Blazing fast syslog parser

MIT License

A parser for Syslog messages and transports.

Blazing fast Syslog parsers

By @leodido.

To wrap up, this package provides:

This library provides the pieces to parse Syslog messages transported following various RFCs.

For example:

  • TLS with octet count (RFC5425)
  • TCP with non-transparent framing or with octet count (RFC 6587)
  • UDP carrying one message per packet (RFC5426)


go get



The docs directory contains .dot files representing the finite-state machines (FSMs) implementing the syslog parsers and transports.


Suppose you want to parse a given sequence of bytes as a RFC5424 message.

Notice that the same interface applies for RFC3164. But you can always take a look at the examples file.

i := []byte(`<165>4 2018-10-11T22:14:15.003Z e - 1 [ex@32473 iut="3"] An application event log entry...`)
p := rfc5424.NewParser()
m, e := p.Parse(i)

This results in m being equal to:

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  Base: (syslog.Base) {
//   Facility: (*uint8)(20),
//   Severity: (*uint8)(5),
//   Priority: (*uint8)(165),
//   Timestamp: (*time.Time)(2018-10-11 22:14:15.003 +0000 UTC),
//   Hostname: (*string)((len=9) ""),
//   Appname: (*string)((len=1) "e"),
//   ProcID: (*string)(<nil>),
//   MsgID: (*string)((len=1) "1"),
//   Message: (*string)((len=33) "An application event log entry...")
//  },
//  Version: (uint16) 4,
//  StructuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)((len=1) {
//   (string) (len=8) "ex@32473": (map[string]string) (len=1) {
//    (string) (len=3) "iut": (string) (len=1) "3"
//   }
//  })
// })

And e being equal to nil since the i byte slice contains a perfectly valid RFC5424 message.

Best effort mode

RFC5424 parser has the ability to perform partial matches (until it can).

With this mode enabled, when the parsing process errors out it returns the message collected until that position, and the error that caused the parser to stop.

Notice that in this modality the output is returned iff it represents a minimally valid message - ie., a message containing almost a priority field in [1,191] within angular brackets, followed by a version in ]0,999] (in the case of RFC5424).

Let's look at an example.

i := []byte("<1>1 A - - - - - -")
p := NewParser(WithBestEffort())
m, e := p.Parse(i)

This results in m being equal to the following SyslogMessage instance.

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  Base: (syslog.Base) {
//   Facility: (*uint8)(0),
//   Severity: (*uint8)(1),
//   Priority: (*uint8)(1),
//   Timestamp: (*time.Time)(<nil>),
//   Hostname: (*string)(<nil>),
//   Appname: (*string)(<nil>),
//   ProcID: (*string)(<nil>),
//   MsgID: (*string)(<nil>),
//   Message: (*string)(<nil>)
//  },
//  Version: (uint16) 1,
//  StructuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)(<nil>)
// })

And, at the same time, in e reporting the error that actually stopped the parser.

// expecting a RFC3339MICRO timestamp or a nil value [col 5]

Both m and e have a value since at the column the parser stopped it already was able to construct a minimally valid RFC5424 SyslogMessage.


This library also provides a builder to construct valid syslog messages.

Notice that its API ignores input values that does not match the grammar.

Let's have a look to an example.

msg := &rfc5424.SyslogMessage{}
msg.SetTimestamp("not a RFC3339MICRO timestamp")
msg.Valid() // Not yet a valid message (try msg.Valid())
msg.Valid() // Now it is minimally valid

Printing msg you will verify it contains a nil timestamp (since an invalid one has been given).

// (*rfc5424.SyslogMessage)({
//  Base: (syslog.Base) {
//   Facility: (*uint8)(23),
//   Severity: (*uint8)(7),
//   Priority: (*uint8)(191),
//   Timestamp: (*time.Time)(<nil>),
//   Hostname: (*string)(<nil>),
//   Appname: (*string)(<nil>),
//   ProcID: (*string)(<nil>),
//   MsgID: (*string)(<nil>),
//   Message: (*string)(<nil>)
//  },
//  Version: (uint16) 1,
//  StructuredData: (*map[string]map[string]string)(<nil>)
// })

Finally you can serialize the message into a string.

str, _ := msg.String()
// <191>1 - - - - - -

Message transfer

Excluding encapsulating one message for packet in packet protocols there are two ways to transfer syslog messages over streams.

The older - ie., the non-transparent framing - and the newer one - ie., the octet counting framing - which is reliable and has not been seen to cause problems noted with the non-transparent one.

This library provide stream parsers for both.

