Wordle-solver - Wordle solver with golang


Recommends guesses for https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/

How to use this

Prepare a dictionary file that has five-letter words in it.



go run

go run main.go --dictionary five-letter-words.txt


Let's say the answer is solve . For each try, the number of candidates and the list of recommendations will be output. Enter your guess and result each time.

$ go run main.go --dictionary five-letter-words.txt
-----Try number 1-----
There are 14849 candidates. Here are the first 10 candidates:
[aahed aalii aargh aaron abaca abaci aback abada abaff abaft]

Here are the first 10 recommendations to help narrow down the word:
[{arose 30949} {seora 30949} {raise 30623} {serai 30623} {aesir 30623} {aries 30623} {arise 30623} {osela 30089} {solea 30089} {alose 30089}]

Enter your guess: arose
Enter the result (b: blank, y: yellow, g: green): bbyyg
Guess: arose, Result: bbyyg

-----Try number 2-----
There are 17 candidates. Here are the first 10 candidates:
[cosie essee fosie goloe hoboe issue josie moste oside socle]

Here are the first 10 recommendations to help narrow down the word:
[{toise 64} {sotie 64} {eosin 63} {noise 63} {moise 63} {eidos 63} {diose 63} {cosie 63} {idose 63} {oside 63}]

Enter your guess: toise
Enter the result (b: blank, y: yellow, g: green): bgbyg
Guess: toise, Result: bgbyg

-----Try number 3-----
There are 7 candidates. Here are the candidates:
[goloe hoboe socle solve somne sonde sowle]

Here are the first 10 recommendations to help narrow down the word:
[{solen 27} {enols 27} {slone 27} {noels 27} {lenos 27} {coles 26} {solve 26} {socle 26} {loges 26} {doles 26}]

Enter your guess: solen
Enter the result (b: blank, y: yellow, g: green): gggyb
Guess: solen, Result: gggyb

-----Try number 4-----
There is 1 candidate. This is probably the answer: solve

Enter your guess: solve
Enter the result (b: blank, y: yellow, g: green): ggggg
Guess: solve, Result: ggggg

Game over.
Stefan Utamaru
Web application engineer.
Stefan Utamaru
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