Database Access Layer for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API


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Modern Database Access Layer for Golang.

REL is golang orm-ish database layer for layered architecture. It's testable and comes with its own test library. REL also features extendable query builder that allows you to write query using builder or plain sql.


  • Testable repository with builtin reltest package.
  • Seamless nested transactions.
  • Elegant, yet extendable query builder with mix of syntactic sugar.
  • Supports Eager loading.
  • Composite Primary Key.
  • Multi adapter.
  • Soft Deletion.
  • Pagination.
  • Schema Migration.


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Released under the MIT License

Database Access Layer for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API
  • Execute arbitrary sql statements

    Execute arbitrary sql statements

    I have an update statement that looks like:

    update matches m
        set viewed = true
        where m.request_id in (
            from requests r
                        join users u on r.user_id =
            where u.username = $1)

    And I need to execute via rel but I couldn't. ( and I don't want to use rel dsl here 😄 )

    If it is a select query, I could use SQL function and pass it to FindAll function. I tried the Update function but doesn't seem to work.

    I had to use the underlaying *sql/DB Exec method.

  • why invoke

    why invoke "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_increment_increment'" after repo.InsertAll?

    step 1

    	if err = repo.InsertAll(ctx, &beInsertedAnswers); err != nil {

    step 2

    2022/07/06 18:19:17 [duration: 1.442817ms op: adapter-exec] INSERT INTO `answers` (`answer_text`,`attempt_id`,....) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
    2022/07/06 18:19:17 [duration: 1.398397ms op: adapter-query] SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_increment_increment';

    why invoke "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_increment_increment'" after repo.InsertAll?

  • Support embeddable structs

    Support embeddable structs

    Hi! I've added support for embedded structs as discussed in this issue.

    Both pointers and plain fields are supported.

    type Person struct {
    	ID   int
    	Name string
    type Employee struct {
    	Salary int

    By default embedded field names are added without prefixes. Name prefixes can be set like for other fields:

    type Employee struct {
    	Person   `db:"person_"`
    	Salary int

    If two fields have the same name, REL panics during construction:

    What I've changed

    • documentData indices now store full field paths as []int
    • documentDatas are merged for embedded fields during creation
    • Embedded pointers are initialized during document creation


    I've added tests for all main cases

  • Add alternative soft delete scheme

    Add alternative soft delete scheme

    Allows to use alternative soft delete scheme with boolean field Deleted. When record is deleted it will update Deleted to true and if there is UpdatedAt field it will also update it with deletion timestamp.


    type Test struct {
      ID int64
      Name string
      CreatedAt time.Time
      UpdatedAt *time.Time
      Deleted bool
  • Add option for filtered/conditional index option

    Add option for filtered/conditional index option

    Add option that implements rel.KeyOption for index WHERE condition.

    As far as I know only MySQL does not support this.

    PostgreSQL: SQLite3: MSSQL:

    so that it could be specified for example:

    t.Unique([]string{"column"}, rel.KeyCondition("NOT deleted"))

    That would generate:

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table (column) WHERE NOT deleted;

    technically this could be easily done by simple type but I don't know how to implement this conditionally so not to break MySQL provider that does not support this

    // KeyCondition filter option for unique key.
    type KeyCondition string
    func (kc KeyCondition) applyKey(key *Key) {
    	key.Options += fmt.Sprintf(" WHERE (%s)", kc)
  • [Subquery?] How to query user in any of groups.

    [Subquery?] How to query user in any of groups.

    table User {
      id int
      name varchar(32)
    table GroupUser struct {
      user_id int
      group_id int
    table Group {
      id int
      name varchar(32)

    How to find unique user in groups [1,2,3] ? Follow code does not work:

    groups := []int{1,2,3}
    subQuery := rel.From("group_users").Select("DISTINCT user_id").Where(where.InInt("group_id", groups))
    repo.FindAll(ctx, &users, where.In("id",  subQuery))
  • Problem migrating

    Problem migrating


    I am attempting to run rel migrate on a blank, fresh database. If you observe the screenshot below you'll see I have a migration file, but I am getting an error:

    go: updates to go.sum needed, disabled by -mod=readonly

    This is in a simple, test project with a freshly initialized go.mod. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 11 32 00 AM
  • Cascade delete support?

