A cross platform CLI for Flyte. Written in Golang. Offers an intuitive interface to Flyte https://flytectl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

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Flyte's official command-line interface

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FlyteCTL was designed as a portable and lightweight command-line interface to work with Flyte. It is written in Golang and accesses FlyteAdmin, the control plane for Flyte.

πŸš€ Quick Start

  1. Install FlyteCTL with bash or shell script

    • Bash
      $ brew install flyteorg/homebrew-tap/flytectl
    • Shell script
      $ curl -sL https://ctl.flyte.org/install | bash
  2. (Optional) flytectl upgrade provides a general interface to upgrading FlyteCTL; run the command in the output

  3. Start sandbox using FlyteCTL

    $ flytectl sandbox start 
  4. Register examples

    # Register core workflows 
    $ flytectl register examples -d development -p flytesnacks

πŸ“– How to Contribute to FlyteCTL

You can find the detailed contribution guide here.

🐞 File an Issue

Refer to the issues section in the contribution guide if you'd like to file an issue.

Organization that hosts the Flyte Project with all of the core components. Flyte is an LF AI & Data Incubating project
  • [Docs] Flytectl docs cleanup

    [Docs] Flytectl docs cleanup

    Read then delete

    • Make sure to use a concise title for the pull-request.
    • Use #patch, #minor #majora or #none in the pull-request title to bump the corresponding version. Otherwise, the patch version will be bumped. More details


    This PR attempts to cleanup docs of flytectl (like-: grammer, punctuations etc.)


    • [ ] Bug Fix
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    • [x] Docs

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    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    Cleaning docs of flytectl. Files cleaned-: (Still adding Files) flytectl/docs/source/gen/flytectl.rst

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/1524

  • [Hacktoberfest] Copy-edited FlyteCTL docs

    [Hacktoberfest] Copy-edited FlyteCTL docs


    The PR fixes all of the grammatical problems and other problems of one third of the docs in the general section.


    • [ ] Bug Fix
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    • [x] Docs

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    Complete description

    I have copyedited one third of all the docs in the general section. I have fixed the punctuation errors and other grammatical errors.

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/

  • Compile command

    Compile command


    Adding a compile cmd to let users validate workflows without registration.


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Plugin

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    Complete description

    Usage: flytectl compile --file flyte-package.tgz Output sample:

    Successfuly extracted package...
    Processing Protobuff files...
    Task: /tmp/register829973350/0_example.example.generate_normal_df_1.pb
    Task: /tmp/register829973350/1_example.example.compute_stats_1.pb
    Workflow: /tmp/register829973350/2_example.example.wf_2.pb
    Launch Plan: /tmp/register829973350/3_example.example.wf_3.pb
    Compiling tasks...
    Compiling workflow: example.example.wf
    All Workflows compiled successfully!
    1  workflows found in package
    2  Tasks found in package
    1  Launch plans found in package

    Important changes:

    • Imported flytepropeller's compiler (thus changes in go.mod)
    • upgraded Go from 1.17 -> 1.18 (this is needed as flytepropeller seems to use a library that does not work with 1.17)
    • Added a new command to cobra (compile)
    • Added some minimal tests

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue


  • Visualize graphs on command line

    Visualize graphs on command line

    Signed-off-by: Ketan Umare [email protected]


    Uses graphviz to visualize flyte workflows on commandline. Example of branch node nested-conditionals coin-toss sub-workflows


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] Feature
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    • [x] Code documentation added
    • [x] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    Uses graphviz to visualize flyte workflows on commandline

  • Copyedited the document

    Copyedited the document

    Read then delete

    • Make sure to use a concise title for the pull-request.
    • Use #patch, #minor #majora or #none in the pull-request title to bump the corresponding version. Otherwise, the patch version will be bumped. More details


    Please replace this text with a description of what this PR accomplishes.


    • [ ] Bug Fix
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    • [x] Docs

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    • [ ] Code completed
    • [ ] Smoke tested
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    • [ ] Code documentation added
    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    I fixed the documentation with punctuation error and verbal errors.

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/

  • Added update for named entity

    Added update for named entity

    Signed-off-by: Prafulla Mahindrakar [email protected]


    Following command updates the description on the workflow.

     flytectl update workflow -p flytectldemo -d development core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --description "Mergesort workflow example"

    Archiving workflow named entity would cause this to disapper from flyteconsole UI.

     flytectl update workflow -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --archive

    Activating workflow named entity would unarchive it.

     flytectl update workflow -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --activate

    Following command updates the description on the task.

     flytectl update  task -d development -p flytectldemo core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge --description "Merge sort example"

    Archiving task named entity would is not supported and would throw an error.

     flytectl update  task -d development -p flytectldemo core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge --archive

    Activating workflow named entity would be a noop as archiving is not possible.

     flytectl update  task -d development -p flytectldemo core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge --activate

    Following command updates the description on the launchplan.

     flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --description "Mergesort example"

    Archiving launchplan named entity is not supported and would throw an error.

     flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --archive

    Activating launchplan named entity would be a noop.

     flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --activate


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [X] Feature
    • [ ] Plugin

    Are all requirements met?

