💡 A Distributed and High-Performance Monitoring System. The next generation of Open-Falcon









关注公众号 Obsuite(官方公众号) 回复 "夜莺加群"


  • oidc配置了,没有显示oidc的登陆信息,这是怎么回事啊


    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    Enable = true
    RedirectURL = "http://ip:18000/callback"
    SsoAddr = "http://ip/oidc/login"
    ClientId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    ClientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    CoverAttributes = true
    # 默认角色
    DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
    # 属性映射
    Nickname = "nickname"
    Phone = "phone_number"
    Email = "email"

    Relevant logs


    System info


    Steps to reproduce

    1.oidc配置了,没有显示oidc的登陆信息,这是怎么回事啊 2. 3. ...

    Expected behavior


    Actual behavior


    Additional info


  • 求解:各位大佬老师,在用ibex categraf-v0.2.10 做自愈脚本的时候,告警规则上设置自愈脚本不生效, 我categraf  和ibex-agent 装在一台服务器。然后夜莺的一套是用docker 装在了另外一台服务器上,求排查思路。

    求解:各位大佬老师,在用ibex categraf-v0.2.10 做自愈脚本的时候,告警规则上设置自愈脚本不生效, 我categraf 和ibex-agent 装在一台服务器。然后夜莺的一套是用docker 装在了另外一台服务器上,求排查思路。

    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    cat /data/categraf-v0.2.10-linux-amd64/conf/config.toml
    # whether print configs
    print_configs = false
    # add label(agent_hostname) to series
    # "" -> auto detect hostname
    # "xx" -> use specified string xx
    # "$hostname" -> auto detect hostname
    # "$ip" -> auto detect ip
    # "$hostname-$ip" -> auto detect hostname and ip to replace the vars
    hostname = "$ip"
    /ibex/etc/agentd.conf 配置
    # debug, release
    RunMode = "debug"
    # task meta storage dir
    MetaDir = "./meta"
    Enable = true
    # http listening address
    Host = ""
    # http listening port
    Port = 2090
    # https cert file path
    CertFile = ""
    # https key file path
    KeyFile = ""
    # whether print access log
    PrintAccessLog = true
    # whether enable pprof
    PProf = false
    # http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s
    ShutdownTimeout = 30
    # max content length: 64M
    MaxContentLength = 67108864
    # http server read timeout, unit: s
    ReadTimeout = 20
    # http server write timeout, unit: s
    WriteTimeout = 40
    # http server idle timeout, unit: s
    IdleTimeout = 120
    # unit: ms
    Interval = 1000
    # rpc servers
    Servers = [""]
    # $ip or $hostname or specified string
    Host = ""

    Relevant logs


    System info

    前端版本:5.9.0 后端版本:v5.10.3-23d7e5a7de5d0ffea7ab941e9621ef7f53071775

    Steps to reproduce


    Expected behavior


    Actual behavior


    Additional info


  • 3.0页面显示不正常


    根据安装步骤进行安装,估计是前端界面存在问题。 console报错如下: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse () at layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:81829 at ia (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at La (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Va (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Ha (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Mc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at xc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at yc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Ga (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:81829 SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse () at layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:81829 at ia (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at La (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Va (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Ha (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Mc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at xc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at yc (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318) at Ga (layout-2ad14e8510d33d9e5c84.js:59318)

  • 告警配置的与条件 似乎有问题

    告警配置的与条件 似乎有问题

    当前的告警策略配置: image

    当前的对应 matrics 的状态: image

    想实现的是 当proc.port.listen <1 与 file.lock.exist < 1都满足的时候 就报警
    当前的状态是满足告警的条件的。 但是并没有触发告警 。

    单独配置 不使用 与 条件的时候,是能够分别触发告警的。

  • 夜莺v3版本 agent 停止时无法生产报警事件

    夜莺v3版本 agent 停止时无法生产报警事件

    我将夜莺从v2版本重新部署成v3版本时其他报警可以正常的生成报警信息,agent 停止时无法生成告警事件


    { "name": "监控agent失联", "category": 1, "alert_dur": 60, "recovery_dur": 0, "recovery_notify": 1, "enable_stime": "00:00", "enable_etime": "23:59", "priority": 1, "exprs": [ { "eopt": "=", "func": "nodata", "metric": "proc.agent.alive", "params": [], "threshold": 0 } ], "tags": [], "enable_days_of_week": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "converge": [ 36000, 1 ], "endpoints": null },

