A Go library and a command-line tool to manage Docker Swarm clusters



go-swarm is a Go library and command-line tool for managing the creation and maintenance of Docker Swarm cluster.


  • Creates new Swarm Cluster given a Terraform Clusterfile as input.
  • Retrives information about Swarm Clsuters.
  • Join new workers or managers to an existing Swarm Cluster.
  • Assigning Swarm Labels based on underlying VM Node labels.
  • Add-hoc adding new worker or manager nodes.
  • Draining Swarm nodes.
  • Removing Swarm ndoes.


Currently tehre is a command-line tool called swarm that can be installed with:

go install github.com/aucloud/cmd/swarm@latest

Using as a library is to be documented at a later date.


Using the swarm CLI tool is easy:

$ ./swarm
This is a command-line Docker Swarm Manager

This tool is an implementation of the swarm management library used to help
facilitate and automate the creation and management of Docker Swarm Clusters.

Supported functions include:

- Creating a Swarm Clsuter
- Adding new worker or manager nodes
- Draining nodes
- Removing nodes
- Displaying cluster information

  swarm [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Creates a new Swarm Cluster
  help        Help about any command
  info        Retrieve and display Swarm Cluster Information
  status      Retrieve and display Swarm Cluster Status

      --config string     config file (default is $HOME/.swarm.yaml)
  -D, --debug             Enable debug logging
  -h, --help              help for swarm
  -A, --ssh-addr string   SSH Address to connect to
  -K, --ssh-key string    SSH Key to use for remote execution (default "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa")
  -U, --ssh-user string   SSH User to use for remote execution (default "rancher")
  -v, --version           version for swarm

Use "swarm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For example to create a new Swarm cluster from a Terraform run:

terraform output -json Clusterfile | swarm -D create -

This will take the Clusterfile (a JSON representing the VM Nodes created via Terraform) and create a multi-manager Swarm Cluster and join all worker nodes and display the cluster status at the end.

cat Clusterfile.json
  "region": "local",
  "environment": "test",
  "cluster": "c1",
  "domain": "localdomain",
  "nodes": [{
    "hostname": "dm1",
    "public_address": "",
    "private_address": "",
    "tags": {
      "role": "manager"


go-swarm is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3

AUCloud AO&M Open Source Projects
  • Swarm provider fails to SSH to Docker swarm manager using VM public IP address

    Swarm provider fails to SSH to Docker swarm manager using VM public IP address

    During creation of a Docker cluster with the swarm provider into a Digitalocean account, we encountered the error shown below. Once the host mask was placed in the .ssh/config file (with attribute StrictHostKeyChecking set to no), we were able to re-apply the terraform config and the cluster resource was created correctly.

    swarm_cluster.cluster: Creating...
    2021-11-12T14:12:41.752+1000 [DEBUG] provider.terraform-provider-swarm_v1.0.0: time="2021-11-12T14:12:41+10:00" level=error msg="error switching to node" error="error creating remote runner: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
    │ Error: Unable to switch to first manager node
    │   with swarm_cluster.cluster,
    │   on main.tf line 47, in resource "swarm_cluster" "cluster":
    │   47: resource "swarm_cluster" "cluster" {
    │ Error switching to first manager node dm1.aucloud.SGP1 via error switching to node
    │ error creating remote runner: dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2021-11-12T14:12:41.811+1000 [DEBUG] provider.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"
    2021-11-12T14:12:41.813+1000 [DEBUG] provider: plugin process exited: path=.terraform/providers/registry.terraform.io/aucloud/swarm/1.0.0/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-swarm_v1.0.0 pid=23905
    2021-11-12T14:12:41.814+1000 [DEBUG] provider: plugin exited```
  • Unable to obtain terraform output information due to a file read failure in the swarm provider.

    Unable to obtain terraform output information due to a file read failure in the swarm provider.


    terraform version: v1.0.2
    swarm provider: v0.1.0


    The following error was thrown when attempting to deploy a 3 manager and 3 worker swarm:

    │ Error: Unable to switch to first manager node
    │   with swarm_cluster.cluster,
    │   on main.tf line 46, in resource "swarm_cluster" "cluster":
    │   46: resource "swarm_cluster" "cluster" {
    │ Error switching to first manager node heketi01-dm1 via error switching to node error creating remote runner: stat : no such file or directory

    The root cause is missing provider configuration, but it was not evident in this output that the ssh private key was not found.


