Frep - Generate file using template from environment, arguments, json/yaml/toml config files

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Generate file using template from environment, arguments, json/yaml/toml config files.

   frep - Generate file using template

   frep [options] input-file[:output-file] ...


   Guoqiang Chen <[email protected]>

   -e, --env name=value    set variable name=value, can be passed multiple times
       --json jsonstring   load variables from json object string
       --load file         load variables from json/yaml/toml file
       --no-sys-env        exclude system environments, default false
       --overwrite         overwrite if destination file exists
       --dryrun            just output result to console instead of file
       --strict            exit on any error during template processing
       --delims value      template tag delimiters (default: {{:}})
       --missing           handling of missing vars, one of: default/invalid, zero, error (default: default)
       --help              print this usage
       --version           print version information

   frep -e webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html -e port=8080
   frep -e webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html -e port=8080
   frep --json '{"webroot": "/usr/share/nginx/html", "port": 8080}'
   frep --load config.json --overwrite
   echo "{{ .Env.PATH }}"  | frep -


v1.3.12 Release:

  • Linux

    curl -fSL -o /usr/local/bin/frep
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/frep
    # centos / redhat
    yum install
    # ubuntu
    curl -fSL -o frep_1.3.12-74_amd64.deb
    dpkg -i frep_1.3.12-74_amd64.deb
  • macOS

    brew install subchen/tap/frep
  • Windows



You can run frep using docker container

docker run -it --rm subchen/frep --help


Load template variables

  • Load from environment

    export webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html
    export port=8080
  • Load from arguments

    frep -e webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html -e port=8080
  • Load from JSON String

    frep --json '{"webroot": "/usr/share/nginx/html", "port": 8080}'
  • Load from JSON file

    cat > config.json << EOF
      "webroot": "/usr/share/nginx/html",
      "port": 8080,
      "servers": [
    frep --load config.json
  • Load from YAML file

    cat > config.yaml << EOF
    webroot: /usr/share/nginx/html
    port: 8080
    frep --load config.yaml
  • Load from TOML file

    cat > config.toml << EOF
    webroot = /usr/share/nginx/html
    port = 8080
    servers = [
    frep --load config.toml


  • Input from file

    // input file: nginx.conf
  • Input from console(stdin)

    // input from stdin pipe
    echo "{{ .Env.PATH }}" | frep -
  • Output to default file (Removed last file ext)

    // output file: nginx.conf
    frep --overwrite
  • Output to the specified file

    // output file: /etc/nginx.conf
    frep --overwrite -e port=8080
  • Output to console(stdout)

    frep --dryrun
  • Output multiple files

    frep ...


Templates use Golang text/template.

You can access environment variables within a template

Env.PATH = {{ .Env.PATH }}

If your template file uses {{ and }} as part of it's syntax, you can change the template escape characters using the --delims.

frep --delims "<%:%>" ...

There are some built-in functions as well: Masterminds/sprig v2.22.0

More funcs added:

  • toJson
  • toYaml
  • toToml
  • toBool
  • fileSize
  • fileLastModified
  • fileGetBytes
  • fileGetString
  • fileExists
  • include
  • countRune
  • pipeline compatible regex functions from sprig
    • reReplaceAll
    • reReplaceAllLiteral
    • reSplit
  • awsSecret
  • awsParameterStore

Sample of

server {
    listen {{ .port }} default_server;

    root {{ .webroot | default "/usr/share/nginx/html" }};
    index index.html index.htm;

    location /api {
        {{ include "shared/log.nginx" | indent 8 | trim }}
        proxy_pass http://backend;

upstream backend {
{{- range .servers }}
    server {{.}};
{{- end }}

Sample using secrets, first of all take into account that in order to use the secret functionality you need to have a proper AWS configuration in place and permissions enough to read secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. More details of how to configure AWSCLI can be found at

Once you have all the requirements just create a template like this one:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}

In above example mysql_host and mysql_user will be filled as usual by using frep config file or environment variables but mysql_pass will be fetch straight from AWS Secrets Manager by looking at secret name application/mysql/password

If you have multiple items in a single secret you can retrieve an specific key by specifying the key you want in template, for example:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}

external_api_client: {{ awsSecret "application/external_api" "client_id" }}
external_api_secret: {{ awsSecret "application/external_api" "secret_key" }}

Sample using AWS Parameter Store, first of all take into account that in order to use the ssm functionality you need to have a proper AWS configuration in place and permissions enough to read parameters from AWS Parameter Store. More details of how to configure AWSCLI can be found at

Once you have all the requirements just create a template like this one:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}
mysql_dns: {{ awsParameterStore "application/mysql/dns" }}

In above example mysql_dns will be filled as usual by using frep config file or environment variables but mysql_pass will be fetch straight from AWS Parameter Store by looking at application/mysql/dns

SSM Limitation: You can get parameter from ParameterStore just in textplain.

  • func of count runes of string

    func of count runes of string

    I do know this is NOT a bug of frep itself.

    template :

    {{ len "中文" }}

    if i run frep like this:

    frep /path/to/template --dryrun

    i got :


    So, I think chines users need a new func.

    How about:

    func CountRune(s string) int {
        return len([]rune(s))

    and register is:

    funcMap := template.FuncMap() {
        "countRune": CountRune,
        // other funcs
  • Please preserve file permissions

    Please preserve file permissions

    File perms (specifically +x ) are lost when a template file is run though frep. Please preserve originating file permissions when writing out the rendered template.

  • Containerize application using Drone

    Containerize application using Drone

    Closes #3.

    Also changed the versioning setup so that it doesn't rely on a tag to populate other version info.