    其余报警都正常,并且我的监控策略都是放置在一个主节点的 当agent停止时可以可以从监控看图正常的看到proc.agent.alive 监控项没有上报获取到信息 在未恢复报警中没有生成事件为啥 求大佬指点

  • 通过api上报的数据查询结果为NaN


    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

      storage: /home/storage/n9e_data/8011
      keepMinutes: 120
      dir: logs/tsdb
      level: WARNING
      keepHours: 2
      datasource: "tsdb"
        enabled: false
        maxSeriesPoints: 720                       # default 720
        name: "m3db"
        namespace: "default"
        seriesLimit: 0
        docsLimit: 0
        daysLimit: 7                               # max query time
        # https://m3db.github.io/m3/m3db/architecture/consistencylevels/
        writeConsistencyLevel: "majority"          # one|majority|all
        readConsistencyLevel: "unstrict_majority"  # one|unstrict_majority|majority|all
            # KV environment, zone, and service from which to write/read KV data (placement
            # and configuration). Leave these as the default values unless you know what
            # you're doing.
            env: default_env
            zone: embedded
            service: m3db
              - zone: embedded
                  caCrtPath: /etc/etcd/certs/ca.pem
                  crtPath: /etc/etcd/certs/etcd-client.pem
                  keyPath: /etc/etcd/certs/etcd-client-key.pem
        enabled: true
        name: "tsdb"
        enabled: false
        username: "influx"
        password: "admin123"
        precision: "s"
        database: "n9e"
        address: ""
        enabled: false
        address: ""
        enabled: false
        brokersPeers: ","
        topic: "n9e"
      dir: logs/transfer
      level: INFO
      keepHours: 24

    Relevant logs

    2022-07-06 18:39:47.942693 WARNING rpc/query.go:118 debug: true, /home/storage/n9e_data/8011/cd/cdf3bd9e6ba35f20b66aa65ddd330365_GAUGE_7200.rrd
    2022-07-06 18:39:47.943026 WARNING rpc/query.go:145 data: [<RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654480800 2022-06-06 10:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654488000 2022-06-06 12:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654495200 2022-06-06 14:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654502400 2022-06-06 16:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654509600 2022-06-06 18:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654516800 2022-06-06 20:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654524000 2022-06-06 22:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654531200 2022-06-07 00:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654538400 2022-06-07 02:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654545600 2022-06-07 04:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654552800 2022-06-07 06:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654560000 2022-06-07 08:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654567200 2022-06-07 10:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654574400 2022-06-07 12:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654581600 2022-06-07 14:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654588800 2022-06-07 16:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654596000 2022-06-07 18:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654603200 2022-06-07 20:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654610400 2022-06-07 22:00:00> <RRDData:Value:NaN TS:1654617600 2022-06-08 00:00:00>

    System info

    n9e 3.8.0

    Steps to reproduce

    1.首先通过/api/transfer/data批量上报以前收集的历史数据 2.在监控页面查看数据图表时发现数据无法查看 3.排查日志发现数据文件可以正常打开,但是查出来的数据部分的Value是NaN

    Expected behavior


    Actual behavior


    Additional info

    No response

  • 活跃告警聚合规则使用问题


    前端版本:5.5.1 后端版本:5.9.3

    第一个问题 image image 这时他会提示是否公开,逻辑上公开就打开,不公开就关上,然后我公开再不公开就正常创建了 image 建议优化下这个逻辑


    image image 我的__name__聚合规则添加上了,但是实际显示出来的是Null image 我编辑聚合规则,删除__name__ 标签,提示:unsupported field: name,这个很奇怪,有时候可以添加上标签,有时候又不可以。 我试了一下告警中其他的标签,也是同样的问题。

