An Advanced HTTP Reverse Proxy with Dynamic Sharding Strategies

Weaver - A modern HTTP Proxy with Advanced features

Build Status Go Report Card Coverage Status GitHub Release


Weaver is a Layer-7 Load Balancer with Dynamic Sharding Strategies. It is a modern HTTP reverse proxy with advanced features.


  • Sharding request based on headers/path/body fields
  • Emits Metrics on requests per route per backend
  • Dynamic configuring of different routes (No restarts!)
  • Is Fast
  • Supports multiple algorithms for sharding requests (consistent hashing, modulo, s2 etc)
  • Packaged as a single self contained binary
  • Logs on failures (Observability)


Build from source

  • Clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:gojektech/weaver.git
  • Build to create weaver binary
make build

Binaries for various architectures

Download the binary for a release from: here


Weaver uses etcd as a control plane to match the incoming requests against a particular route config and shard the traffic to different backends based on some sharding strategy.

Weaver can be configured for different routes matching different paths with various sharding strategies through a simple route config named ACL.

The various sharding strategies supported by weaver are:

  • Consistent hashing (hashring)
  • Simple lookup based
  • Modulo
  • Prefix lookup
  • S2 based

Deploying to Kubernetes

Currently we support deploying to kubernetes officially. You can check the doc here


We have examples defined to deploy it to kubernetes and using acls. Please checkout out examples


Defining ACL's

Details on configuring weaver can be found here

Please note

As the famous saying goes, All Load balancers are proxies, but not every proxy is a load balancer, weaver currently does not support load balancing.


If you'd like to contribute to the project, refer to the contributing documentation


Copyright 2018, GO-JEK Tech (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
SuperApp from Southeast Asia
  • go sum update

    go sum update

    Build failing due to. Updated by regenerating go.sum

    go: verifying[email protected]+incompatible: checksum mismatch
            downloaded: h1:v3H7yHgF+94suF7Xg6V7Haq6Anac3X6WosuKGTTJCGM=
            go.sum:     h1:WyMdmwfw02n2i3gTkzy+HBR2dsh1axjxn808iAe9PLI=
  • Sometimes tests are stuck for longer time.

    Sometimes tests are stuck for longer time.

    Sometimes when running tests, they are stuck for longer time, couldn't get them to complete.

    ╭─TheInsider ~/Documents/repos/gojektech/weaver ‹ruby-2.5.0› ‹weaver-cli*›
    ╰─➤  mk test
    cp weaver.conf.yaml.sample weaver.conf.yaml
    GO111MODULE=on go test ./...
    ok	(cached)
    ?	[no test files]
    ok	0.021s
    ^C{"level":"info","msg":"bootstrapping router using etcd on /weaver/acls/","time":"2019-03-19T07:53:25+05:30"}
    {"level":"info","msg":"creating router namespace on etcd using /weaver/acls/","time":"2019-03-19T07:53:25+05:30"}
    FAIL	14.251s
    make: *** [Makefile:40: test] Error 1

    Here is the message, that I got when trying to reproduce it.

  • weaver as go library

    weaver as go library

    Hello, thanks for sharing this amazing project. Any option to release it as go library so we can integrate it a a more large application? I'm speaking something as

    please let me know Thanks

  • Helm charts to deploy to kubenetes

    Helm charts to deploy to kubenetes

    Pull request to close #1. It is still draft pull request.

    Currently: ETCD is optional, can deploy or ignore. configurations are mentioned in the chart itself via env variable. Currently these are not configured in chart, but hardcoded.

    TODO: - Have to extract env variables - Have to configure statsd, newrelic (work required on weaver) - All env keys should not be mandatory (work required on weaver) - Sentry should be optional (work required on weaver) - Helm chart to deploy statsd (in progress)

  • Full Documentation

    Full Documentation

    Required Topics include:

    • [x] Usage Guidelines
    • [x] Development Guidelines
    • [x] Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] Weaver Design Overview
    • [x] ACL Basics, Formats and Management
    • [x] Routing and Sharding (Working & available strategies)
  • Correct the spelling of Kubernets into Kubernetes

    Correct the spelling of Kubernets into Kubernetes

    I noticed that many parts of the markdown files contain misspelled "Kubernets". This pull request fixes all those occurrences in the markdown files to "Kubernetes".

  • #6 Can run tests in docker

    #6 Can run tests in docker

    Fix #6 Next, remove env variables from docker-compose and use hostname directly to simplify. This required little more clean up.

    @rShetty if it looks good, please merge.

  • update Dockerfile, remove mkdir command, WORKDIR  will create if it doen't exist

    update Dockerfile, remove mkdir command, WORKDIR will create if it doen't exist

    as documented here:

    If the WORKDIR doesn’t exist, it will be created even if it’s not used in any subsequent Dockerfile instruction.

    so there is no need RUN mkdir /weaver

  • deployment error

    deployment error

    When I am trying to deploy the weaver I am getting the error :

    version for aks I am using 1.19.0 helm version : version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.3.4", GitCommit:"a61ce5633af99708171414353ed49547cf05013d", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.14.9"}

    When I run the command I get the following error , Please help me.

    ubuntu@test:~/weaver$ helm upgrade --debug --install proxy-cluster ./deployment/weaver -f ./deployment/weaver/values-env.yaml history.go:53: [debug] getting history for release proxy-cluster upgrade.go:121: [debug] preparing upgrade for proxy-cluster Error: UPGRADE FAILED: error validating "": error validating data: [ValidationError(Deployment): unknown field "name" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment, ValidationError(Deployment.spec): missing required field "selector" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec] helm.go:94: [debug] error validating "": error validating data: [ValidationError(Deployment): unknown field "name" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment, ValidationError(Deployment.spec): missing required field "selector" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec] /home/circleci/*Client).Build /home/circleci/ /home/circleci/*Upgrade).prepareUpgrade /home/circleci/*Upgrade).Run /home/circleci/ main.newUpgradeCmd.func2 /home/circleci/*Command).execute /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:842*Command).ExecuteC /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:950*Command).Execute /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:887 main.main /home/circleci/ runtime.main /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:203 runtime.goexit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373 UPGRADE FAILED main.newUpgradeCmd.func2 /home/circleci/*Command).execute /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:842*Command).ExecuteC

  • Adding ACL List, Show Cli

    Adding ACL List, Show Cli

    Weaver CLI is ready for review. Commands will register them selves with CLI. In main we need to import the commands that we want them to be with the binary.

    Let's say we want to separate out acls commands, we can create weaverctl in cmd/weaverctl and import only acl commands. Binary produced from weaverctl will have only acls commands and will not have acl commands.

    View layers currently renders output to json, this can manipulated easily using a flag and rending to outputs like yaml, table and etc. This will be a enhancement. For now will stick to json output.

  • Command Line tool to manage ACLs

    Command Line tool to manage ACLs

    Description: Build an admin tool to add ACL's to the control plane (etcd)

    This tool will be a command line utility inside Weaver (weaverctl) which helps management (addition/deletion/updation) of all the ACL's

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