    • [X] Code completed
    • [ ] Smoke tested
    • [X] Unit tests added
    • [ ] Code documentation added
    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    How did you fix the bug, make the feature etc. Link to any design docs etc

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

  • #minor Node executions

    #minor Node executions


    Adds node execution details on the execution view

    Gets the details in the tree view. This is the default view for details which fetch the node exeuction details and task executions on each node.

    1] Default is tree view and table format is not supported for this explicitly

    flytectl get execution -p flytectldemo -d development f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09 --details
    TABLE format is not supported on detailed view and defaults to tree view. Choose either json/yaml
    Node Executions
    └── start-node - SUCCEEDED - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
    └── n1 - SUCCEEDED - 2021-06-30 08:51:07.3111846 +0000 UTC - 2021-06-30 08:51:17.192852 +0000 UTC
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Attempt :0
    β”‚       └── Task - SUCCEEDED - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
    β”‚       └── Task Type - 
    β”‚       └── Reason - 
    β”‚       └── Logs :
    β”‚           └── Name :Kubernetes Logs (User)
    β”‚           └── URI :http://localhost:30082/#/log/flytectldemo-development/f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09-n1-0/pod?namespace=flytectldemo-development
    └── n0 - SUCCEEDED - 2021-06-30 08:49:01.582546 +0000 UTC - 2021-06-30 08:51:07.1850111 +0000 UTC
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Attempt :0
    β”‚       └── Task - SUCCEEDED - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
    β”‚       └── Task Type - 
    β”‚       └── Reason - 
    β”‚       └── Logs :
    β”‚           └── Name :Kubernetes Logs (User)
    β”‚           └── URI :http://localhost:30082/#/log/flytectldemo-development/f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09-n0-0/pod?namespace=flytectldemo-development
    └── end-node - SUCCEEDED - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

    2] Yaml view for the details

    flytectl get execution -p flytectldemo -d development f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09 --details  -o yaml
    - closure:
        createdAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:17.271218200Z"
        phase: SUCCEEDED
        updatedAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:17.311695100Z"
          domain: development
          name: f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09
          project: flytectldemo
        nodeId: end-node
      inputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/end-node/data/inputs.pb
        specNodeId: end-node
    - closure:
        createdAt: "2021-06-30T08:49:01.528398300Z"
        duration: 125.602465100s
        outputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n0/data/0/outputs.pb
        phase: SUCCEEDED
        startedAt: "2021-06-30T08:49:01.582546Z"
        updatedAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:07.185011100Z"
          domain: development
          name: f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09
          project: flytectldemo
        nodeId: n0
      inputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n0/data/inputs.pb
        specNodeId: n0
    - closure:
        createdAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:07.249937800Z"
        duration: 9.881667400s
        outputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n1/data/0/outputs.pb
        phase: SUCCEEDED
        startedAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:07.311184600Z"
        updatedAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:17.192852400Z"
          domain: development
          name: f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09
          project: flytectldemo
        nodeId: n1
      inputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n1/data/inputs.pb
        specNodeId: n1
    - closure:
        createdAt: "2021-06-30T08:49:01.491365700Z"
        phase: SUCCEEDED
        updatedAt: "2021-06-30T08:49:01.491365700Z"
          domain: development
          name: f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09
          project: flytectldemo
        nodeId: start-node
      inputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/start-node/data/inputs.pb
        specNodeId: start-node

    3] Default tree view for task executions in a node provide a name of the node.

    flytectl get execution -p flytectldemo -d development f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09 --details  --nodeId n0
    TABLE format is not supported on detailed view and defaults to tree view. Choose either json/yaml
    Task Executions
    └── Attempt :0
        └── Task - SUCCEEDED - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        └── Task Type - 
        └── Reason - 
        └── Logs :
            └── Name :Kubernetes Logs (User)
            └── URI :http://localhost:30082/#/log/flytectldemo-development/f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09-n0-0/pod?namespace=flytectldemo-development

    4] Yaml representation for the same task executions.

    flytectl get execution -p flytectldemo -d development f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09 --details  --nodeId n0 -o yaml
      createdAt: "2021-06-30T08:49:01.573698800Z"
      - messageFormat: JSON
        name: Kubernetes Logs (User)
        uri: http://localhost:30082/#/log/flytectldemo-development/f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09-n0-0/pod?namespace=flytectldemo-development
      outputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n0/data/0/outputs.pb
      phase: SUCCEEDED
      updatedAt: "2021-06-30T08:51:07.169958100Z"
          domain: development
          name: f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09
          project: flytectldemo
        nodeId: n0
        domain: development
        name: core.control_flow.subworkflows.t1
        project: flytectldemo
        resourceType: TASK
        version: v3
    inputUri: s3://my-s3-bucket/metadata/propeller/flytectldemo-development-f3a5a4034960f4aa1a09/n0/data/inputs.pb


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Plugin

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    • [x] Code completed
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    • [x] Code documentation added
    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    How did you fix the bug, make the feature etc. Link to any design docs etc

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/lyft/flyte/issues/

  • rename to flyteorg from lyft org, for flytectl

    rename to flyteorg from lyft org, for flytectl


    Starting to update references to flyteorg


    • [x] Bug Fix

    Are all requirements met?

