Wordle - Simple wordle solver with golang


Simple wordle solver

Lets see it in action:

$ ./wordle 
5914 possible remaining matches of 5 letters.
Recomended guess is: "sales"

Please enter actual guess (5 letters) or enter for "sales": 
Please enter result of guess (5 y|n|p): pnnpn
210 possible remaining matches of 5 letters.
Recomended guess is: "beets"

Please enter actual guess (5 letters) or enter for "beets": 
Please enter result of guess (5 y|n|p): npnpp
8 possible remaining matches of 5 letters.
Recomended guess is: "crest"

Please enter actual guess (5 letters) or enter for "crest": 
Please enter result of guess (5 y|n|p): nnpyp
1 possible remaining matches of 5 letters.
Recomended guess is: "those"

Our work here is done!


$ ./wordle -help
  -dict-file string
    	Path of dictionary file (default "/usr/share/dict/words")
    	Show usage and exit
  -letters uint
    	Number of letters in word (default 5)
    	Should words with puncuation be excluded (default true)
Tylor Arndt
I love to build data/ protocol oriented systems that successfully balance the competing concerns around performance, maintainability an operational robustness.
Tylor Arndt
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