Octet counting

In short, RFC5425 and RFC6587, aside from the protocol considerations, describe a transparent framing technique for Syslog messages that uses the octect counting technique - ie., the message length of the incoming message.

Each Syslog message is sent with a prefix representing the number of bytes it is made of.

The octecounting package parses messages stream following such rule.

To quickly understand how to use it please have a look at the example file.

Non transparent

The RFC6587 also describes the non-transparent framing transport of syslog messages.

In such case the messages are separated by a trailer, usually a line feed.

The nontransparent package parses message stream following such technique.

To quickly understand how to use it please have a look at the example file.

Things we do not support:

  • trailers other than LF or NUL
  • trailers which length is greater than 1 byte
  • trailer change on a frame-by-frame basis


To run the benchmark execute the following command.

make bench

On my machine1 these are the results obtained paring RFC5424 syslog messages with best effort mode on.

[no]_empty_input__________________________________  4524100        274 ns/op      272 B/op        4 allocs/op
[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___  3039513        361 ns/op      288 B/op        8 allocs/op
[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________  1244562        951 ns/op      512 B/op       11 allocs/op
[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________  2389249        512 ns/op      512 B/op        9 allocs/op
[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________  1000000       1183 ns/op      712 B/op       17 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal______________________________________  6876235        178 ns/op      227 B/op        5 allocs/op
[ok]_average_message______________________________   730473       1653 ns/op     1520 B/op       24 allocs/op
[ok]_complicated_message__________________________   908776       1344 ns/op     1264 B/op       24 allocs/op
[ok]_very_long_message____________________________   392737       3114 ns/op     2448 B/op       25 allocs/op
[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________   510740       2431 ns/op     1872 B/op       28 allocs/op
[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes   755124       1593 ns/op      867 B/op       13 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______  6142984        199 ns/op      230 B/op        6 allocs/op
[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message  1670286        732 ns/op      348 B/op       10 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________  3013480        407 ns/op      339 B/op        6 allocs/op
[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message_starting_with_BOM_  2926410        423 ns/op      355 B/op        6 allocs/op
[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_  1558971        814 ns/op      570 B/op       11 allocs/op
[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________  1000000       1243 ns/op     1205 B/op       16 allocs/op
[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data  1000000       1025 ns/op      896 B/op       17 allocs/op
[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_  1000000       1241 ns/op     1034 B/op       19 allocs/op

As you can see it takes:

  • ~250ns to parse the smallest legal message

  • less than 2µs to parse an average legal message

  • ~3µs to parse a very long legal message

Other RFC5424 implementations, like this one in Rust, spend 8µs to parse an average legal message.

TBD: comparison against other Go parsers.

  • [1]: Intel Core i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • RFC3164


    This PR finally implements RFC3164 parsing! 😃

    It fixes #15 when merged in.

    Notice it changes the syslog.Message interface and it introduces a syslog.Base struct containing the common fields between the two Syslog formats.

    This means I'll need to release another major (v3) when completed 100% (see below).

    Missing pieces at the moment:

    • [ ] extensive test suite
    • [x] option/mechanism to let the user choose the year of the timestamp
    • [x] best-effort mode
    • [x] option to choose the year for STAMP timestamps (WithYear() with strategies like CurrentYear{}, Year{YYYY:2020} etc.)
    • [x] option to choose the time zone for STAMP timestamps (WithTimezone())
    • [x] option to let the parser ALSO match RFC3339 timestamps (WithRFC3339())
    • [x] examples
    • [x] update README with examples referring to the new interfaces (#26)
  • Allow non UTF8 characters in message

    Allow non UTF8 characters in message

    MSG             = MSG-ANY / MSG-UTF8
    MSG-ANY         = *OCTET ; not starting with BOM
    MSG-UTF8        = BOM UTF-8-STRING


    message, err := rfc5424.NewMachine(rfc5424.WithCompliantMsg()).Parse(subject)


    Initialization of machine moved out of benchmark for all comparisons.



