:octocat: ghdag is a tiny workflow engine for GitHub issue and pull request.


build ghdag workflow

:octocat: ghdag is a tiny workflow engine for GitHub issue and pull request.

Key features of ghdag are:

  • Simple definition of workflows to improve the lifecycle of issues and pull requests.
  • Built-in GitHub and Slack actions.
  • Optimized for running on GitHub Actions, it is easier to configure when running on GitHub Actions.

See Examples page for practical usage.

Getting Started

Generate a workflow file

Execute ghdag init for generating a workflow YAML file for ghdag ( and a workflow YAML file for GitHub Actions ).

$ ghdag init myworkflow
2021-02-23T23:29:48+09:00 [INFO] ghdag version 0.2.3
2021-02-23T23:29:48+09:00 [INFO] Creating myworkflow.yml
Do you generate a workflow YAML file for GitHub Actions? (y/n) [y]: y
2021-02-23T23:29:48+09:00 [INFO] Creating .github/workflows/ghdag_workflow.yml
$ cat myworkflow.yml
# generate by ghdag init
    id: set-question-label
    if: 'is_issue && len(labels) == 0 && title endsWith "?"'
      labels: [question]
      run: echo 'Set labels'
      run: echo 'failed'
    name: Set 'question' label
$ cat .github/workflows/ghdag_workflow.yml
# generate by ghdag init
name: ghdag workflow
    types: [opened]
    types: [created]
    types: [opened]

    name: Run workflow
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: ghcr.io/k1low/ghdag:latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: Run ghdag
        run: ghdag run myworkflow.yml
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

And edit myworkflow.yml.

Run workflow on your machine

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxXxXXxxXXxx
$ export GITHUB_REPOGITORY=k1LoW/myrepo
$ ghdag run myworkflow.yml
2021-02-28T00:26:41+09:00 [INFO] ghdag version 0.2.3
2021-02-28T00:26:41+09:00 [INFO] Start session
2021-02-28T00:26:41+09:00 [INFO] Fetch all open issues and pull requests from k1LoW/myrepo
2021-02-28T00:26:42+09:00 [INFO] 3 issues and pull requests are fetched
2021-02-28T00:26:42+09:00 [INFO] 1 tasks are loaded
2021-02-28T00:26:42+09:00 [INFO] [#14 << set-question-label] [DO] Replace labels: question
Set labels
2021-02-28T00:26:43+09:00 [INFO] Session finished

Run workflow on GitHub Actions

$ git add myworkflow.yml
$ git add .github/workflows/ghdag_workflow.yml
$ git commit -m'Initial commit for ghdag workflow'
$ git push origin

And, see https://github.com/[owner]/[repo]/actions

Issues and pull requests targeted by ghdag

📝 The issues and pull requests that ghdag fetches varies depending on the environment in which it is run.

Environment or Event that trigger workflows for GitHub Actions Issues and pull requests fetched by ghdag
On your machine All opened and not draft issues and pull requests
issues A single opened issue that triggered the event
issue_comment A single opened and not draft issue or pull request that triggered the event
pull_request pull_request_* A single opened and not draft pull request that triggered the event
Other events All opened and not draft issues and pull requests

Workflow syntax

ghdag requires a YAML file to define your workflow configuration.


A map of environment environment variables in global scope (available to all tasks in the workflow).


  SERVER: production


A workflow run is made up of one or more tasks. Tasks run in sequentially.


    id: first
    if: 'is_issue && len(labels) == 0 && title endsWith "?"'
      labels: [question]
      run: echo 'Set labels'
      run: echo 'failed'
    name: Set 'question' label
    id: second
    if: len(assignees) == 0
      assignees: [k1LoW]
    name: Assign me


Each task have an id to be called by another task.


Name of task.


The task will not be performed unless the condition in the if section is met.

If the if section is missing, the task will not be performed unless it is called by another task.

Expression syntax

ghdag use antonmedv/expr.

See Language Definition.

