How you can use Go to replace YAML files with Kubernetes.


A small project that is free to use. 🎉

I wanted to offer a starting point for anyone interested in replacing YAML with Go.

You can read more about the thinking behind this in this blog post.

The Interface

We hope to offer an interface that "applications" can implement that we can then write generic tooling around.

Hopefully we can offer Go as an alternative to YAML and templating so we can take advantage of the vast Go ecosystem.

Check out cdk8s!

Seriously check this project out - it's great.

Kris Nóva
professional grown up business adult does important internet business
Kris Nóva
  • Valast fails at runtime with type pointers

    Valast fails at runtime with type pointers

    Write now the type pointer generation is failing (at runtime!)

    panic: interface conversion: interface {} is *int, not *int32
    goroutine 1 [running]:*App).Install(0xc000391200, 0xc000508000, 0x0, 0xa)
            /home/nova/src/tests/app.go:86 +0xed9, 0xc000391200, 0xc0004a3bd0, 0x0)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd.go:386 +0xc7, 0x1, 0x1)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd.go:160 +0x39f*Command).Run(0xc000391440, 0xc0003fdf40, 0x0, 0x0)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:163 +0x4dd*App).RunContext(0xc00025bd40, 0x1afc930, 0xc00019a010, 0xc0001a4000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/app.go:313 +0x810*App).Run(...)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/app.go:224, 0xc000391200)
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd.go:316 +0xf2b
            /home/nova/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd.go:51
            /home/nova/src/tests/cmd/main.go:42 +0xa5

    Looks like this is the culprit

    			Replicas: valast.Addr(1).(*int32),

    We should fix Valast to do something like this

    			Replicas: valast.Addr(int32(1)).(*int32),
  • TGIK: spotlight on naml

    TGIK: spotlight on naml

    Just wanted to say that I really like the project, writing (or templating) YAML is just painful!

    Also if anyone is interested, TGIK will be doing an episode showcasing naml on their Youtube channel in 2 days, it will be fun to watch :)

  • Codify fails when the input yaml object names have a dash in it.

    Codify fails when the input yaml object names have a dash in it.

    Took the example stateless app from and ran it against naml.

    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deployment

    Ran this through naml:

    kubectl get deployments -oyaml | naml c
    Error during codify: unable to auto format code: 88:2: expected identifier on left side of :=2021-08-01T18:41:03-07:00 [Critical  ]  unable to auto format code: 88:2: expected identifier on left side of :=

    I disabled gofmt to see the actual error and found this:

    nginx-deploymentDeployment := &appsv1.Deployment{

    We should probably trim illegal characters, though this may in rare circumstances cause a duplicate name. e.g. two deployments on the same system with names nginx-deployment vs nginxdeplolyment

  • Make this a GitHub template repo?

    Make this a GitHub template repo?

    If I understand properly, you're supposed to fork this repo and then modify it to fit your app. GH templates would make it a little bit easier for folks to do that.

  • Codify doesn't deal well with unknown resource types

    Codify doesn't deal well with unknown resource types

    I tried running naml codify on an ObjectBucketClaim resource:

    kind: ObjectBucketClaim
      name: example-obc
      generateBucketName: example-obc

    I was expecting it to fail due to an unknown resource type, but to my surprise it didn't emit any errors. The resulting main.go has no resources (and does not compile).

    It would be nice if naml codify would emit an error (and fail) when it is unable to successfully convert the input.

  • Support MutatingWebhookConfiguration and HorizontalPodAutoscaler

    Support MutatingWebhookConfiguration and HorizontalPodAutoscaler

    This PR is largely motivated by the contents of

    There are two issues that still require more work:

    1. Template delimiters inside configmap data causes parsing errors with go fmt. Not sure how to handle this at the moment so temporarily replaced double curly braces with quotes to get working output.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: test
      a: |
        # {{ .Name }}
    1. Handling multiple versions for a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. v2beta2 was not replaced with autoscalingv2beta2 for some reason after the alias. Tried to follow policyv1beta1 but might've missed something.
  • Compile Issue

    Compile Issue

    Saul Nachman12:17 PM
    # command-line-arguments
    ./test.go:31:2: imported and not used: "" as appsv1
    ./test.go:32:2: imported and not used: "" as corev1
    ./test.go:33:2: imported and not used: "" as networkingv1
    ./test.go:35:2: imported and not used: ""
    ./test.go:73:25: undefined: Ingress
    ./test.go:108:33: client.NetworkingV1().Ingresss undefined (type "".NetworkingV1Interface has
  • use goname pattern in clusterrole

    use goname pattern in clusterrole

    ClusterRole now follows goname pattern that was set in Deployments.

    Also extracts goName into its own method for simplifcation.

