Marshmallow provides a flexible and performant JSON unmarshalling in Go. It specializes in dealing with unstructured struct - when some fields are known and some aren't, with zero performance overhead nor extra coding needed.


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Marshmallow package provides a simple API to perform flexible and performant JSON unmarshalling in Go.

Marshmallow specializes in dealing with unstructured struct - when some fields are known and some aren't, with zero performance overhead nor extra coding needed. While unmarshalling, marshmallow allows fully retaining the original data and access it via a typed struct and a dynamic map.



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package main

import (

func main() {
	marshmallow.EnableCache() // this is used to boost performance, read more below
	v := struct {
		Foo string `json:"foo"`
		Boo []int  `json:"boo"`
	result, err := marshmallow.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"foo":"bar","boo":[1,2,3],"goo":12.6}`), &v)
	fmt.Printf("v=%+v, result=%+v, err=%v", v, result, err)
	// Output: v={Foo:bar Boo:[1 2 3]}, result=map[boo:[1 2 3] foo:bar goo:12.6], err=<nil>

Performance Benchmark And Alternatives

Marshmallow performs best when dealing with mixed data - when some fields are known and some are unknown. More info below. Other solutions are available for this kind of use case, each solution is explained and documented in the link below. The full benchmark test can be found here.

Benchmark Iterations Time/Iteration Bytes Allocated Allocations
unmarshall twice 228693 5164 ns/op 1640 B/op 51 allocs/op
raw map 232236 5116 ns/op 2296 B/op 53 allocs/op
go codec 388442 3077 ns/op 2512 B/op 37 allocs/op
marshmallow 626168 1853 ns/op 608 B/op 18 allocs/op
marshmallow without populating struct 678616 1751 ns/op 608 B/op 18 allocs/op

marshmallow performance comparison

Marshmallow provides the best performance (up to X3 faster) while not requiring any extra coding. In fact, marshmallow performs as fast as normal json.Unmarshal call, however, such a call causes loss of data for all the fields that did not match the given struct. With marshmallow you never lose any data.

Benchmark Iterations Time/Iteration Bytes Allocated Allocations
marshmallow 626168 1853 ns/op 608 B/op 18 allocs/op
native library 652106 1845 ns/op 304 B/op 11 allocs/op
marshmallow without populating struct 678616 1751 ns/op 608 B/op 18 allocs/op

When Should I Use Marshmallow

Marshmallow is best suited for use cases where you are interested in all the input data, but you have predetermined information only about a subset of it. For instance, if you plan to reference two specific fields from the data, then iterate all the data and apply some generic logic. How does it look with the native library:

func isAllowedToDrive(data []byte) (bool, error) {
	result := make(map[string]interface{})
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &result)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	age, ok := result["age"]
	if !ok {
		return false, nil
	a, ok := age.(float64)
	if !ok {
		return false, nil
	if a < 17 {
		return false, nil

	hasDriversLicense, ok := result["has_drivers_license"]
	if !ok {
		return false, nil
	h, ok := hasDriversLicense.(bool)
	if !ok {
		return false, nil
	if !h {
		return false, nil

	for key := range result {
		if strings.Contains(key, "prior_conviction") {
			return false, nil

	return true, nil

And with marshmallow:

func isAllowedToDrive(data []byte) (bool, error) {
	v := struct {
		Age               int  `json:"age"`
		HasDriversLicense bool `json:"has_drivers_license"`
	result, err := marshmallow.Unmarshal(data, &v)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if v.Age < 17 || !v.HasDriversLicense {
		return false, nil

	for key := range result {
		if strings.Contains(key, "prior_conviction") {
			return false, nil

	return true, nil


Marshmallow exposes two main API functions - Unmarshal and UnmarshalFromJSONMap. Each of them can operate in three possible modes, and allow setting skipPopulateStruct mode.

Marshmallow also supports caching of refection information using EnableCache and EnableCustomCache.

Marshmallow Logo

  • Unmarshal giving parse error on valid JSON

    Unmarshal giving parse error on valid JSON

    I am trying to use this package for a server which will take JSON input and fire off an alert to our monitoring system. I have a fairly simple JSON package:

        "alert_summary": "uh oh",
        "detailed_description": "i dont know what to do",
        "deviceName": "test",
        "eventInfo": {
            "eventType": "disconnect",
            "more": "stuff",
            "there": "may",
            "be": "more",
            "values": "here"
        "options": {
            "staging": true

    Within the eventInfo object, I will have an indeterminate number of fields depending on how much info the alert will be providing (hence why I found this package, I am considering everything within "eventInfo" to be "extra metadata" to add to the alert but I won't necessarily know what that info will be when the event is submitted.

