go-wordle - Wordle in terminal, written in Go


go-wordle is a simple console application that allows user to play Wordle game in terminal. It is synchronized with official New York Times Wordle game so you get the exact same word once per day in your terminal as on official game site.


go-wordle has two modes:

  1. ansi mode - uses ansi terminal capabilities to have colors, Unicode characters, basic editing

  2. "poorman's" mode - uses only 7-bit dumb terminal capabilities


git clone github.com/firusvg/go-wordle
cd path/to/go-wordle
go get github.com/nsf/termbox-go
go get github.com/mattn/go-runewidth
go build 

To force poorman's mode, start go-wordle with:

./go-wordle --poorman
Vladimir Savić - Firus
Vladimir Savić - Firus
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