ecommerce microservice


Digota - ecommerce microservice Go Report Card Build Status Coverage Status Gitter chat

Digota is ecommerce microservice built to be the modern standard for ecommerce systems.It is based on grpc,protocol-buffers and http2 provides clean, powerful and secured RPC interface.

Our Goal is to provide the best technology that covers most of the ecommerce flows, just focus of your business logic and not on the ecommerce logic.

TLDR; scalable ecommerce microservice.

Join our community at gitter !

Getting started


  • Go > 1.8
  • Database
    • mongodb > 3.2
    • redis (TBD)
    • postgresql (TBD - #2)
  • Lock server (default is in-memory locker)
    • zookeeper
    • redis !! (thanks @Gerifield)
    • etcd (TBD - #3)


From source

$ go get -u

From docker hub

$ docker pull digota/digota:0.1


$ docker run digota/digota:0.1

Or with flags

$ docker run digota/digota:0.1 bash -c "digota --version"

Check out this docker-compose for more details.

Flags: --info Set log level to info --debug Set log level to debug --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version

Cross languages

Key benefit of using grpc is the native support of major languages (C++,Java,Python,Go,Ruby,Node.js,C#,Objective-C,Android Java and PHP). Learn How to compile your client right here, You can use you Makefile as well.

Complied clients:

  1. php

Flexible payment gateways

It does not matter which payment gateway you are using, it is just matter of config to register it.

Supported gateways for now:

  1. Stripe
  2. Braintree

Are you payment provider ? Just implement the following interface and PR you changes.

Auth & Security

We take security very seriously, don't hesitate to report a security issue.

Digota is fully Encrypted (end-to-end) using TLS, That fact is leveraged also to Authenticate Clients based on their Certificate in front of the Local Certificate Authority. Basically we are creating CA and signing any certificate we want to approve with same CA.

How about revoking certificate? The CRL approch here is whitelist instead of blacklist, just remove client serial from your config.

Create CA
$ certstrap init --common-name ""
Create Client Certificate
$ certstrap request-cert --domain
Sign Certificate
$ certstrap sign --CA ""
Approve Certificate

Take the certificate serial and Append the serial and scopes(WRITE,READ,WILDCARD) to your config

$ openssl x509 -in out/ -serial | grep -Po '(?<=serial=)\w+'
output: A2FF9503829A3A0DDE9CB87191A472D4

Follow these steps to create your CA and Certificates.

Money & Currencies

Floats are tricky when it comes to money, we don't want to lose money so the chosen money representation here is based on the smallest currency unit. For example: 4726 is $47.26.

Distributed lock

All the important data usage is Exclusively Guaranteed, means that you don't need to worry about any concurrent data-race across different nodes. Typical data access is as following:

Client #1 GetSomething -> TryLock -> [lock accuired] ->  DoSomething -> ReleaseLock -> Return Something 
Client #2 GetSomething -> TryLock -> --------- [wait for lock] -------------------*-----> [lock accuired] -> ...
Client #3 GetSomething -> TryLock -> -------------------- [wait for lock] ---> [accuire error] -> Return Error

Core Services


service Payment {
    rpc Charge  (chargeRequest) returns (charge)        {}
    rpc Refund  (refundRequest) returns (charge)        {}
    rpc Get     (getRequest)    returns (charge)        {}
    rpc List    (listRequest)   returns (chargeList)    {}

Full service definition.

Payment service is used for credit/debit card charge and refund, it is provides support of multiple payment providers as well. Usually there is no use in this service externally if you are using order functionality.


service Order {
    rpc New     (newRequest)    returns (order)         {}
    rpc Get     (getRequest)    returns (order)         {}
    rpc Pay     (payRequest)    returns (order)         {}
    rpc Return  (returnRequest) returns (order)         {}
    rpc List    (listRequest)   returns (listResponse)  {}

Full service definition.

Order service helps you deal with structured purchases ie order. Naturally order is a collection of purchasable products,discounts,invoices and basic customer information.


service Product {
    rpc New     (newRequest)    returns (product)       {}
    rpc Get     (getRequest)    returns (product)       {}
    rpc Update  (updateRequest) returns (product)       {}
    rpc Delete  (deleteRequest) returns (empty)         {}
    rpc List    (listRequest)   returns (productList)   {}

Full service definition.

Product service helps you manage your products, product represent collection of purchasable items(sku), physical or digital.


service Sku {
    rpc New     (newRequest)    returns (sku)           {}
    rpc Get     (getRequest)    returns (sku)           {}
    rpc Update  (updateRequest) returns (sku)           {}
    rpc Delete  (deleteRequest) returns (empty)         {}
    rpc List    (listRequest)   returns (skuList)       {}

Full service definition.

Sku service helps you manage your product Stock Keeping Units(SKU), sku represent specific product configuration such as attributes, currency and price.

For example, a product may be a football ticket, whereas a specific SKU represents the stadium section.

Sku is also used to manage its inventory and prevent oversell in case that the inventory type is Finite.

Usage example

Eventually the goal is to make life easier at the client-side, here's golang example of creating order and paying for it.. easy as that.

Create new order

order.New(context.Background(), &orderpb.NewRequest{
    Currency: paymentpb.Currency_EUR,
    Items: []*orderpb.OrderItem{
    		Parent:   "af350ecc-56c8-485f-8858-74d4faffa9cb",
    		Quantity: 2,
    		Type:     orderpb.OrderItem_sku,
    		Amount:      -1000,
    		Description: "Discount for being loyal customer",
    		Currency:    paymentpb.Currency_EUR,
    		Type:        orderpb.OrderItem_discount,
    		Amount:      1000,
    		Description: "Tax",
    		Currency:    paymentpb.Currency_EUR,
    		Type:        orderpb.OrderItem_tax,
    Email: "[email protected]",
    Shipping: &orderpb.Shipping{
    	Name:  "Yaron Sumel",
    	Phone: "+972 000 000 000",
    	Address: &orderpb.Shipping_Address{
    		Line1:      "Loren ipsum",
    		City:       "San Jose",
    		Country:    "USA",
    		Line2:      "",
    		PostalCode: "12345",
    		State:      "CA",

Pay the order

order.Pay(context.Background(), &orderpb.PayRequest{
    Id:                "bf350ecc-56c8-485f-8858-74d4faffa9cb",
    PaymentProviderId: paymentpb.PaymentProviderId_Stripe,
    Card: &paymentpb.Card{
        Type:        paymentpb.CardType_Visa,
    	CVC:         "123",
    	ExpireMonth: "12",
    	ExpireYear:  "2022",
    	LastName:    "Sumel",
    	FirstName:   "Yaron",
    	Number:      "4242424242424242",





// Digota <> - eCommerce microservice
// Copyright (c) 2018 Yaron Sumel <[email protected]>
// MIT License
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.

You can find the complete license file here, for any questions regarding the license please contact us.


For any questions or inquiries please contact [email protected]

building the future of e-commerce.
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    In-memory lock

    Implementing a simple in-memory locker would allow testing without dependencies as well as allow users to evaluate digota without much upfront effort.

  • Bug: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

    Bug: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

    Getting these errors when trying to install.

    $ go get -u
    src/ multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context
    src/ multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context
    src/ multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

    Here's a Dockerfile that reproduces this error.

    FROM golang:1.9
    RUN go get -u
    ENTRYPOINT [ "digota" ]
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    Issue #5

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    Good day,

    I am facing the below error when running setting up digota using the docker-compose.yaml file. Unable to connect to the mongo container instance running

    time="2018-12-19T10:20:30Z" level=fatal msg="Could not create storage handler => no reachable servers"

    Please assist,


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