high performance distributed task scheduling system, Support multi protocol scheduling tasks



make Makefile build
make Makefile build-linux
make Makefile build-mac
go build


tar -zxvf jobor-1.0.1.tar.gz
cd jobor-1.0.1
./bin/jobor server -c configs/config.toml
./bin/jobor worker -c configs/worker.toml


./app -h

Available Commands:
  worker      Start Run jobor worker
  help        Help about any command
  server      Start Run Jobor Server
  version     Print the version of Jobor

  -h, --help   help for this command

Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.


./app server -h
Welcome User Jobor Server

   server [flags]

## 启动命令 ./app server -p 5000 -c ./configs/config.toml -f ./logs

  -c, --config string   config file, example: ./configs/config.toml
  -h, --help            help for server
  -i, --ip string       服务IP (default "")
  -l, --level string    日志级别(DEBUG, INFO, WARNING e.g)
  -f, --log string      日志目录(/data/logs e.g) (default "./logs")
  -m, --mode string     启动模式(release, debug, test e.g)
  -p, --port string     服务启动的端口: 5000 (default "5000")

./app server -p 5000 -c ./configs/config.toml -f ./logs


./app worker -c ./configs/worker.toml


username: admin password: admin





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  • ldap
  • server <-- gRPC --> worker
  • task abort
  • task timeout
  • api/restful [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE] task
  • shell task
  • python3 task
  • golang task
  • server task
  • father task
  • children task
  • 任务缓存执行






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