  • 【多集群配置】配置好webapic.conf和server.conf后,只有节点信息(ident)到了中心端,prometheus的即时数据无法查询。


    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    # 中心端cluster info
    # Prometheus cluster name
    Name = "Default"
    # Prometheus APIs base url
    Prom = ""
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 3000
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
    # 局部地区cluster info
    # Prometheus cluster name
    Name = "zhifawang_cluster"
    # Prometheus APIs base url
    Prom = "http://局部地区ip:9090"
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 3000
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
    # postgres: host=%s port=%s user=%s dbname=%s password=%s sslmode=%s
    # enable debug mode or not
    Debug = false
    # mysql postgres
    DBType = "mysql"
    # unit: s
    MaxLifetime = 7200
    # max open connections
    MaxOpenConns = 150
    # max idle connections
    MaxIdleConns = 50
    # table prefix
    TablePrefix = ""
    # enable auto migrate or not
    EnableAutoMigrate = false
    # prometheus base url
    Url = ""
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 10000
    TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # time duration, unit: ms
    KeepAlive = 30000
    MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    MaxIdleConns = 100
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 10
    Url = ""
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 10000
    DialTimeout = 3000
    TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # time duration, unit: ms
    KeepAlive = 30000
    MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    MaxIdleConns = 100
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
    # 局部地区集群server.conf
    # prometheus base url
    Url = "http://prometheus:9090"
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 10000
    TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # time duration, unit: ms
    KeepAlive = 30000
    MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    MaxIdleConns = 100
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 10
    Url = "http://prometheus:9090/api/v1/write"
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 10000
    TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # time duration, unit: ms
    KeepAlive = 30000
    MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    MaxIdleConns = 100
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100

    Relevant logs

    2022-06-21 09:44:09.616229 WARNING writer/writer.go:42 post to http://prometheus:9090/api/v1/write got error: push data with remote write request got status code: 500, response body: label name "busigroup" is not unique: invalid sample
    2022-06-21 09:44:09.616338 WARNING writer/writer.go:43 example timeseries:labels:<name:"__name__" value:"kernel_processes_forked" > labels:<name:"ident" value:"\351\251\254\351\201\223\345\244\264" > labels:<name:"busigroup" value:"jykj_dt" > labels:<name:"busigroup" value:"jykj_dt" > samples:<value:4.0868227e+07 timestamp:1655775848000 >

    System info

    前端版本:5.5.1 后端版本:5.9.2

    Steps to reproduce

    1.修改中心端webapi.conf文件中cluster信息 2.修改局部n9e,server.con中DB信息 3.重启局部n9e server服务 ...

    Expected behavior

    中心端显示多套集群的节点信息及即时信息 注:中心端使用组件部署,局部使用docker部署

    Actual behavior


    Additional info


  • 数据有断层,不知如何排查


    What happened:一台主句的指标数据断断续续

    What you expected to happen:log没有问题

    How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

    Anything else we need to know?:


    • OS (e.g: cat /etc/os-release):centos 6.6
    • Logs:
    • Others:
  • feat: persist notify cur number

    feat: persist notify cur number

    feat: persist notify cur number


    pg更新脚本: ALTER TABLE alert_cur_event ADD notify_cur_number int not null default 0; ALTER TABLE alert_his_event ADD notify_cur_number int not null default 0;

  • 监控大盘promql 引用 变量会报错,无法配置

    监控大盘promql 引用 变量会报错,无法配置

    夜莺版本: 下载 5.6.3 版本源码,使用docker-compose部署

    • 前端版本:5.2.1

    • 后端版本:5.6.3

    • chrome 版本 84.0.4147.105(正式版本) (64 位)

    问题和复现方法: 部署完成后,前端配置一个监控大盘

    监控大盘新增一个 host 变量,,然后随便新增一个监控图表,配置 promql如下 cpu_usage_user{ident="$host"} 点击保存,无法生效,控制台报如下错误

    vendor.afcc874e.js:27 TypeError: i.replaceAll is not a function
        at u1 (index.a3d7ea18.js:33)
        at index.a3d7ea18.js:33
        at Oe (vendor.afcc874e.js:49)
        at Function.xa (vendor.afcc874e.js:49)
        at y (index.a3d7ea18.js:33)
        at index.a3d7ea18.js:33
        at Ss (vendor.afcc874e.js:27)
        at t.unstable_runWithPriority (vendor.afcc874e.js:18)
        at Ri (vendor.afcc874e.js:27)
        at _s (vendor.afcc874e.js:27)