    Cascade delete support?


    just found your project on reddit and I'm very interested in trying it out. i've used gorm before but couldn't get myself to like it, this seems like a viable alternative.

    as for my question, does rel support cascade delete as of this point?

  • Generic type Repository wrapper

    Generic type Repository wrapper

    • Simple wrapper to provide type safety to repository
    • Rename record/records to be entity/entities, because the new generic repository is named as EntityRepository
  • Add support for embedded no anonymous fields

    Add support for embedded no anonymous fields


    // struct without primary key is a field
    // TODO: test by scanner/valuer instead?
    if pk, _ := searchPrimary(typ); len(pk) == 0 {
    	data.fields = append(data.fields, name)

    If struct implement scanner/valuer - is field, else is embedded

  • Optimistic locking

    Optimistic locking

    Hi! I've implemented optimistic locking as discussed here.

    It's automatically enabled by including a LockVersion int field into the struct.

    It adds a where lock_version = $ clause to select only valid records and uses set lock_version = lock_version + 1 for updating locks.

    What I've changed

    Mainly repository.update() and repository.delete(). They now include custom logic for applying locks.

    Because using SQL expressions like += requires reloading the whole struct, I've added a NoReload flag to Mutates to surpress triggering reloads for lock updates. In case no reload is required, the locks are incremented manually.


    I've added simple tests for updating and deleting actual and stale records.

  • Transactions doc please clarify

    Transactions doc please clarify

    Hi everyone.

    I am struggling with understanding the documentation about transactions:

    The example shows the line Process(ctx, transaction). Where is that transaction value coming from, and why it passed withing the Update() method?

    Also another question: Should I create a new context.Context for every transaction or I can use the same one for all my transactions?

  • Add method to alter table column

    Add method to alter table column


    • [x] Way to detect what constraints are applied

    For discussion:

    • ~~How to detect that type have changed?~~
    • ~~How to detect what constraints need to be changed?~~
    • ~~Should SQLite just return error as it does not support alter column?~~
  • ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

    ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_class_relname_nsp_index"

    ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_class_relname_nsp_index"
    DETAIL:  Key (relname, relnamespace)=(devices_schema_version_id_seq, 2200) already exists.
    STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "devices_schema_version" ("id" SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "version" BIGINT UNIQUE, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ);

    This issue was found by starting two concurrent services, both running an auto-migration as part of its startup in which they were making sure that the devices_schema_version table existed, however: Postgres has a known bug with its CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST implementation that may cause the above cited error.

    The remedy is to acquire a lock using LOCK TABLE pg_catalog.pg_namespace IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; within the same transaction according to source 1 and source 2.

    Perhaps this issue should have been written in instead?

  • [Bug] Change `assoc many` slice and `Update`/`Insert` with `Changeset`

    [Bug] Change `assoc many` slice and `Update`/`Insert` with `Changeset`



    type Main struct {
        ID        int `db:",primary"`
        Childs []*Child `ref:"id" fk:"main_id" autosave:"true" autoload:"true"`
    type Child struct {
        ID        int `db:",primary"`
        MainID int
        Name string
    main := new(Main)
    repo.Find(ctx, main, rel.Eq("id", id))
    changeset := rel.NewChangeset(main)
    main.Childs = append(main.Childs, &Child{...})
    repo.Update(ctx, main, changeset)

    Actual result

    panic("rel: invalid mutator")



    main := new(Main)
    repo.Find(ctx, main, rel.Eq("id", id))
    changeset := rel.NewChangeset(main)
    main.Childs[0].Name = "foo"
    main.Childs[1].Name = "bar"
    repo.Update(ctx, main, changeset)

    Actual result

    generate invalid queries

    DELETE FROM "child" WHERE "child"."main_id"=$1;
    INSERT INTO "child" ("name","main_id") VALUES ($1,$2),($3,$4) RETURNING "id"
  • Stable column order for generated SQL statements

    Stable column order for generated SQL statements

    Currently looks like because of map usage for storing column data each time insert/update/select SQL statements are generated column order is different, that makes grouping of SQL statements for perf stats in logs impossible and also this makes it unusable for prepared statement caching being polluted and unusable that hurts performance.

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