Available variables

The variables available in the if section are as follows

Variable name Type Description
number int Number of the issue (pull request)
state string State of the issue (pull request)
title string Title of the issue (pull request)
body string Body of the issue (pull request)
url string URL of the issue (pull request)
author string Author of the issue (pull request)
labels array Labels that are set for the issue
assignees array Assignees of the issue (pull request)
reviewers array Reviewers of the pull request (including code owners)
code_owners array Code owners of the pull request
reviewers_who_approved array Reviewers who approved the pull request (including code owners)
code_owners_who_approved array Code owners who approved the pull request
is_issue bool true if the target type of the workflow is "Issue"
is_pull_request bool true if the target type of the workflow is "Pull request"
is_approved bool true if the pull request has received an approving review
is_review_required bool true if a review is required before the pull request can be merged
is_change_requested bool true if changes have been requested on the pull request
mergeable bool true if the pull request can be merged.
changed_files int Number of changed files in this pull request
hours_elapsed_since_created int Hours elspsed since the issue (pull request) created
hours_elapsed_since_updated int Hours elspsed since the issue (pull request) updated
number_of_comments int Number of comments
latest_comment_author string Author of latest comment
latest_comment_body string Body of latest comment
caller_action_run_stdout string Latest caller STDOUT of the run action
caller_action_run_stderr string Latest caller STDERR of the run action
caller_action_labels_updated array Latest caller update result of the labels: action
caller_action_assignees_updated array Latest caller update result of the assgnees: action
caller_action_reviewers_updated array Latest caller update result of the reviewers: action
caller_action_comment_created string Latest caller created comment of the comment: action
caller_action_state_changed string Latest caller changed state of the state: action
caller_action_notify_sent string Latest caller sent message of the notify: action
caller_action_do_error string Latest caller error message when do: action failed
year int Year of current time (UTC)
month int Month of current time (UTC)
day int Day of current time (UTC)
hour int Hour of current time (UTC)
weekday int Weekday of current time (UTC) (Sunday = 0, ...)
github_event_name string Event name of GitHub Actions ( ex. issues, pull_request )
github_event_action string Action name of event ( ex. opened closed )


A map of environment environment variables in the scope of each task.

tasks[*].do:, tasks[*].ok:, tasks[*].ng:

A task has 3 actions ( called do, ok and ng ) with predetermined steps to be performed.

  1. Perform do: action.
  2. If the do: action succeeds, perform the ok: action.
  3. If the do: action fails, perform the ng: action.
Available builtin environment variables
Environment variable Description
GHDAG_CALLER_TASK_ID Task ID of the caller via the next: action
GHDAG_ACTION_LABELS_UPDATED Update result of the labels: action
GHDAG_ACTION_ASSIGNEES_UPDATED Update result of the assgnees: action
GHDAG_ACTION_REVIEWERS_UPDATED Update result of the reviewers: action
GHDAG_ACTION_COMMENT_CREATED Created comment of the comment: action
GHDAG_ACTION_STATE_CHANGED Changed state of the state: action
GHDAG_ACTION_NOTIFY_SENT Sent message of the notify: action
GHDAG_ACTION_DO_ERROR Error message when do: action failed
GHDAG_TASK_* Variables available in the if: section. ( ex. number -> GHDAG_TASK_NUMBER )


Execute command using sh -c.


  run: echo 'execute command'


Update the labels of the target issue or pull request.


  labels: [question, bug]


Update the assignees of the target issue or pull request.


  assignees: [alice, bob, charlie]


Update the reviewers for the target pull request.

However, Code owners has already been registered as a reviewer, so it is excluded.


  reviewers: [alice, bob, charlie]


Create new comment to the target issue or pull request.


  labels: [question]
  comment: Thank you for your question :+1:


Change state the the target issue or pull request.


if: hours_elapsed_since_updated > (24 * 30)
  state: close
Changeable states
Target Changeable states
Issue close
Pull request close merge


Send notify message to Slack channel.


  notify: error ${GHDAG_ACTION_OK_ERROR}
  SLACK_CHANNEL: workflow-alerts
Required environment variables


Call next tasks in the same session.


    id: set-question-label
    if: 'is_issue && len(labels) == 0 && title endsWith "?"'
      labels: [question]
      next [notify-slack, add-comment]
    id: notify-slack
      notify: A question has been posted.
    id: add-comment
      comment: Thank you your comment !!!