    name                                                        old time/op  new time/op  delta
    Parse/[no]_empty_input__________________________________-8   409ns ± 1%   408ns ± 1%     ~     (p=0.416 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-8   494ns ± 0%   509ns ± 1%   +2.97%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-8  1.47µs ± 0%  1.48µs ± 1%   +0.82%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-8   681ns ± 0%   707ns ± 3%   +3.90%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    Parse/[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-8  1.92µs ± 1%  1.99µs ± 1%   +3.38%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal______________________________________-8   254ns ± 0%   263ns ± 1%   +3.43%  (p=0.000 n=7+10)
    Parse/[ok]_average_message______________________________-8  2.67µs ± 1%  2.64µs ± 2%     ~     (p=0.271 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_complicated_message__________________________-8  2.12µs ± 0%  2.09µs ± 0%   -1.60%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    Parse/[ok]_very_long_message____________________________-8  5.16µs ± 1%  4.60µs ± 0%  -10.89%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-8  5.14µs ± 1%  5.16µs ± 2%     ~     (p=0.645 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-8  3.73µs ± 0%  3.72µs ± 1%   -0.33%  (p=0.023 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-8   287ns ± 1%   283ns ± 0%   -1.43%  (p=0.000 n=10+7)
    Parse/[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-8  1.06µs ± 1%  1.02µs ± 1%   -3.66%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-8   524ns ± 1%   523ns ± 0%     ~     (p=0.850 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message_starting_with_BOM_-8   532ns ± 1%   526ns ± 0%   -1.27%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-8  1.08µs ± 0%  1.08µs ± 1%   +0.88%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-8  1.77µs ± 0%  1.71µs ± 1%   -3.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-8  1.61µs ± 1%  1.60µs ± 0%   -1.03%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-8  1.86µs ± 0%  1.79µs ± 0%   -3.39%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)



    name                                                        old time/op  new time/op  delta
    Parse/[no]_empty_input__________________________________-8   409ns ± 1%   411ns ± 1%     ~     (p=0.124 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-8   494ns ± 0%   511ns ± 0%   +3.38%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-8  1.47µs ± 0%  1.49µs ± 1%   +1.59%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-8   681ns ± 0%   689ns ± 0%   +1.19%  (p=0.000 n=9+9)
    Parse/[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-8  1.92µs ± 1%  1.91µs ± 0%   -0.43%  (p=0.005 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal______________________________________-8   254ns ± 0%   254ns ± 0%     ~     (p=0.103 n=7+10)
    Parse/[ok]_average_message______________________________-8  2.67µs ± 1%  2.62µs ± 0%   -1.72%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_complicated_message__________________________-8  2.12µs ± 0%  2.08µs ± 0%   -1.76%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_very_long_message____________________________-8  5.16µs ± 1%  4.56µs ± 0%  -11.66%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-8  5.14µs ± 1%  5.11µs ± 0%   -0.42%  (p=0.009 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-8  3.73µs ± 0%  3.74µs ± 1%     ~     (p=0.492 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-8   287ns ± 1%   283ns ± 0%   -1.32%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-8  1.06µs ± 1%  1.07µs ± 1%   +0.94%  (p=0.001 n=8+9)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-8   524ns ± 1%   523ns ± 1%     ~     (p=0.597 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message_starting_with_BOM_-8   532ns ± 1%   531ns ± 0%     ~     (p=0.693 n=10+8)
    Parse/[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-8  1.08µs ± 0%  1.08µs ± 0%   +0.81%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-8  1.77µs ± 0%  1.71µs ± 0%   -3.44%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-8  1.61µs ± 1%  1.61µs ± 1%     ~     (p=0.926 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-8  1.86µs ± 0%  1.80µs ± 1%   -2.95%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)



    name                                                        old time/op  new time/op  delta
    Parse/[no]_empty_input__________________________________-8   408ns ± 1%   411ns ± 1%  +0.66%  (p=0.022 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-8   509ns ± 1%   511ns ± 0%  +0.39%  (p=0.017 n=10+10)
    Parse/[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-8  1.48µs ± 1%  1.49µs ± 1%  +0.77%  (p=0.006 n=9+10)
    Parse/[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-8   707ns ± 3%   689ns ± 0%  -2.61%  (p=0.002 n=10+9)
    Parse/[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-8  1.99µs ± 1%  1.91µs ± 0%  -3.69%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal______________________________________-8   263ns ± 1%   254ns ± 0%  -3.43%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_average_message______________________________-8  2.64µs ± 2%  2.62µs ± 0%    ~     (p=0.483 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_complicated_message__________________________-8  2.09µs ± 0%  2.08µs ± 0%    ~     (p=0.163 n=8+10)
    Parse/[ok]_very_long_message____________________________-8  4.60µs ± 0%  4.56µs ± 0%  -0.87%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-8  5.16µs ± 2%  5.11µs ± 0%    ~     (p=0.190 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-8  3.72µs ± 1%  3.74µs ± 1%  +0.50%  (p=0.006 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-8   283ns ± 0%   283ns ± 0%    ~     (p=0.353 n=7+10)
    Parse/[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-8  1.02µs ± 1%  1.07µs ± 1%  +4.78%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-8   523ns ± 0%   523ns ± 1%    ~     (p=0.525 n=9+10)
    Parse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message_starting_with_BOM_-8   526ns ± 0%   531ns ± 0%  +1.11%  (p=0.000 n=9+8)
    Parse/[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-8  1.08µs ± 1%  1.08µs ± 0%    ~     (p=0.926 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-8  1.71µs ± 1%  1.71µs ± 0%    ~     (p=0.181 n=10+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-8  1.60µs ± 0%  1.61µs ± 1%  +1.08%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    Parse/[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-8  1.79µs ± 0%  1.80µs ± 1%  +0.45%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)