    • [x] Code completed

    Complete description

    Changed reference links

    Tracking Issue


  • Added Create command

    Added Create command


    1] Added new command named create

    flytectl is CLI tool written in go to interact with flyteadmin service
      flytectl [command]
    Available Commands:
      config      Runs various config commands, look at the help of this command to get a list of available commands..
      create      Used for creating various flyte resources including tasks/workflows/launchplans/executions/project.
      get         Used for fetching various flyte resources including tasks/workflows/launchplans/executions/project.
      help        Help about any command
      register    Registers tasks/workflows/launchplans from list of generated serialized files.
    Used for updating flyte resources eg: project.
      version     Displays version information for the client and server.
    1. Added Project sub command for create
    Example create.
     bin/flytectl create project
      flytectl create [command]
    Available Commands:
      project     Create project resources
    1. Added create project command
      flytectl create project [flags]
      project, projects
          --description string      description for the project specified as argument.
          --file string             file for the project definition.
      -h, --help                    help for project
          --id string               id for the project specified as argument.
          --labels stringToString   labels for the project specified as argument. (default [])
          --name string             name for the project specified as argument.


    • [ ] Bug Fix
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    • [ ] Plugin

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    • [ ] Code documentation added
    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    Screenshot 2021-02-17 at 11 19 35 PM

    Screenshot 2021-02-17 at 10 28 11 PM

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/lyft/flyte/issues/

  • Added sandbox command

    Added sandbox command


    Introduce new command for making sandbox and serializing experience smooth

    $ flytectl sandbox start # it will create sandbox and setup your flytectl/kubectl config. it also clone flytesnack repo
    $ flytectl sandbox teardown # It will cleanup flyte sandbox env 
    $ flytectl register examples/flytesnack # it will use flytesnacks release to read flyte_test_manifest and register all workflow available in the cluster. 

    logs :

    18:16:59 ➜ flytectl go run main.go sandbox start   
    INFO[0000] Using config file: [config.yaml]             
    πŸš€ It will take some time, We will start a fresh flyte cluster for you
    {"status":"Pulling from flyteorg/flyte-sandbox","id":"dind"}
    {"status":"Digest: sha256:05554e3ed90e2a009192f02150fce5cd007bb0f857712f11b789996929002752"}
    {"status":"Status: Image is up to date for ghcr.io/flyteorg/flyte-sandbox:dind"}
    Starting Docker daemon...
    Starting k3s cluster...
    Deploying Flyte...
    -deployment.apps/flytepropeller condition met
    πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Flyte is ready! Flyte UI is available at http://localhost:30081/console. πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ 
    Please visit https://github.com/flyteorg/flytesnacks πŸš€ 
    Register all flytesnacks example  'flytectl register examples  -d development  -p flytesnacks


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Plugin

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    • [ ] Code completed
    • [ ] Smoke tested
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    • [ ] Code documentation added
    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    How did you fix the bug, make the feature etc. Link to any design docs etc

    Tracking Issue


    Follow-up issue

    NA OR https://github.com/lyft/flyte/issues/

  • Feature/goreleaser



    Added change for publishing flytectl binary in brew and scoop


    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Plugin

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    • [ ] Smoke tested
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    • [ ] Any pending items have an associated Issue

    Complete description

    • Added goreleaser change for brew and scoop
    • Added workflow for goreleaser
    • Added install.sh script for darwin and Linux
  • [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • doc-requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- medium severity | 551/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 5.3 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3180412 | setuptools:
    39.0.1 -> 65.5.1
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    πŸ›  Adjust project settings

    πŸ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    πŸ¦‰ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7

    Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7

    Bumps certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
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    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

  • [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • doc-requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- low severity | 441/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 3.1 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3113904 | setuptools:
    39.0.1 -> 65.5.1
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    πŸ›  Adjust project settings

    πŸ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    πŸ¦‰ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • doc-requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- low severity | 441/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 3.1 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3113904 | setuptools:
    39.0.1 -> 65.5.1
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    πŸ›  Adjust project settings

    πŸ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    πŸ¦‰ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • doc-requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- low severity | 441/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 3.1 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3113904 | setuptools:
    39.0.1 -> 65.5.1
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    πŸ›  Adjust project settings

    πŸ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    πŸ¦‰ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    [Snyk] Security upgrade setuptools from 39.0.1 to 65.5.1

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • doc-requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- low severity | 441/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 3.1 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3113904 | setuptools:
    39.0.1 -> 65.5.1
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    πŸ›  Adjust project settings

    πŸ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    πŸ¦‰ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

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