    作为对比,直接写死ident的值,图表加载正常: cpu_usage_user{ident="telegraf01"}

  • 帮忙分析一下感谢,server日志中出现大量client 404

    帮忙分析一下感谢,server日志中出现大量client 404

    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    Relevant logs

    2022-12-28 16:50:42.090274 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:245 promql:increase(net_drop_out[1m]) > 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.093313 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:263 promql:http_response_http_response_code > 500, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.114400 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:246 promql:netstat_tcp_time_wait > 20000, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.127133 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:244 promql:increase(net_drop_in[1m]) > 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.128994 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:238 promql:target_up != 1, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.139551 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:249 promql:procstat_lookup_result_code != 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.147291 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:242 promql:rate(diskio_io_time[1m])/10 > 99, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.152683 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:277 promql:disk_used_percent > 85, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.155019 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:239 promql:net_response_result_code != 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.156042 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:247 promql:procstat_lookup_running == 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.182513 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:241 promql:mem_available_percent < 10, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.186227 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:248 promql:procstat_rlimit_num_fds_soft < 2048, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.190165 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:240 promql:cpu_usage_idle{cpu="cpu-total"} < 25, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.265185 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:237 promql:ping_result_code != 0, error:client_error: client error: 404
    2022-12-28 16:50:42.298631 ERROR engine/worker.go:209 rule_eval:243 promql:predict_linear(disk_free[1h], 4*3600) < 0, error:client_error: client error: 404

    System info

    n9e-v5.14.3-linux-amd64 centos

    Steps to reproduce

    Expected behavior

    Actual behavior

    Additional info

    No response

  • 5.14.4屏蔽中的报警会报出来


    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    ShardingKey = "ident"  其他同5.13.1

    Relevant logs

    2022-12-23 18:38:58.012905 INFO engine/logger.go:19 event(568b8a2de13649785ce5ae2648171945 triggered) consume: rule_id=62 [__name__=port_plugin_collector_8080 env=online host=xxxxxx0004-vm instance=xxxxxx job=node_exporters_http node=xxxxxxx4-vm rulename=服务挂了(8080端口挂了) service=xxxxxx]2@1671791937

    System info

    n9e 5.14.4,n9e-fe 5.14.3,centos

    Steps to reproduce

    1.上线前屏蔽机器的报警,时长20分钟(18:34到18:54) image

    2.开始上线重启服务 3.发现屏蔽中的报警被报出来了,期间看夜莺的屏蔽规则里是有的(忘了截图了),而且报警里面持续时间2s也不太可能,我的规则是60s一次,连续3次才报警 image


    Expected behavior


    Actual behavior


    Additional info

    No response

  • update: view metrics data by instance

    update: view metrics data by instance

    What type of PR is this? update mongo dashboard template

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Each chart in the dashboard contains the metric data of all instances. After updating, you can select the instance Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes # https://github.com/flashcatcloud/categraf/issues/255

    Special notes for your reviewer:

  • 飞书告警消息模板支持 ”消息卡片“ 模式,能够使用 ”lark_md“ 消息格式

    飞书告警消息模板支持 ”消息卡片“ 模式,能够使用 ”lark_md“ 消息格式

    What would you like to be added: 飞书告警消息模板支持 ”消息卡片“ 模式,能够使用 ”lark_md“ 消息格式。

    Why is this needed: 飞书 V2 报警模板,能够根据告警的状态(类似于钉钉和企业微信告警模板里的功能)实现不同的 title color。偏于区分告警的状态,更加方便运维以及业务人员关注告警信息。