    Fixes #21

  • another library's benchmark

    another library's benchmark

    I tried out your benchmarks with my library.

    Some notes:

    • Didn't originally support multiple sd elements, so that was added for these benchmarks. Wish the RFC read better on this.
    • Don't support all the error messages you have here. An error is returned for malformed syslog format, but not what caused the error.
    • No validation is done on the uniqueness of sd id. I'm using a different data structure as sd elements can have the key defined multiple times.
    • Don't use pointers. Just the string conversion from the []byte.
  • Unclear how to get actual data out of the Message interface

    Unclear how to get actual data out of the Message interface

    Hi. I'm trying to use this library to parse messages that rsyslog sends over a TCP connection. All examples in the repository do a "dump" of the syslog.Result type, which shows the data that is contained within the concrete types, but there is no example that shows how to get (for instance) the message payload out of the syslog.Message interface.

    I assume you need to typecast Result.Message into its concrete type to access the actual data, but this is not explained or shown anywhere in the documentation. Could this be clarified?

  • Fixing go modules transition

    Fixing go modules transition

    Users cannot use octet parser due to go module name inconsistency. Both develop branch and v2.0.0 tag ( the one with octet parser ) are not usable due to v2 being present in the module name.

    This might be working fine locally / in development, but fails for external / Go dep users. This PR fixes all v2 mentions and can be validated with Go dep using

      name = ""
      branch = "develop"
      source = ""
  • RFC5424: error on non UTF-8 free-form message

    RFC5424: error on non UTF-8 free-form message

    Hi, There's seems to be a problem with parsing of RFC5424 messages, that contain non-UTF8 bytes/sequences in free-form message field (MSG). Parser returns following error:

    expecting a free-form optional message in UTF-8 (starting with or without BOM)

    But according to RFC5424 this field may contain data in any encoding. Could you please make parser more relaxed about that issue?


  • Git lfs is over quota

    Git lfs is over quota

    dep ensure -add results in

    Error downloading object: docs/rfc5424_appname.png (81860ca): Smudge error: Error downloading docs/rfc5424_appname.png (81860caa2b2707b7f5eb5d4cd1f1c29593b2af4c5ae99f042a761c4e356ff9d9): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Purchase more data packs to restore access.

  • go.mod should have /v2 at the end of the module name

    go.mod should have /v2 at the end of the module name

    This is a follow-up of #19 which still appears broken. Consider this:

    ❯ go mod init foo
    go: creating new go.mod: module foo
    ❯ go get && cat go.mod 
    module foo
    go 1.13
    require v1.0.1 // indirect
    ❯ go get[email protected]
    go: finding v2.0.0
    go get[email protected]:[email protected]: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v2

    go get will never install a v2 version as the import path does not match. See for path names.

    My feeling is that as this stage the right thing would be to release a 3.0 version (branched from 2.0) with a /v3 import path.

  • Version between range 1 to 999, why ?

    Version between range 1 to 999, why ?


    I am trying to understand why did you choose to reject a version that is not between 1 and 999.

    How I am testing

    I am testing with a docker container with this command: docker run --log-driver syslog --log-opt syslog-address=udp://localhost:7890 alpine echo hello world

    I obtain this syslog message: <30>Aug 8 13:56:23 6d8f79ab82bf[1451]: hello world\n

    Docker is using the same RFC as you with the ABNF implementation:

    Why I am thinking version range is not expected ?

    In the RFC there is no 999, you can search for it but you will not find anything related to the version.

    So why are you doing that, there is a reason for ?

  • update: removed all the pointers and indirection

    update: removed all the pointers and indirection

    I admittedly don't understand the purpose of all the pointers and indirection in the code, but i did a little light profiling and then rolled it in our own system and found that the extra pointers were causing more stress on the allocator and GC. I refactored the ragel system and some of the code to remove them and got between 10 and 60% speedups. If there is some other reason for keeping that indirection I would like to better understand it. I am also admittedly new to ragel and code generation, so if I botched some of the code changes let me know.