    You can own this by:

    • Modifying the repo: tonglil/frep to your own user on Docker hub
    • Sign up for Drone at
    • Activate this repo at
    • Add your Docker hub login info as docker_username and docker_password in
  • Unable to install on macOS : Invalid formula

    Unable to install on macOS : Invalid formula

    Error on installing frep using homebrew.

    System setup: macOS Monterey Version 12.4

    % brew install subchen/tap/frep ==> Tapping subchen/tap Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/subchen/homebrew-tap'... remote: Enumerating objects: 180, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (32/32), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done. remote: Total 180 (delta 14), reused 19 (delta 7), pack-reused 148 Receiving objects: 100% (180/180), 32.90 KiB | 1.37 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (65/65), done. Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/subchen/homebrew-tap/Formula/gometalinter.rb gometalinter: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0) Error: Cannot tap subchen/tap: invalid syntax in tap!

  • Feature Request: Allow to define default value

    Feature Request: Allow to define default value

    Would it be possible to write a template file like this?

    something = {{ Env.FOO, "bar" }}

    which will populate the placeholder with bar if the env variable FOO does not exist

  • Is it a bug or what ?

    Is it a bug or what ?


    I am using a template as below:

        姓名: {{ }}
        邮件: {{ }}
    frep /path/to/template -e "应卓" -e "[email protected]" --dryrun


        姓名: <no value>
        邮件: <no value>

    I was wondering maybe if the key contains . will cause golang's template rendering bug.

    frep version:

    Name:       frep
    Version:    1.3.7
    Patches:    68
    Git branch: tags/v1.3.7
    Git commit: 9eca7e8f14390b28f08255bb34d987dffd3f9b10
    Built:      Tue, 19 Mar 2019 07:11:21 +0000
    Go version: go1.11
    OS/Arch:    darwin/amd64
  • How to access environment inside the range?

    How to access environment inside the range?

    Hi there,

    I want to access .ENV.Secret inside the range. How do I do that?

    {{- range (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_JVBS) }}
    Component "{{.}}"
        component_secret "{{.ENV.Secret}}"
    {{- end }}


  • Build on ppc64le fails to generate correct artifacts

    Build on ppc64le fails to generate correct artifacts

    The build is generating Intel binaries

    [user3@p006vm77 frep]$ make build rm -rf frep ./_releases ./_build go fmt ./... CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64
    go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags "-s -w -X 'main.BuildVersion=1.3.11' -X 'main.BuildGitBranch=heads/master' -X 'main.BuildGitRev=166' -X 'main.BuildGitCommit=e325a0c21a6db33f763aa8e1f7ea7bd65402661a' -X 'main.BuildDate=Tue, 08 Sep 2020 13:06:33 +0000'" -o _releases/frep-1.3.11-linux-amd64 [user3@p006vm77 frep]$ find . -name frep-1.3.11-linux-amd64 ./_releases/frep-1.3.11-linux-amd64

    [user3@p006vm77 frep]$ file ./_releases/frep-1.3.11-linux-amd64 ./_releases/frep-1.3.11-linux-amd64: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped

  • Change secretsmanager package in go.mod

    Change secretsmanager package in go.mod

    Hi @subchen

    I can notice you just merged my previous PR, thank you so much about that.

    I just like to add a simple change as I've changed the tag version of the secretsmanager package I am using (

    It would be great if you merge this.

    Thank you.

  • [WIP] Add template function to fetch secrets from AWS Secrets Manager

    [WIP] Add template function to fetch secrets from AWS Secrets Manager

    This PR add a custom function that is added to the FuncMap map in order to be able to fetch secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.

    I found frep a great tool for generating templates it is simple yet flexible a powerful, but I've been strungled a little bit of not having the possiblity to fetch secrets without the need of using "external tricks".

    Hope this PR likes you and become part of the main frep project, thank you so much for this tool.

  • Added option for specifying behaviour on missing vars

    Added option for specifying behaviour on missing vars

    Added command line option --missing for specifying behaviour on missing variables using template options from Go.

    Default option is "default", which does not change the current behaviour.

    More info on template options:

  • Do not use environment variables by default - security issue

    Do not use environment variables by default - security issue

    Please exclude support for environment variables in the templates (the .Env.* insertions according to the documentation). This can expose a lot of unintentional information (just run set in your shell to see what is available).

    Preferred behaviour:

    1. Change default value of --no-sys-env to true (or rename option).
    2. Remove all support for system environments and only accept definitions from --env, --json or --load.

    Simple work around is to add --no-sys-env parameter.

  • `--missing error` does not work with 'include'

    `--missing error` does not work with 'include'

    Missing vars in included file does not rise error with --missing error.

    $ more | cat
    {{- include "" -}}
    $ frep  --no-sys-env --missing error  --overwrite 
    fatal: render template error, caused:
       template: executing "" at <.var1>: map has no entry for key "var1"
    $ frep  --no-sys-env --missing error --overwrite 
    $ cat a.out 
    var1=<no value>
  • Please use uptodated 'Masterminds/sprig'

    Please use uptodated 'Masterminds/sprig'

    version info: frep-1.3.10-linux-amd64

    According to git.mod, frep now uses 'Masterminds/sprig' of V2.22. v2.22.0+incompatible

    I hope to have a 'get' dict function which is available from V3 of 'Masterminds/sprig'.

    I always use frep with '--missing error'. With 'get', I can say somthing like

    {{ if eq (get . "optional_value") "ON" }}

    instead of

    {{ if hasKey . "optional_value" }} {{ if eq .optional_value "ON" }}

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