The mustache template language in Go


mustache.go is an implementation of the mustache template language in Go. It is better suited for website templates than Go's native pkg/template. mustache.go is fast -- it parses templates efficiently and stores them in a tree-like structure which allows for fast execution.


For more information about mustache, check out the mustache project page or the mustache manual.

Also check out some example mustache files


To install mustache.go, simply run go get To use it in a program, use import ""


There are four main methods in this package:

func Render(data string, context ...interface{}) string

func RenderFile(filename string, context ...interface{}) string

func ParseString(data string) (*Template, os.Error)

func ParseFile(filename string) (*Template, os.Error)

There are also two additional methods for using layouts (explained below).

The Render method takes a string and a data source, which is generally a map or struct, and returns the output string. If the template file contains an error, the return value is a description of the error. There's a similar method, RenderFile, which takes a filename as an argument and uses that for the template contents.

data := mustache.Render("hello {{c}}", map[string]string{"c":"world"})

If you're planning to render the same template multiple times, you do it efficiently by compiling the template first:

tmpl,_ := mustache.ParseString("hello {{c}}")
var buf bytes.Buffer;
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    tmpl.Render (map[string]string { "c":"world"}, &buf)  

For more example usage, please see mustache_test.go


mustache.go follows the official mustache HTML escaping rules. That is, if you enclose a variable with two curly brackets, {{var}}, the contents are HTML-escaped. For instance, strings like 5 > 2 are converted to 5 &gt; 2. To use raw characters, use three curly brackets {{{var}}}.


It is a common pattern to include a template file as a "wrapper" for other templates. The wrapper may include a header and a footer, for instance. Mustache.go supports this pattern with the following two methods:

func RenderInLayout(data string, layout string, context ...interface{}) string

func RenderFileInLayout(filename string, layoutFile string, context ...interface{}) string

The layout file must have a variable called {{content}}. For example, given the following files:




<h1> Hello World! </h1>

A call to RenderFileInLayout("template.html.mustache", "layout.html.mustache", nil) will produce:

<h1> Hello World! </h1>

A note about method receivers

Mustache.go supports calling methods on objects, but you have to be aware of Go's limitations. For example, lets's say you have the following type:

type Person struct {
    FirstName string
    LastName string    

func (p *Person) Name1() string {
    return p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName

func (p Person) Name2() string {
    return p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName

While they appear to be identical methods, Name1 has a pointer receiver, and Name2 has a value receiver. Objects of type Person(non-pointer) can only access Name2, while objects of type *Person(person) can access both. This is by design in the Go language.

So if you write the following:

mustache.Render("{{Name1}}", Person{"John", "Smith"})

It'll be blank. You either have to use &Person{"John", "Smith"}, or call Name2

Supported features

  • Variables
  • Comments
  • Change delimiter
  • Sections (boolean, enumerable, and inverted)
  • Partials
Michael Hoisie
Working on Android testing tools at Google.
Michael Hoisie
  • Conform to spec: empty list evaluates inverted section

    Conform to spec: empty list evaluates inverted section

    The mustache manual[1] states the following:

    While sections can be used to render text one or more times based on the
    value of the key, inverted sections may render text once based on the
    inverse value of the key. That is, they will be rendered if the key
    doesn't exist, is false, or is an empty list.

    The previous implementation, upon encountering an empty list, iterated over the items in the list and rendered each one. Since the list was empty, nothing would be emitted for an inverted section over an empty list, thus the following template would never have any output:

    {{#list}} not empty {{/list}}
    {{^list}} empty {{/list}}

    Furthermore, though the mustache spec isn't clear on what constitutes a false value, I felt that the definition in isNil was too constrained -- most primitive zero-values were not handled and defined as non-false. This, unfortunately, included common things like integers, maps, lists, etc. I have amended isNil to switch on every reflect.Kind and check for zero-value equivalents (e.g., empty lists/maps/channels/strings, 0-value numerics).

    Finally, tests have been added for these additions.


  • Added RenderWriter method.

    Added RenderWriter method.