    Thank you for the library, it was already fast, this is a little faster and more go-like.

    benchmark                                                               old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
    BenchmarkParse/[no]_empty_input__________________________________-4     270           233           -13.70%
    BenchmarkParse/[no]_multiple_syslog_messages_on_multiple_lines___-4     519           322           -37.96%
    BenchmarkParse/[no]_impossible_timestamp_________________________-4     1258          1065          -15.34%
    BenchmarkParse/[no]_malformed_structured_data____________________-4     608           423           -30.43%
    BenchmarkParse/[no]_with_duplicated_structured_data_id___________-4     1698          1397          -17.73%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_minimal______________________________________-4     321           122           -61.99%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_average_message______________________________-4     2588          2228          -13.91%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_complicated_message__________________________-4     2176          1860          -14.52%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_very_long_message____________________________-4     4501          4081          -9.33%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_all_max_length_and_complete__________________-4     3514          3174          -9.68%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_all_max_length_except_structured_data_and_mes-4     2115          1846          -12.72%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_minimal_with_message_containing_newline______-4     384           157           -59.11%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_w/o_procid,_w/o_structured_data,_with_message-4     1082          762           -29.57%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_minimal_with_UTF-8_message___________________-4     608           370           -39.14%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_with_structured_data_id,_w/o_structured_data_-4     1231          950           -22.83%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_with_multiple_structured_data________________-4     1920          1603          -16.51%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_with_escaped_backslash_within_structured_data-4     1667          1319          -20.88%
    BenchmarkParse/[ok]_with_UTF-8_structured_data_param_value,_with_-4     1813          1596          -11.97%
  • RFC6587 et. al

    RFC6587 et. al

    This PR introduces several features and aspects:

    • [x] Go modules
    • [x] Interfaces
      • [x] syslog.Machines => parsers a byte slice
      • [x] syslog.Parsers => parsers supporting a stream
    • [x] Streaming impl. of non-transparent framing for syslog transports, ie., RFC6587 (refs #16)
      • [x] Documentation
      • [ ] Error handling
    • [x] Refactoring of existing RFC5424 to match interfaces and conventions
    • [x] Refactoring of existing RFC5425 to match interfaces and conventions
    • [x] CI setup

    Note that I'll introduce BC with this PR.

  • add support for RFC3164 streams

    add support for RFC3164 streams

    This isn't a particularly fancy patch but adds RFC3164 support for streams.

    My motivation is to use Lokis client tool promtail directly with RFC3164 devices without having a syslog-ng server in-between.

    both nontransparent and octetcounting use RFC5424 which isn't used by many devices, i.e. OpenWrt or Ubiquiti routers.

    Add a new function called NewParserRFC3164 to both.

    Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren [email protected]

  • Log parser in another format

    Log parser in another format


    We are trying to use go-syslog parser to parse syslogs for one of our system but our logs are in format as below:

    Oct 11 22:14:15 su: 'su root' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8

    So is there any way/standard to parse the logs in this format?

    as we have checked the go-syslog supports logs in format of

    <152> Oct 11 22:14:15 su: 'su root' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8

    Any help on this will be appreciated.

  • Data race on currentid

    Data race on currentid

    Those two variables are defined on the package level. That means that two independent rfc5424.SyslogMessage objects with structured data can't be built concurrently – race detector correctly reports unsynchronised writes.

  • Can rfc3164 (BSD syslog) parser support custom timestamp format?

    Can rfc3164 (BSD syslog) parser support custom timestamp format?

    rfc3164 parser can parse log like logStr = "<134>Jul 16 02:15:13 an 200050021 id=OS time="2020-7-16 02:15:13" timezone=GMT(+0000)", but can't parse log like logStr = "<134>Jul 16 2020 02:15:13 an 200050021 id=OS time="2020-7-16 02:15:13" timezone=GMT(+0000)". It will cause error: expecting a Stamp timestamp [col 14].

  • Unable to use rfc3164 (BSD syslog) parser in combination with nontransparent or octet-counted parsers

    Unable to use rfc3164 (BSD syslog) parser in combination with nontransparent or octet-counted parsers

    I'm trying to parse messages from rsyslog's owfwd module. rsyslog uses BSD syslog messages (RFC 3164). However, the two parsers that can handle reading multiple syslog messages from a stream, nontransparent and octetcounting, both assume RFC 5424 style syslog messages.

    Is it possible to add parsing multiple BSD-style syslog messages (with both framing methods) as well?

    rsyslog documentation:

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