Odyssey - Kentik Synthetics Kubernetes Operator


KentikLabs synthetic Kubernetes operator. This operator can be used to create Kentik synthetic tests on a Kubernetes cluster. The data can then be viewed in the Kentik Portal.

Odyssey Example


To build the operator:


This will build the protos and binary.

Run Locally

To build and run the Go binary from your host outside of the cluster (for development):

make KENTIK_EMAIL=<your-kentik-email> KENTIK_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> install run


To build a Docker image of the controller:

docker build -t <name> .


To deploy to a Kubernetes cluster:

make IMG=



To create and deploy a synth server to run tests, use the following example:

apiVersion: synthetics.kentiklabs.com/v1
kind: SyntheticTask
  name: demo
    - service: demo
      target: /
      port: 8080
      method: GET
      period: 30s
      expiry: 5s
    - ingress: demo
      period: 30s
      expiry: 5s
    - kind: deployment
      name: demo
      period: 30s
      expiry: 5s

Note: you can optionally specify server_image and agent_image to override the default images for the components. This is useful for development.

This will inform the operator to launch a synth server and agent in the desired namespace and configure the server with three tasks (fetch, tls_handshake, ping, and trace). These will then be sent to the agent to perform at the specified intervals.


The following tasks are supported.


Fetch performs an HTTP operation on the specified Kubernetes service. The connection info (IP, etc) will be automatically resolved by the operator.

Name Required Description
service yes Name of the Kubernetes service
port yes Port to check
tls optional Enable TLS for the check
target yes Path (i.e. /) for the check
method optional (default: GET) HTTP method to use for check
period optional (default: 10s) Interval to perform check
expiry optional (default: 5s) Timeout for the check to complete

TLS Handshake

The tls_handshake test performs a TLS handshake and reports info. This check requires a Kubernetes Ingress object. The connection info will be automatically resolved by the operator.

Name Required Description
ingress yes Name of the Kubernetes ingress
port optional (default: 443) Port to check
period optional (default: 10s) Interval to perform check
expiry optional (default: 5s) Timeout for the check to complete


Ping performs a network ping and latency, etc. This check can be used with a Kubernetes Pod, Deployment, Service, or Ingress. The connection info will be automatically resolved by the operator.

Name Required Description
kind yes Kubernetes object to check (Deployment, Pod, Service, Ingress)
name yes Name of the object to check
count optional (default: 3) Number of tries for the check
period optional (default: 10s) Interval to perform check
delay optional (default: 0ms) Delay (in ms) before each check
expiry optional (default: 5s) Timeout for the check to complete


Trace performs a network trace and reports hops, latency, etc. This check can be used with a Kubernetes Pod, Deployment, Service, or Ingress. The connection info will be automatically resolved by the operator.

Name Required Description
kind yes Kubernetes object to check (Deployment, Pod, Service, Ingress)
name yes Name of the object to check
protocol optional (default: udp) Protocol to use for the trace
port optional (default: 0) Port to check
count optional (default: 3) Number of tries for the check
limit optional (default: 3 min: 1 max: 50) Maximum number of hops
period optional (default: 10s) Interval to perform check
delay optional (default: 0ms) Delay (in ms) before each check
expiry optional (default: 5s) Timeout for the check to complete
Kentik is a cloud-based, real-time network visibility and analytics solution for network and security operators.
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