    Thanks for the great template library.

    I needed to render to an io.Writer, so I added a method called RenderWriter.

    I couldn't tell if you prefer to gofmt your code, so I didn't run it and tried to maintain your formatting. There's a new test called TestWriter and the docs were updated.

  • Updated to compile with Golang weekly.2012-01-27

    Updated to compile with Golang weekly.2012-01-27

    mustache_test.go needs to be updated so that it doesn't use the container/vector package.

    Updated mustache.go to compile using golang weekly 2012-01-27. os.Error -> error, os.NewError("") -> errors.New(), os.EOF -> io.EOF, and imported new 'errors' package.

  • assigning

    assigning "compiled" templates to a global variable

    if you "compile" a template (with ParseFile), its type is *mustache.template, that is not visible outside the package. I'd like to assign it to a (global) variable to complile once and use it everywhere in my program. So why not make it of a *mustache.Template type? I've tried a brutal name substitution in the mustache.go file, and it seems to work (sorry, I'm fairly new to both go and mustache.go). THX

  • Use Getwd(), support direct customization of the 'cwd' path

    Use Getwd(), support direct customization of the 'cwd' path

    • Not seeing a CWD envvar as of Ubuntu Linux 16.04. Probably meant PWD? May as well use the standard Getwd() for this.
    • It'd also be useful to support explicitly providing that 'cwd' value via the API. Adds a new ParseStringInDir() function to support this. It came up for me when I was trying to pass the string contents of a file, where I wanted to have both old and new versions of the content to show in a diff. Example:
    oldData, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    template, _ := mustache.ParseStringInPath(string(oldData), dir)
    newData := template.Render(map)
    // ... show diff of oldData vs newData ...
    • Finally, reenables a commented-out test which seems to be passing just fine...
  • Sections can be lambdas (in the form of `fn(in string) string`), as per mustache spec.

    Sections can be lambdas (in the form of `fn(in string) string`), as per mustache spec.

    This is useful for implementing things such as filters (for example, transforming a static block of text into Markdown output).

    Notable changes: The parser now stores rawBody as it reads sections; reconstructing mustache-tags as appropriate. This is because the mustache spec requires that a [lambda] section be passsed in as a string literal, with mustache tags unexpanded. Since a lambda can only be detected at runtime, the parser must emit the unexpanded tags in addition to the expanded tags.

    The renderer now reflects on type "Func", calling the lambda with a string (the rawBody), and replacing the output with that function's result. (Also a string.) This does not break existing tests, though I would appreciate a third-party review for regressions.

    For future improvement / safety: we should ensure that the lambda is of type func(in string) string; and error / fall through as appropriate.

  • Fix for Go 1 compatibility + panic fix on partial

    Fix for Go 1 compatibility + panic fix on partial

    1. I ran go fix to make this Go 1 compatible
    2. I fixed a panic which occured on Go 1 whenever a partial tag was processed. This was caused by trying to perform .Close() on a nil file reference.
  • Go panics on some malformed templates

    Go panics on some malformed templates

    I tried creating a template with {{}} in an {{#enumerated_section}} and mustache.go threw a string bounds panic (full dump below). I see a number of explicit panic() calls in mustache.go so maybe this is not undesired behavior.

    PC=0x14b7f index 0<0>0
    throw: string bounds
    panic PC=0x8a6ec0
    throw+0x3e /Users/peter/Code/go/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.c:74
    throw(0xe11d8, 0x0)
    prbounds+0x92 /Users/peter/Code/go/src/pkg/runtime/string.c:108
    prbounds(0xe11f8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    runtime.indexstring+0x82 /Users/peter/Code/go/src/pkg/runtime/string.c:214
    runtime.indexstring(0x7c71a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    mustache.*template·parseSection+0x368 /Users/peter/Code/mustache.go/mustache.go:145
    mustache.*template·parseSection(0x127e640, 0x0, 0x9613a0, 0x0, 0x7c6d1, ...)
    mustache.*template·parse+0x439 /Users/peter/Code/mustache.go/mustache.go:192
    mustache.*template·parse(0x127e640, 0x0, 0x12750f0, 0x0)
    mustache.ParseString+0xc2 /Users/peter/Code/mustache.go/mustache.go:316
    mustache.ParseString(0x7c548, 0x0, 0x296, 0x0, 0xb0e78, ...)
    mustache.Render+0x25 /Users/peter/Code/mustache.go/mustache.go:345
    mustache.Render(0x7c548, 0x0, 0x296, 0x0, 0xb0e78, ...)
  • Add dot notation support

    Add dot notation support

    According to the Mustache spec, the dot notation should be available.

