TinyHat.Me: Microservices deployed with Kubernetes that enable users to propose hat pictures and try on hats from a user-curated database.


Click here to see the "buggy" version 🐛

The Scenario

TinyHat.Me is an up and coming startup that provides an API to allow users to try on tiny hats via a REST API. The startup is looking to you to ship some awesome new features! While we have a frontend working to serve tiny hats from a database, the startup is looking to add some exciting new features. Today, as the newest backend engineer at TinyHat.Me, you are going to be learning how the microservices work, as well as fix a few outstanding bugs from our customers!

The Outline

🔨 Building

  • What are Microservices?
  • Let's write the /email and /moderate services!
  • Hello? Are you there? How do the pods communicate?

🚀 Deploying

  • What even is Kubernetes, the whale, and containers?
  • Containerizing with Docker
  • EKS: it does not stand for Ecstatic Kittens Surfing
  • Let's spring into action: Deploying Continuously with Github
  • Routing traffic with Route53 and DNS configuration

🐛 Debugging

  • Yikes! Innappropriate hats are on the website!
  • We have complaints about the fetch feature...
  • The moderate can't moderate?

API Documentation

Run in Postman


api.tinyhat.me?number=2 ?number (optional): How many hats you want!

[GET] /

api.tinyhat.me Returns a random tinyhat on Bob Ross.

[GET] /${hat style}

api.tinyhat.me/santa Returns a specific hat style on Bob Ross.

[GET] /api/hats

api.tinyhat.me/api/hats Returns a JSON object of all hats' image links and style identifiers.

[POST] /

api.tinyhat.me POST with multipart/form-data: image with face

Returns a random tinyhat on your POSTed image.

[POST] /${hat style}

api.tinyhat.me/santa POST with multipart/form-data: image with face

Returns a specific hat style on your POSTed image.

[POST] /add

api.tinyhat.me/add POST with multipart/form-data: image with hat and name attribute

Emails moderator with your proposed hat for moderation.



Bit Project
Making STEM education accessible.
Bit Project
  • Setting up GitOps (Argo) with TinyHats

    Setting up GitOps (Argo) with TinyHats

    We should set up GitOps for TinyHats to have automated CI/CD deployments of docker images for each microservice linked to each repo. Right now we have to manually build shit which isn't good.

  • Locust!


    Closes #73

    Locust Load Generator with 2 parts

    Custom requests (custom-locust-service)

    image Access test.tinyhat.me to specify parameters for testing. Host value must be http://gateway-service/ and a hat name. *Example: http://gateway-service/cat-ears image

    Note: Need to route test.tinyhat.me to custom-locust-service Load Balancer

    Default requests (locust-service)

    There is always a locust server running in the background to generate at least a 1 RPS (request per second) rate. The rate may fall below this level depending on the server response rate. Requests are randomly made to different hats. image

  • Set up Staging Environment

    Set up Staging Environment

    Set up Staging Environment that deploys from staging branch

    • [x] Spin down all existing EKS instances
    • [x] Create EKS cluster called Tinyhats-Staging
    • [x] Create Github Actions to:
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-add-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-admin-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-locust-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-fetch-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-frontend-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-manipulation-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-moderate-service
      • [x] Automatically create docker image staging-upload-service
    • [x] Create Github Actions to automatically redeploy kubernetes pod when there is a codechange
    • [ ] Set up Route53 to route staging.tinyhat.me to the staging environment.
  • Add Feature Flags for Bug Scenarios

    Add Feature Flags for Bug Scenarios

    Instead of having to switch docker images for the different scenarios, we should be able to have feature flags that can turn on and off various bugs that we have programmed in.