Environment variables for configuration

Environment variable Description Default on GitHub Actions
GITHUB_TOKEN A GitHub access token. -
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The owner and repository name owner/repo of the repository where GitHub Actions are running
GITHUB_API_URL The GitHub API URL https://api.github.com
GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL The GitHub GraphQL API URL https://api.github.com/graphql
SLACK_API_TOKEN A Slack OAuth access token -
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL A Slack incoming webhook URL -
SLACK_CHANNEL A Slack channel to be notified -
GITHUB_ASSIGNEES_SAMPLE Number of users to randomly select from those listed in the assignees: action. -
GITHUB_REVIEWERS_SAMPLE Number of users to randomly select from those listed in the reviewers: action. -
GITHUB_COMMENT_MENTIONS Mentions to be given to comment -
GITHUB_COMMENT_MENTIONS_SAMPLE Number of users to randomly select from those listed in GITHUB_COMMENT_MENTIONS. -
SLACK_MENTIONS Mentions to be given to Slack message -
SLACK_MENTIONS_SAMPLE Number of users to randomly select from those listed in SLACK_MENTIONS. -
GHDAG_SAMPLE_WITH_SAME_SEED Sample using the same random seed as the previous action/task or not. -
SLACK_USERNAME Custom username of slack message. Require chat:write.customize scope.
SLACK_ICON_EMOJI Custom icon_emoji of slack message. Require chat:write.customize scope.
SLACK_ICON_URL Custom icon_url of slack message. Require chat:write.customize scope.
GITHUB_ASSIGNEES Additional Assignees to the list in the assignees: action -
GITHUB_REVIEWERS Additional Reviewers to the list in the reviewers: action -
GHDAG_ACTION_LABELS_BEHAVIOR Behavior of the labels: action ( replace (=default), add, remove ) -
GHDAG_ACTION_COMMENT_MAX Maximum number of consecutive comments by the same login ( default: 5 ) -

Required scope of SLACK_API_TOKEN

  • channel:read
  • chat:write
  • chat:write.public
  • users:read
  • usergroups:read
  • chat:write.customize ( optional )

Use ghdag as the one-shot command on GitHub Actions

ghdag can be used not only as a workflow engine, but also as a utility command in jobs on GitHub Actions.

$ ghdag do --help
do action.

  ghdag do [command]

Available Commands:
  assignees   update the assignees of the target issue or pull request
  comment     create the comment of the target issue or pull request
  labels      update the labels of the target issue or pull request
  notify      send notify message to slack channel
  reviewers   update the reviewers of the target issue or pull request
  run         execute command using `sh -c`
  state       change state of the target issue or pull request

  -h, --help   help for do

Use "ghdag do [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ghdag if --help
check condition.

  ghdag if [CONDITION] [flags]

  -h, --help         help for if
  -n, --number int   issue or pull request number


name: labels

    types: [created]

    name: Set labels
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: ghcr.io/k1low/ghdag:latest
      - name: Set labels
        run: ghdag do labels question
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: build


# snip

      - name: Send notification to channel
        if: failure()
        run: ghdag do notify 'Test faild'
          SLACK_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_API_TOKEN }}
          SLACK_CHANNEL: operations
          SLACK_MENTIONS: bob



Use dpkg-i-from-url

$ curl -L https://git.io/dpkg-i-from-url | bash -s -- https://github.com/k1LoW/ghdag/releases/download/v$GHDAG_VERSION/ghdag_$GHDAG_VERSION-1_amd64.deb


$ yum install https://github.com/k1LoW/ghdag/releases/download/v$GHDAG_VERSION/ghdag_$GHDAG_VERSION-1_amd64.rpm


Use apk-add-from-url

$ curl -L https://git.io/apk-add-from-url | sh -s -- https://github.com/k1LoW/ghdag/releases/download/v$GHDAG_VERSION/ghdag_$GHDAG_VERSION-1_amd64.apk

homebrew tap:

$ brew install k1LoW/tap/ghdag


Download binary from releases page

go get:

$ go get github.com/k1LoW/ghdag


$ docker pull ghcr.io/k1low/ghdag:latest
Ken’ichiro Oyama
Ken’ichiro Oyama
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