Example usage of github.com/go-webauthn/webauthn


This is an example go + React application which shows off the functionality of the github.com/go-webauthn/webauthn library.


This project implements the following features:

  • Shows off the fact this library can work with practically any http lib (like github.com/valyala/fasthttp) thanks to the hard work by the contributors to github.com/duo-labs/webauthn
  • U2F Registration
  • Attestation:
    • Standard
    • Resident Key / Discoverable
  • Assertion:
    • Standard
    • AppID (U2F Registered Keys)
    • Discoverable (Passwordless)
  • Simulates Username/Password login via a username only login.
  • Shows details about browser support.
  • Shows debug messages relevant to what occurred; for example if the user chooses cancel.
  • Full TypeScript implementation of the Webauthn portions.


The following requirements are needed to build the project:

  • npm
  • go (1.17)


The following steps allow you to run the project:

  • Copy config.example.yml to config.yml.
  • Edit config.yml with your desired settings.
  • Run go generate to generate the react frontend.
  • Run go build ./cmd/server.
  • Run the ./build binary.
  • Configure a HTTPS proxy to answer requests on your desired domain.
  • Visit the domain.
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    fix(deps): update dependency web-vitals to v3
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    • Upgrade react to ^18.0.0
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