  • v5.14.1和v5.14.2引用的toolkits\pkg 1.3.1存在bug

    v5.14.1和v5.14.2引用的toolkits\pkg 1.3.1存在bug

    Relevant server.conf | webapi.conf

    # debug, release
    RunMode = "release"
    # my cluster name
    ClusterName = "Default"
    # Default busigroup Key name
    # do not change
    BusiGroupLabelKey = "busigroup"
    # sleep x seconds, then start judge engine
    EngineDelay = 60
    DisableUsageReport = false
    # config | database
    ReaderFrom = "config"
    # log write dir
    Dir = "logs"
    Level = "INFO"
    # stdout, stderr, file
    Output = "stdout"
    # # rotate by time
    # KeepHours: 4
    # # rotate by size
    # RotateNum = 3
    # # unit: MB
    # RotateSize = 256
    # http listening address
    Host = ""
    # http listening port
    Port = 19000
    # https cert file path
    CertFile = ""
    # https key file path
    KeyFile = ""
    # whether print access log
    PrintAccessLog = false
    # whether enable pprof
    PProf = false
    # http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s
    ShutdownTimeout = 30
    # max content length: 64M
    MaxContentLength = 67108864
    # http server read timeout, unit: s
    ReadTimeout = 20
    # http server write timeout, unit: s
    WriteTimeout = 40
    # http server idle timeout, unit: s
    IdleTimeout = 120
    # [BasicAuth]
    # user002 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc9"
    # auto detect if blank
    IP = ""
    # unit ms
    Interval = 1000
    Host = "smtp.163.com"
    Port = 994
    User = "username"
    Pass = "password"
    From = "[email protected]"
    InsecureSkipVerify = true
    Batch = 5
    # timeout settings, unit: ms, default: 30000ms
    TemplatesDir = "./etc/template"
    NotifyConcurrency = 10
    # use builtin go code notify
    NotifyBuiltinChannels = ["email", "dingtalk", "wecom", "feishu", "mm"]
    # built in sending capability in go code
    # so, no need enable script sender
    Enable = false
    ScriptPath = "./etc/script/notify.py"
    Enable = false
    # use a plugin via `go build -buildmode=plugin -o notify.so`
    PluginPath = "./etc/script/notify.so"
    # The first letter must be capitalized to be exported
    Caller = "N9eCaller"
    Enable = false
    # complete redis key: ${ChannelPrefix} + ${Cluster}
    ChannelPrefix = "/alerts/"
    Enable = false
    Url = "http://a.com/n9e/callback"
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    Timeout = "5s"
    Headers = ["Content-Type", "application/json", "X-From", "N9E"]
    Metric = "target_up"
    # unit: second
    Interval = 120
    # callback: ${ibex}/${tplid}/${host}
    Address = ""
    # basic auth
    BasicAuthUser = "ibex"
    BasicAuthPass = "ibex"
    # unit: ms
    Timeout = 3000
    # address, ip:port or ip1:port,ip2:port for cluster and sentinel(SentinelAddrs)
    Address = ""
    # Username = ""
    # Password = ""
    # DB = 0
    # UseTLS = false
    # TLSMinVersion = "1.2"
    # standalone cluster sentinel
    RedisType = "standalone"
    # Mastername for sentinel type
    # MasterName = "mymaster"
    # postgres: host=%s port=%s user=%s dbname=%s password=%s sslmode=%s
    # enable debug mode or not
    Debug = false
    # mysql postgres
    DBType = "mysql"
    # unit: s
    MaxLifetime = 7200
    # max open connections
    MaxOpenConns = 150
    # max idle connections
    MaxIdleConns = 50
    # table prefix
    TablePrefix = ""
    # enable auto migrate or not
    # EnableAutoMigrate = false
    # prometheus base url
    Url = ""
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Timeout = 30000
    DialTimeout = 3000
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
    # queue channel count
    QueueCount = 1000
    # queue max size
    QueueMaxSize = 1000000
    # once pop samples number from queue
    QueuePopSize = 1000
    # metric or ident
    ShardingKey = "ident"
    Url = ""
    # Basic auth username
    BasicAuthUser = ""
    # Basic auth password
    BasicAuthPass = ""
    # timeout settings, unit: ms
    Headers = ["X-From", "n9e"]
    Timeout = 10000
    DialTimeout = 3000
    TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # time duration, unit: ms
    KeepAlive = 30000
    MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    MaxIdleConns = 100
    MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
    # [[Writers.WriteRelabels]]
    # Action = "replace"
    # SourceLabels = ["__address__"]
    # Regex = "([^:]+)(?::\\d+)?"
    # Replacement = "$1:80"
    # TargetLabel = "__address__"
    # [[Writers]]
    # Url = ""
    # # Basic auth username
    # BasicAuthUser = ""
    # # Basic auth password
    # BasicAuthPass = ""
    # # timeout settings, unit: ms
    # Timeout = 30000
    # DialTimeout = 10000
    # TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
    # ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
    # IdleConnTimeout = 90000
    # # time duration, unit: ms
    # KeepAlive = 30000
    # MaxConnsPerHost = 0
    # MaxIdleConns = 100
    # MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100

    Relevant logs

    # github.com/toolkits/pkg/logger
    \go\pkg\mod\github.com\toolkits\[email protected]\logger\config.go:37:32: cannot use sb (variable of type *syslogBackend) as type Backend in argument to log.SetLogging:
    	*syslogBackend does not implement Backend (missing Close method)
    		have close()
    		want Close()

    System info

    n9e v5.14.1 v5.14.2

    Steps to reproduce

    1. 设置启动参数 server conf=server.json后 启动

    Expected behavior


    Actual behavior

    无法启动 提示:


    \go\pkg\mod\github.com\toolkits\[email protected]\logger\config.go:37:32: cannot use sb (variable of type *syslogBackend) as type Backend in argument to log.SetLogging: *syslogBackend does not implement Backend (missing Close method) have close() want Close()

    Additional info

    这个属于 toolkits/pkg的bug https://github.com/toolkits/pkg/issues/10

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