  • Add a Kafka Broker - turn `/fetch` into a Kafka producer & turn `/manipulate` into a  horizontally auto-scalable Kafka consumer

    Add a Kafka Broker - turn `/fetch` into a Kafka producer & turn `/manipulate` into a horizontally auto-scalable Kafka consumer

    Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 4 18 48 PM

    We need to add Kafka functionality to the application. To do this successfully, we need to add modifications


    • [x] We need to make sure that each message for the Kafka Broker does not exceed 1MB. Therefore, the Kafka message CANNOT contain the bare base64 image. We need to change the code so with the image name or ID we can fetch the base64 data from the MySQL database for /manipulate and /fetch


    • [ ] Spin up Kafka broker namespace using Strimzi.
    • [ ] Turn /fetch microservice into a Kafka producer, writing to the Kafka broker instead of sending a REST call
    • [ ] Turn /manipulate microservice into a Kafka consumer, reading from the Kafka broker instead of receiving a REST call
    • [ ] Enable Horizontal Autoscaling for /manipulate using this walkthrough
  • `/moderate` GoLang moderation service

    `/moderate` GoLang moderation service

    The email sent from /email will contain two links: one for approval and one for rejection. Each link will hit the moderate endpoint.

    Moderation Service

    Create a microservice that

    • adds the user-submitted image to the database upon admin request
  • Create upload endpoint

    Create upload endpoint


    Accepts input in form-data, uploads to AWS S3 bucket, and pushes to MySQL AWS RDS. Generates random names for images to avoid conflict.


    Closes #7 Closes #8

    DB Structure

    {"id":1,"keyId":"lfwy1ted33t35cnx","url":"https://uwuaascat.s3.amazonaws.com/lfwy1ted33t35cnx.jpeg","fileName":"lfwy1ted33t35cnx.jpeg","description":"baby lying down","approve":"false"}

    Database Name: main Table name: images


    Uses multipart/form-data. image: file upload name: description of the image


        "key": "3lh9ypagvkm2j4mh",
        "fileName": "3lh9ypagvkm2j4mh.jpeg",
        "url": "https://uwuaascat.s3.amazonaws.com/3lh9ypagvkm2j4mh.jpeg",
        "description": "baby lying down",
        "approve": "false"
  • `/upload` Endpoint (NodeJS)

    `/upload` Endpoint (NodeJS)

    Upload Service

    Create a service that uploads an image to AWS S3, retrieves the S3 link, and stores it in AWS RDS. #7

    API input

       image: `data`,
       category: "category",
       name: "catfish"

    Reference readings


  • Animal DB [AWS RDS]

    Animal DB [AWS RDS]

    Spin up a https://github.com/typicode/lowdb instance to store all of the links to images and cat

           category: "cat",
           link: "awslink.com/s3",
           name: "Cat in the rain", 
  • New frontend (commerce)

    New frontend (commerce)

    • [x] Allow user to change model
    • [x] Allow user to choose model
    • [x] Make requests come from server, not client
    • [x] Style new interface
    • [x] Fix checkout cart
  • Recoding manipulate

    Recoding manipulate

    Closes #102

    • accepts POST request to add hat onto image /manipulate
    • accepts POST request to add new hat (interacts with MySQL to store and create preview images) /add
  • Scenario #1: Bad Architecture

    Scenario #1: Bad Architecture

    Scenario #1 - Bad Architecture

    Services Changed: Frontend Service Problem: The frontend calls the manipulate service for every single hat at page load time instead of using the pre-manipulated images from the database. Folder: scenarios/bad-architecture/


  • Scenario #2 - Redis Memory Issues

    Scenario #2 - Redis Memory Issues

    Scenario #2 - Redis Memory Issues

    Services Changed: YAML for Redis database Problem: We have allocated too little memory for redis to function properly Folder: scenarios/redis-memory/

  • Scenario #3: Bad SQL Request

    Scenario #3: Bad SQL Request

    Scenario #3 - Bad SQL Request

    Services Changed: Product Catalog Service Problem: The SQL query to fetch hats is case sensitive. There are some images that break because of of the case sensitivity. Folder: scenarios/bad-sql/

  • Helm Command

    Helm Command

    **Problem: ** For many demo environments, it is difficult to execute code changes. **Solution: ** Create a helm chart that allows you to pull and execute various docker images with various environmental variables to make demo-ing easier.

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