hack-browser-data is an open-source tool that could help you decrypt data from the browser.


CI Build Hack-Browser-Data Release


hack-browser-data is an open-source tool that could help you decrypt data ( password|bookmark|cookie|history|credit card|downloads link ) from the browser. It supports the most popular browsers on the market and runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Statement: This tool is limited to security research only, and the user assumes all legal and related responsibilities arising from its use! The author assumes no legal responsibility!

Supported Browser


Browser Password Cookie Bookmark History
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Beta
Microsoft Edge
360 Speed
Firefox Beta
Firefox Dev
Firefox ESR
Firefox Nightly
Internet Explorer


Based on Apple's security policy, some browsers require a current user password to decrypt.

Browser Password Cookie Bookmark History
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Beta
Microsoft Edge
Firefox Beta
Firefox Dev
Firefox ESR
Firefox Nightly


Browser Password Cookie Bookmark History
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Beta
Microsoft Edge Dev
Firefox Beta
Firefox Dev
Firefox ESR
Firefox Nightly

Getting started


Installation of hack-browser-data is dead-simple, just download the release for your system and run the binary.

In some situations, this security tool will be treated as a virus by Windows Defender or other antivirus software and can not be executed, after version 0.2.6 will use UPX try to simply bypass, then no longer with antivirus software to do unnecessary security confrontations.The code is all open source, you can modify and compile by yourself.

Building from source

support go 1.14+

git clone https://github.com/moonD4rk/HackBrowserData

cd HackBrowserData

go get -v -t -d ./...

go build

Cross compile

Need install target OS's gcc library, here's an example of use Mac building for Windows and Linux

For Windows

brew install mingw-w64

CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" go build

For Linux

brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross

CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc CXX=x86_64-linux-musl-g++ GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static"


You can double-click to run, or use command line.

PS C:\test> .\hack-browser-data.exe -h
   hack-browser-data - Export passwords/cookies/history/bookmarks from browser

   [hack-browser-data -b chrome -f json -dir results -cc]
   Get all data(password/cookie/history/bookmark) from chrome

   --verbose, --vv                     verbose (default: false)
   --compress, --cc                    compress result to zip (default: false)
   --browser value, -b value           available browsers: all|opera|firefox|chrome|edge (default: "all")
   --results-dir value, --dir value    export dir (default: "results")
   --format value, -f value            format, csv|json|console (default: "csv")
   --profile-dir-path value, -p value  custom profile dir path, get with chrome://version
   --key-file-path value, -k value     custom key file path
   --help, -h                          show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                       print the version (default: false)

PS C:\test>  .\hack-browser-data.exe -b all -f json --dir results -cc
[x]:  Get 44 cookies, filename is results/microsoft_edge_cookie.json
[x]:  Get 54 history, filename is results/microsoft_edge_history.json
[x]:  Get 1 passwords, filename is results/microsoft_edge_password.json
[x]:  Get 4 bookmarks, filename is results/microsoft_edge_bookmark.json
[x]:  Get 6 bookmarks, filename is results/360speed_bookmark.json
[x]:  Get 19 cookies, filename is results/360speed_cookie.json
[x]:  Get 18 history, filename is results/360speed_history.json
[x]:  Get 1 passwords, filename is results/360speed_password.json
[x]:  Get 12 history, filename is results/qq_history.json
[x]:  Get 1 passwords, filename is results/qq_password.json
[x]:  Get 12 bookmarks, filename is results/qq_bookmark.json
[x]:  Get 14 cookies, filename is results/qq_cookie.json
[x]:  Get 28 bookmarks, filename is results/firefox_bookmark.json
[x]:  Get 10 cookies, filename is results/firefox_cookie.json
[x]:  Get 33 history, filename is results/firefox_history.json
[x]:  Get 1 passwords, filename is results/firefox_password.json
[x]:  Get 1 passwords, filename is results/chrome_password.json
[x]:  Get 4 bookmarks, filename is results/chrome_bookmark.json
[x]:  Get 6 cookies, filename is results/chrome_cookie.json
[x]:  Get 6 history, filename is results/chrome_history.json
[x]:  Compress success, zip filename is results/archive.zip

Run with custom browser profile path

PS C:\Users\User\Desktop> .\hack-browser-data.exe -b edge -p 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default' -k 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Local State'

[x]:  Get 29 history, filename is results/microsoft_edge_history.csv
[x]:  Get 0 passwords, filename is results/microsoft_edge_password.csv
[x]:  Get 1 credit cards, filename is results/microsoft_edge_credit.csv
[x]:  Get 4 bookmarks, filename is results/microsoft_edge_bookmark.csv
[x]:  Get 54 cookies, filename is results/microsoft_edge_cookie.csv

PS C:\Users\User\Desktop> .\hack-browser-data.exe -b edge -p 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default'

[x]:  Get 1 credit cards, filename is results/microsoft_edge_credit.csv
[x]:  Get 4 bookmarks, filename is results/microsoft_edge_bookmark.csv
[x]:  Get 54 cookies, filename is results/microsoft_edge_cookie.csv
[x]:  Get 29 history, filename is results/microsoft_edge_history.csv
[x]:  Get 0 passwords, filename is results/microsoft_edge_password.csv


404StarLink 2.0 - Galaxy

HackBrowserData is a part of 404Team StarLink-Galaxy, if you have any questions about HackBrowserData or want to find a partner to communicate with,please refer to the Starlink group.


Desktop Browser Market Share Worldwide

Chrome Safari Firefox Edge Legacy IE Other
68.33% 9.4% 8.91% 4.41% 3% 3%

Desktop Browser Market Share China

Chrome 360 Safe Firefox QQ Browser IE Sogou Explorer
39.85% 22.26% 9.28% 6.5% 5.65% 4.74%
  • Chrome
  • QQ browser
  • Edge
  • 360 speed browser
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • IE
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