    I have the following code:

    package main
    import (
    // Expected formatting of an incoming JSON event
    type IncomingMessage struct {
    	AlertSummary        string        `json:"alert_summary" validate:"required"`
    	DetailedDescription string        `json:"detailed_description" validate:"required"`
    	DeviceName          string        `json:"deviceName" validate:"required"`
    	EventMetaData       struct {
    		EventType string `json:"eventType" validate:"required"`
    	} `json:"eventInfo" validate:"required"`
    	Options             struct {
    		AffectedCi   string `json:"affected_ci"`
    		AffectedArea string `json:"affected_area"`
    		HelpURL      string `json:"help_url"`
    	} `json:"options"`
    func StartServer(port string) (*http.Server, error) {
    	srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":" + port}
    	http.HandleFunc("/api/v1/submitRequest", handleIncomingEvent)
    	http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil)
    	return srv, nil
    // Validates the incoming JSON for the appropriate formatting.
    // If all ok, passes it on to be processed.
    func handleIncomingEvent(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    	var incoming IncomingMessage
    	var validate = validator.New()
    	body, readingErr := io.ReadAll(req.Body)
    	if readingErr != nil {
    		fmt.Println("error reading body")
    	result, unmarshallingErr := marshmallow.Unmarshal(body, &incoming)
    	if unmarshallingErr != nil {
    		utils.Log.Warnf("Could not unmarshal incoming data from %s: %s", req.Host, unmarshallingErr.Error())
    		message := fmt.Sprintf("error decoding request body: %s", unmarshallingErr)
    		returnMessage("error", http.StatusBadRequest, message, w)
    	validationErr := validate.Struct(incoming)
    	if validationErr != nil {
    		utils.Log.Warnf("Bad Request Recieved from %s: %s", req.Host, validationErr.Error())
    		message := fmt.Sprintf("input not in expected format: %s: %s", validationErr, validationErr.Error())
    		returnMessage("error", http.StatusBadRequest, message, w)
    	// If we get here do some stuff!
    	// ...
    	returnMessage("ok", http.StatusOK, "well done", w)
    func returnMessage(status string, responseCode int, message string, w http.ResponseWriter) {
    	var response OutgoingMessage
    	response.Status = status
    	response.ResponseCode = responseCode
    	response.Message = message
    	jsonResponse, _ := json.Marshal(response)
    	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

    I am submitting a payload to my server with Insomnia however Marshmallow is giving me an error: Could not unmarshal incoming data from localhost: parse error: syntax error near offset 156 of ': "stuff"...'

    I'm not entirely sure why this is happening. I realise that "more": "stuff" is not part of the struct but I was under the impression that would just be ignored when writing it in to the struct, and these values would then be available in the resultant map that also gets produced.

    Is this a bug, or am I formatting my JSON incorrectly and/or handling it incorrectly?


  • Excluding known typed fields from returned map

    Excluding known typed fields from returned map

    It would be great if there was an option that excludes from resulting map[string]interface{} the fields that were unmarshalled to the struct object, see the example below:

    v := struct {
    	Foo string `json:"foo"`
    	Boo []int  `json:"boo"`
    result, err := marshmallow.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"foo":"bar","boo":[1,2,3],"goo":12.6}`), &v)
    fmt.Printf("v=%+v, result=%+v, err=%v", v, result, err)
    // Output: v={Foo:bar Boo:[1 2 3]}, result=map[goo:12.6], err=<nil>
    //                                  ^^^^^^     ^^^
    // only "goo" field is present in result since "foo" and "boo" are explicitly typed
  • UnmarshalFromJSONMap doesn't support int/int64

    UnmarshalFromJSONMap doesn't support int/int64

    Hi, thanks for sharing this great library.

    I was surprised that UnmarshalFromJSONMap only supports float64. Are you open to a patch to add support for int/int64?

  • Unmarshaling doesn't work for composed types

    Unmarshaling doesn't work for composed types

    Hey, I was trying to use the lib to unmarshal a composed struct, and expected it to work like the json package and to fill the nested struct as well. It looks like the issue is in mapStructFields that doesn't handle composed structs so it skips the nested values.

    package main
    import (
    type A struct {
    	Foo string `json:"foo"`
    	Boo []int  `json:"boo"`
    type B struct {
    func main() {
    	marshmallow.EnableCache() // this is used to boost performance, read more below
    	a := A{}
    	result, err := marshmallow.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"foo":"bar","boo":[1,2,3],"goo":12.6}`), &a)
    	fmt.Printf("a=%+v, result=%+v, err=%v", a, result, err)
    	// Output: a={Foo:bar Boo:[1 2 3]}, result=map[boo:[1 2 3] foo:bar goo:12.6], err=<nil>
    	b := B{}
    	result, err = marshmallow.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"foo":"bar","boo":[1,2,3],"goo":12.6}`), &b)
    	fmt.Printf("b=%+v, result=%+v, err=%v", b, result, err)
    	// Output: b={A:{Foo: Boo:[]}}, result=map[boo:[1 2 3] foo:bar goo:12.6], err=<nil>
  • Problem with nested object implementing JSONDataHandler with skipPopulateStruct in ModeFailOverToOriginalValue

    Problem with nested object implementing JSONDataHandler with skipPopulateStruct in ModeFailOverToOriginalValue

    Due to recent changes, the flow for nested object which implements JSONDataHandler when WithSkipPopulateStruct(true) and ModeFailOverToOriginalValue is broken.

    Example in playground.

  • Problem with nested object implementing JSONDataHandler with skipPopulateStruct

    Problem with nested object implementing JSONDataHandler with skipPopulateStruct

  • Support any types that has UnmarshalJSON/MarshalJSON method

    Support any types that has UnmarshalJSON/MarshalJSON method

    I wonder if you could support non-primitive types such as time.Time just like the standard json.Unmarshal json.Marshal does. I only need it when such types implemented UnmarshalJSON/MarshalJSON methods.

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