An in-memory, key-value store HTTP API service

This is an in-memory key-value store HTTP API service, with the following endpoints:

  • /get/{key} : GET method. Returns the value of a previously set key.

  • /set : POST method. Sets key/value pair(s) in the key-value store. Body can accept multiple key-value pairs in a single request, for example - {"abc-1":1,"abc-2":2,"xyz-1":"three","xyz-2":4}.

  • /search : GET method. Searches for keys using prefix or suffix filters.

Assume you have the following keys in the store: abc-1, abc-2, xyz-1, xyz-2.
- /search?prefix=abc would return abc-1 and abc-2.
- /search?suffix=-1 would return abc-1 and xyz-1.

  • / : GET method. Returns all the key-value pairs in the in-memory store. Also useful for readiness probes and load testing.

How to run (as binary)

  • Fork and clone this repository.
  • Run go build -o kvstore.
  • Run the ./kvstore binary (the service will run on port 8080).

(Alternatively, you can simply run go build and run the resulting ./kv binary, or give another name to it.)

How to build and use Docker image

  • Fork and clone this repository.
  • Build the Docker image with the command
docker build -t <image-name>:<tag-name> .

For example, you can run docker build -t kv-store:latest .

  • After building the image, run it with the command
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 <image-name>

(The service will run on port 8080 in this case.)

Alternatively, you can simply pull the docker image (the latest image tag is recommended) from the Dockerhub repository.

Running the service on a k3d cluster

  • Fork and clone this repository (or simply copy the deploy.yaml file and save it).
  • Create a new k3d cluster with k3d cluster create kvstore -p "8080:80@loadbalancer".
  • Run kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml. (k3s deploys traefik as the default ingress controller. Coupled with the port mapping, this does not require any further configuration for running the service on k3d. The deployment and configuration have not been tested for other Kubernetes distributions.)

(Please run the service on port 8080, as the deployment file has readiness probe configured for the port.)

Testing for zero downtime

Testing was done via the CLI tool for Fortio. Just before the deployment image was updated from importhuman/kv-store to use a slightly different image (importhuman/kv-store:1.3), the following command was run:

fortio load -a -c 50 -qps 500 -t 180s "localhost:8080"

Status 200 response was obtained for 100% of the requests.

The complete logs can be found in logs.json.

Known issues while running on Kubernetes

  • The deployment creates 3 replicas of the key-value store service. These replicas do not have a shared memory, and so have different key-value pair stores, instead of all replicas utilizing a common store.
  • Key-value pairs are not stored anywhere outside the pod, thus, while requests can be made consistently without downtime, any stored values are lost when a pod restarts or goes down.
Ujjwal Goyal
Currently working on buildpacks and linkerd | Open source enthusiast | Self taught programmer | Actively looking for opportunities
Ujjwal Goyal
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