work so far with EOS <= 4.26.6M :

    ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number{name="",vrf="default"} 1234
    ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number{name="",vrf="default"} 1234
    ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number{name="",vrf="default"} 64850
    ocprometheus_bgp_peer_as_number{name="",vrf="default"} 64850

    It looks like the name "(?P.+)" used to match "", but now it only constructs a label with the first part before the first "/"

  • cmd/ocprometheus: Allow decoding enumerated values

    cmd/ocprometheus: Allow decoding enumerated values

    Some string values represent an enumerated value that can be easily converted to a numeric value (such as interface speeds into the number of bits per second). Introduce a configuration option decodeenum that allows specifying such a mapping. Additionally, update the ocprometheus README to reflect this change.

  • Add cloudEOS DPS examples

    Add cloudEOS DPS examples


            - name: dpslatency
              path: /Smash/its/sessStatus/itsSessCharacData/(?P<dpskey>.*)/latency
              help: DPS latency
            - name: dpsthroughput
              path: /Smash/its/sessStatus/itsSessCharacData/(?P<dpskey>.*)/throughput
              help: DPS throughput
            - name: dpsloss
              path: /Smash/its/sessStatus/itsSessCharacData/(?P<dpskey>.*)/loss
              help: DPS loss
            - name: dpsjitter
              path: /Smash/its/sessStatus/itsSessCharacData/(?P<dpskey>.*)/jitter
              help: DPS jitter
  • Feature Request: Dynamic targeting for ocprometheus

    Feature Request: Dynamic targeting for ocprometheus

    At present, when running ocprometheus outside of the switch, the address is provided by running with -address. This makes it a bit less flexible to gather metrics for multiple devices. That is, to have the metrics for, say, switch1, you need to start the app, e.g., ./ocprometheus -addr switch1 -config config.yml; to have the metrics for switch2, you need a separate instance running, e.g., ./ocprometheus -addr switch2 -config config.yml and so on. In other words, when running ocprometheus outside of the switch, it requires as many instances running as switches you have.

    Typically, Prometheus exporters accept the target as an argument, e.g., http://prom.example.com/metrics?target=swtich1 for switch1, http://prom.example.com/metrics?target=swtich2 for switch2 etc.

    It'd be awesome if we could make the necessary adjustments to accommodate this simplified usage? Thank you!

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