Terraform provider for OCM

Terraform provider for OCM


To build the provider use the make command.


To use the provider first build and install it:

$ make install

Then go to the directory containing the Terraform .tf files and run the terraform init and terraform apply commands:

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

To see the debug log of the provider set the TF_LOG environment variable to DEBUG before running the terraform apply command:

$ export TF_LOG
$ terraform apply


The examples directory contains some examples, together with Makefiles to simplify their use. For example, to run the create_cluster example:

$ make install
$ cd examples/create_cluster
$ make

Note that this examples expect that you have the ocm command line utility installed, and use it to get a valid access token (with ocm token) and put it in the OCM_TOKEN environment variable where the provider gets the token by default.

Use the make clean command to remove the .terraform and terraform.tfstate files so that the next time you run the example it starts from scratch.

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