    Hello {{}}

    Other Mustache implements such as mustache.js have already done the job.

    I've achieved the feature in the lookup function, and added some tests from the spec

  • attempt to fix a reflection bug

    attempt to fix a reflection bug

    I'm not sure whether this is the absolute fix as I just tried to understand why my code wouldn't work properly, and didn't want to spend the rest of the night reading the doc on the reflection package... :)

  • panicln no longer exists in latest release of Go

    panicln no longer exists in latest release of Go

    mustache.go can be updated:

      $ git diff
      diff --git a/mustache.go b/mustache.go
      index 146099a..18b5f7c 100644
      --- a/mustache.go
      +++ b/mustache.go
      @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func (tmpl *template) parseSection(section *sectionElement) os.Error {
               case '=':
                   if tag[len(tag)-1] != '=' {
      -                panicln("Invalid meta tag")
      +                panic("Invalid meta tag")
                   tag = strings.TrimSpace(tag[1 : len(tag)-1])
                   newtags := strings.Split(tag, " ", 0)
      @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func (tmpl *template) parse() os.Error {
               case '=':
                   if tag[len(tag)-1] != '=' {
      -                panicln("Invalid meta tag")
      +                panic("Invalid meta tag")
                   tag = strings.TrimSpace(tag[1 : len(tag)-1])
                   newtags := strings.Split(tag, " ", 0)
  • Return errors from Render, etc

    Return errors from Render, etc


    This change makes functions return errors instead of returning them in the output. It is best practice and I really wouldn't want to send "line 1: interleaved closing tag: a" in a marketing email. It doesn't change any behaviour and it would be really easy for users to migrate.

    Hope that you consider merging this.

    This fixes #7 + thank you for making this library.

  • Interface change suggestion

    Interface change suggestion

    This would mean that a literal template and a layout file (or vice versa) could be mixed in the same call. What do you think? If I implemented this would you merge it? The original API would still work.

    In client code:

    // Order of arguments is irrelevant
    output := mustache.Render(
            mustache.Literal( "Here's my data: {{myData}}" ),
            map[string]string{"myData":"Yes, this is my data"} )

    In mustache.go:

    type dataType int
    const (
        uninitialisedDataType dataType = iota
    type templateDescription struct {
        data string
    func Render(args ...interface{}) string {
        // If the first argument is a string then behave as original API
        // If using new API then only use the first occurrences of template and layout
        // ...
    func Literal(template string) templateDescription {
        return templateDescription{templateLiteral, template}
    func Filename(filename string) templateDescription {
        return templateDescription{templateFilename, filename}
    func LayoutLiteral(template string) templateDescription {
        return templateDescription{layoutLiteral, template}
    func LayoutFilename(filename string) templateDescription {
        return templateDescription{layoutFilename, filename}
  • Add option to treat missing variables as errors

    Add option to treat missing variables as errors

    This is a breaking change as it changes the API to follow the idiomatic Go convention of returning errors.

    I don't expect it to be merged since the project does not appear to be maintained, just sharing in case anyone else is looking for this functionality.

  • Support whitespace around variable names

    Support whitespace around variable names

    With reference to the mustache spec at, the current definition for tag content:

    The tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing the current closing delimiter.

    However, later tests state “Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.” and include tests for {{ string }} and {{{ string }}}.

    That would tend to suggest that whitespace is allowed between the opening and closing delimiters, and the variable name. That’s how other implementations seem to work.

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