    Signed-off-by: Frederick F. Kautz IV [email protected]

  • not installing with different kubeconfig file

    not installing with different kubeconfig file

    Hi, really fun project, enjoying it so far :). One little thing I noticed; when I merge 2 kubeconfig files in the KUBECONFIG variable, there is hardcoded path searching for config file in .kube dir in this function in client.go

    // Client is used to authenticate with Kubernetes and build the Kube client
    // for the rest of the program.
    func Client() (*kubernetes.Clientset, error) {
    	kubeConfigPath := path.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), ".kube", "config")
    	return ClientFromPath(kubeConfigPath)

    giving this error when context is in other file than config:

    unable to find local kube config [/home/decoder/.kube/config]: invalid configuration: [context was not found for specified context: default, cluster has no server defined]

    Swapping to another cluster (with context present in config) works as expected.

    Maybe reading KUBECONFIG variable on a retry when this error occurs would be a good idea?

  • naml codify makefile

    naml codify makefile

    lets auto generate a makefile as well for our friends

    maybe syntax like this

    kubectl get deploy -oyaml | naml codify --name=beeps > main.go
    naml codify makefile --name=beeps > Makefile
    sudo make install
    beeps --help
  • Promote @fkautz to maintainer

    Promote @fkautz to maintainer

    This project seems to have seen decent traction - perhaps it's worth considering another maintainer?

    Anyway @fkautz you seem to be the most active here. Would you be interested in a low-commitment maintainer spot on the project to serve as another place to get things done / merge PRs / review my code / etc?

  • Unable to translate HorizontalPodAutoscaler yaml

    Unable to translate HorizontalPodAutoscaler yaml

    Hello! Thanks for this wonderful library. I am trying to convert a YAML file that contains a "kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler" and "kind: CustomResourceDefinition". These are ignored by NAML. Is this expected?

  • Build failed

    Build failed

    trying to make a basic test

    kubectl get job beeps -o yaml | naml codify > main.go

    naml build

    2022-10-04T16:44:09+02:00 [Warning   ]  ⚠ naml build alpha feature ⚠
    2022-10-04T16:44:09+02:00 [Warning   ]  if this is a feature you plan on using please make your use case known in the issue tracker
    2022-10-04T16:44:09+02:00 [Warning   ]  ⚠ naml build alpha feature ⚠
    2022-10-04T16:44:09+02:00 [Critical  ]  unable to build NAML binary from source:
    | Codify Compile Failure  |
    | #
    ../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/codify/codify.go:138:3: unknown field 'ClusterName' in struct literal of type "".ObjectMeta
    ../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/codify/codify.go:138:33: m.ClusterName undefined (type "".ObjectMeta has no field or method ClusterName)
  • Errors when building generated main.go

    Errors when building generated main.go

    Dislaimer: I come from JavaLand. Applolgies if I am reporting something that would be easy to solve for people living in GoLand.

    I am trying out NAML to cofify an existing deployment

    1. I exported our deployment to yaml first via kubectl get all -n <my_namespace> -o yaml | tee out/all.yaml which resulted in a yaml file with 24031 lines
    2. Then I switched to the out folder and converted it to go via cat all.yaml | naml codify > main.go which resulted in a go file with 26986 lines
    3. Now that I tried go build main.go I am getting following errors
    > naml build -o app
    2022-04-25T11:14:16+02:00 [Warning   ]  ⚠ naml build alpha feature ⚠
    2022-04-25T11:14:16+02:00 [Warning   ]  if this is a feature you plan on using please make your use case known in the issue tracker
    2022-04-25T11:14:16+02:00 [Warning   ]  ⚠ naml build alpha feature ⚠
    2022-04-25T11:14:17+02:00 [Critical  ]  unable to build NAML binary from source: 
    | Codify Compile Failure  |
    | # command-line-arguments
    /tmp/3648555560.go:171:9: unknown field 'i' in struct literal of type resource.Quantity
    /tmp/3648555560.go:171:21: int64Amount not exported by package resource
    /tmp/3648555560.go:172:10: unknown field 'value' in struct literal of type resource.int64Amount
    /tmp/3648555560.go:173:10: unknown field 'scale' in struct literal of type resource.int64Amount
    /tmp/3648555560.go:175:9: unknown field 's' in struct literal of type resource.Quantity
    /tmp/3648555560.go:179:9: unknown field 'i' in struct literal of type resource.Quantity
    /tmp/3648555560.go:179:26: int64Amount not exported by package resource
    /tmp/3648555560.go:179:38: unknown field 'value' in struct literal of type resource.int64Amount
    /tmp/3648555560.go:180:9: unknown field 's' in struct literal of type resource.Quantity
    /tmp/3648555560.go:186:21: int64Amount not exported by package resource
    /tmp/3648555560.go:186:21: too many errors

    Another thing that was quite strange to me was that NAML generated properties like NodeName: with the node a certain pod is currently running on. Haven't looked further but my gut feeling tells me that it generates code for pods resulting from staeful/daemon/replica-sets which doesn't feel right.

  • Use reflection and harden package names

    Use reflection and harden package names

    Relevant to #61 we can harden our package management

    We can (and should) use reflection to snoop the Kubernetes libraries as needed. We need to get rid of the string lists at the top of codify.go

  • naml build to solve for makefile and go.mod

    naml build to solve for makefile and go.mod

    Right now we have a problem with vendoring and capturing the compile commands with naml

    We can use naml build as a way to vet the code and ensure everything is working as expected

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