    The terraform.log output (TF_LOG_PROVIDER=debug):

    2021-11-08T10:37:48.762+1000 [INFO]  CLI command args: []string{"apply", "-var-file", "tfvars/glusterprovider_sbx_r00.tfvars"}
    2021-11-08T10:37:48.768+1000 [INFO]  AWS Auth provider used: "SharedCredentialsProvider"
    2021-11-08T10:37:49.183+1000 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "."
    2021-11-08T10:37:49.186+1000 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "/usr/local/bin"
    2021-11-08T10:37:49.186+1000 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "/Users/ap0002/.terraform.d/plugins"
    2021-11-08T10:37:49.187+1000 [INFO]  Failed to read plugin lock file .terraform/plugins/darwin_amd64/lock.json: open .terraform/plugins/darwin_amd64/lock.json: no such file or directory
    2021-11-08T10:37:49.187+1000 [INFO]  backend/local: starting Apply operation

    Root Cause

    The following configuration was missing from main.tf:

    provider "swarm" {
      ssh_user = var.terraform_ssh_user
      ssh_key = var.terraform_ssh_key

    This maps the private key from the user variable terraform_ssh_user for the swarm provider.

    Expected Outcome

    Please provide better error output for this error condition. The README should capture the config requirements, but this information is not enough to troubleshoot off.

  • Fixes ensureManager() to use the PublicAddress of a matching nodes

    Fixes ensureManager() to use the PublicAddress of a matching nodes

    Fixes #5

    This addresses the problem in #5 by ensuring that we alway communicate with nodes via their .PublicAddress. We add support for filtering VMNodes by Public and Private address (in addition to tags which was already present). This lets us refactor .ensureManager() to correctly get the Public Address of one of the manager nodes to switch to when performing cluster modifications.

  • Swarm manage assumes PrivateAddress when swithcing nodes

    Swarm manage assumes PrivateAddress when swithcing nodes

    While doing some testing on a Compute + Storage cluster on Digital Ocean I noticed that swarm tool and the go-swarm library assumes the node's private address when switching nodes:

    (⎈ |local:default)
    Thu Dec 09 14:43:31
     (storage_cluster) 130
    $ terraform output -json Clusterfile | swarm -D -U rancher -K terraform_rsa create -
    DEBU[0003] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0005] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm init --advertise-addr --listen-addr  args="[]"
    DEBU[0009] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0010] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0011] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm join-token -q manager  args="[]"
    DEBU[0012] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm join-token -q worker  args="[]"
    DEBU[0016] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm join --advertise-addr --listen-addr --token SWMTKN-1-52zpwz2zpfgbrme9gw046r2at9ftphoxxokc158etc9manvbyt-1xf8cwuqb9uqe07eeo5n2a8ez  args="[]"
    DEBU[0022] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0028] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm join --advertise-addr --listen-addr --token SWMTKN-1-52zpwz2zpfgbrme9gw046r2at9ftphoxxokc158etc9manvbyt-1xf8cwuqb9uqe07eeo5n2a8ez  args="[]"
    DEBU[0032] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0036] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker swarm join --advertise-addr --listen-addr --token SWMTKN-1-52zpwz2zpfgbrme9gw046r2at9ftphoxxokc158etc9manvbyt-eg1343suxpb6pbrfpcng46q57  args="[]"
    DEBU[0041] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    DEBU[0042] running cmd on ssh://[email protected]:22: docker info --format "{{ json . }}"  args="[]"
    ERRO[0194] error switching to node            error="error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    WARN[0194] error switch to remote manager (trying next manager): %werror switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out  error="error switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    ERRO[0347] error switching to node            error="error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    WARN[0347] error switch to remote manager (trying next manager): %werror switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out  error="error switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m32s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    ERRO[0499] error switching to node            error="error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m31s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    WARN[0499] error switch to remote manager (trying next manager): %werror switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m31s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out  error="error switching to node error creating remote runner: failed to establish an SSH connection to timed out trying to connect to ssh after 2m31s: dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
    error creating swarm cluster: error labelling worker: error connecting to manager node: unable to connect to suitable manager

    I think we either need to assume the node's public address here os make this configurable.

    OTOH it's not super clear to me why the private networking and ssh listening port isn't working across the ndoe's private addresses in Digital Ocean -- probably worth finding that out...

  • Add support for using ssh agent authentication

    Add support for using ssh agent authentication

    This builds on the https://github.com/aucloud/go-runcmd/pull/4 PR to allow to use SSH agent authentication when provisioning using the Terraform swarm provider

    At the moment, there is an go.mod replace directive to use the new version of go-runcmd, but it should be replaced once the go-runcmd changes are in.

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