gofu aims to provide a flexible toolkit for creating custom scripting languages in Go.


a scripting language toolkit in Go


gofu aims to provide a flexible toolkit for creating custom scripting languages in Go.


Functions have a name, an argument list, a result list and a body.

p := gofu.Pos("Test", -1, -1)

add := gofu.Func("+", []gofu.Type{types.Int(), types.Int()}, []gofu.Type{types.Int()},
	func(pos gofu.TPos, thread *gofu.TThread, _func *gofu.TFunc, pc *int) error {
		stack := thread.Stack()
		stack.Push(types.Int(), stack.Pop().Value().(int) + stack.Pop().Value().(int))
		return nil

scope := gofu.Scope()	
scope.BindSlot("+", types.Func(), add)

block := gofu.Block()
c := forms.Call(p, forms.Id(p, "+"), forms.Literal(p, types.Int(), 35), forms.Literal(p, types.Int(), 7))
c.Compile(scope, block)

thread := gofu.Thread(scope)
block.Run(thread, 0)

The same thing could be accomplished by manually emitting operations.

block.Emit(ops.Push(types.Int(), 35))
block.Emit(ops.Push(types.Int(), 7))
block.Emit(ops.Call(p, add))

fimps.Compile may be used to compile function bodies.

fimp, err := fimps.Compile(forms.Literal(p, []gofu.Type{types.Int()}, 42), block)
fortyTwo := gofu.Func("fortyTwo", nil, []gofu.Type{types.Int()}, fimp)
scope.BindSlot("fortyTwo", types.Func(), f)

multiple dispatch

The following example will dispatch to the right function based on the argument and push "Bool!" on the stack.

f1 := gofu.Func("foo", []gofu.Type{types.Bool()}, []gofu.Type{types.Int()},
    func(pos gofu.TPos, thread *gofu.TThread, _func *gofu.TFunc, pc *int) error {
	    stack := thread.Stack()
	    stack.Push(types.String(), "Bool!")
	    return nil

f2 := gofu.Func("foo", []gofu.Type{types.Int()}, []gofu.Type{types.Int()},
    func(pos gofu.TPos, thread *gofu.TThread, _func *gofu.TFunc, pc *int) error {
	    stack := thread.Stack()
	    stack.Push(types.String(), "Int!")
	    return nil

m := gofu.Multi("foo", 1, f1, f2)
block.Emit(ops.Push(types.Bool(), true))
block.Emit(ops.Call(p, m))


Macros are called at compile time and may emit different code depending on arguments.

	gofu.Macro("reset", 0,
		func(pos gofu.TPos, args []gofu.Form, scope *gofu.TScope, block *gofu.TBlock) error {
			return nil


The following list of types are provided but optional, anything implementing gofu.Type may be used as a type.

  • Any: Any - Anything
  • Bool: Any - t/f
  • Char: Any - Characters
  • Func: Any Target - Functions
  • Int: Any Num - Integers
  • Maybe[T]: Any - Contains T or Nil
  • Meta: Any - The type of types
  • Multi: Any Target - Multimethods
  • Nil - Nothing, it's only value being _
  • Num: Any - Parent of all numbers
  • Seq[T]: Any - Parent of all sequences
  • Stack[T]: Any Seq[T] - Stacks of values
  • String: Any Seq[Char] - Strings
  • Target: Any - Callable values


A primitive REPL is provided, it reads one form at a time and prints the stack after each evaluation.

$ cd bin
$ ./mk
$ ./repl
gofu v1
  +(35 7)

Parens may be used to group forms.

  (1 2 3)
[1 2 3]

The stack may be directly modified using d and reset.

  (1 2 3)
[1 2 3]
[1 2]

Code may be executed conditionally using if.

  if(t 1 2)
  if(f 3 4)
[1 4]

Functions may be called by suffixing names with argument lists.

  +(35 7)

New functions may be defined using func.

  func(foo () (Int) 42)

Values may be bound to identifiers using bind.

  bind(foo 42)

The REPL is heavily parameterized and assumes very little about the actual language.

scope := gofu.Scope()
block := gofu.Block()
thread := gofu.Thread(scope)
utils.Repl(scope, parsers.Any(), block, thread)
Andreas Nilsson
I am by nature a dealer in words, and words are the most powerful drug known to humanity.
Andreas Nilsson
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