Fast strftime for Go


Fast strftime for Go

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f := strftime.New(`.... pattern ...`)
if err := f.Format(buf, time.Now()); err != nil {


The goals for this library are

  • Optimized for the same pattern being called repeatedly
  • Be flexible about destination to write the results out
  • Be as complete as possible in terms of conversion specifications


Format(string, time.Time) (string, error)

Takes the pattern and the time, and formats it. This function is a utility function that recompiles the pattern every time the function is called. If you know beforehand that you will be formatting the same pattern multiple times, consider using New to create a Strftime object and reuse it.

New(string) (*Strftime, error)

Takes the pattern and creates a new Strftime object.

obj.Pattern() string

Returns the pattern string used to create this Strftime object

obj.Format(io.Writer, time.Time) error

Formats the time according to the pre-compiled pattern, and writes the result to the specified io.Writer

obj.FormatString(time.Time) string

Formats the time according to the pre-compiled pattern, and returns the result string.


pattern description
%A national representation of the full weekday name
%a national representation of the abbreviated weekday
%B national representation of the full month name
%b national representation of the abbreviated month name
%C (year / 100) as decimal number; single digits are preceded by a zero
%c national representation of time and date
%D equivalent to %m/%d/%y
%d day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%e the day of the month as a decimal number (1-31); single digits are preceded by a blank
%F equivalent to %Y-%m-%d
%H the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23)
%h same as %b
%I the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12)
%j the day of the year as a decimal number (001-366)
%k the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (0-23); single digits are preceded by a blank
%l the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12); single digits are preceded by a blank
%M the minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m the month as a decimal number (01-12)
%n a newline
%p national representation of either "ante meridiem" (a.m.) or "post meridiem" (p.m.) as appropriate.
%R equivalent to %H:%M
%r equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p
%S the second as a decimal number (00-60)
%T equivalent to %H:%M:%S
%t a tab
%U the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53)
%u the weekday (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (1-7)
%V the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (01-53)
%v equivalent to %e-%b-%Y
%W the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53)
%w the weekday (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (0-6)
%X national representation of the time
%x national representation of the date
%Y the year with century as a decimal number
%y the year without century as a decimal number (00-99)
%Z the time zone name
%z the time zone offset from UTC
%% a '%'


This library in general tries to be POSIX compliant, but sometimes you just need that extra specification or two that is relatively widely used but is not included in the POSIX specification.

For example, POSIX does not specify how to print out milliseconds, but popular implementations allow %f or %L to achieve this.

For those instances, strftime.Strftime can be configured to use a custom set of specifications:

ss := strftime.NewSpecificationSet()
ss.Set('L', ...) // provide implementation for `%L`

// pass this new specification set to the strftime instance
p, err := strftime.New(`%L`, strftime.WithSpecificationSet(ss))
p.Format(..., time.Now())

The implementation must implement the Appender interface, which is

type Appender interface {
  Append([]byte, time.Time) []byte

For commonly used extensions such as the millisecond example and Unix timestamp, we provide a default implementation so the user can do one of the following:

// (1) Pass a specification byte and the Appender
//     This allows you to pass arbitrary Appenders
p, err := strftime.New(
  strftime.WithSpecification('L', strftime.Milliseconds),

// (2) Pass an option that knows to use strftime.Milliseconds
p, err := strftime.New(

Similarly for Unix Timestamp:

// (1) Pass a specification byte and the Appender
//     This allows you to pass arbitrary Appenders
p, err := strftime.New(
  strftime.WithSpecification('s', strftime.UnixSeconds),

// (2) Pass an option that knows to use strftime.UnixSeconds
p, err := strftime.New(

If a common specification is missing, please feel free to submit a PR (but please be sure to be able to defend how "common" it is)

List of available extensions


The following benchmarks were run separately because some libraries were using cgo on specific platforms (notabley, the fastly version)

// On my OS X 10.14.6, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 16GB memory.
// go version go1.13.4 darwin/amd64
hummingbird% go test -tags bench -benchmem -bench .
BenchmarkTebeka-4                 	  297471	      3905 ns/op	     257 B/op	      20 allocs/op
BenchmarkJehiah-4                 	  818444	      1773 ns/op	     256 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastly-4                 	 2330794	       550 ns/op	      80 B/op	       5 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrrat-4               	  916365	      1458 ns/op	      80 B/op	       2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrratCachedString-4   	 2527428	       546 ns/op	     128 B/op	       2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter-4   	  537422	      2155 ns/op	     192 B/op	       3 allocs/op
ok	25.618s
// On a host on Google Cloud Platform, machine-type: f1-micro (vCPU x 1, memory: 0.6GB)
// (Yes, I was being skimpy)
// Linux <snip> 4.9.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.189-3+deb9u1 (2019-09-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux
// go version go1.13.4 linux/amd64
hummingbird% go test -tags bench -benchmem -bench .
BenchmarkTebeka                   254997              4726 ns/op             256 B/op         20 allocs/op
BenchmarkJehiah                   659289              1882 ns/op             256 B/op         17 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastly                   389150              3044 ns/op             224 B/op         13 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrrat                 699069              1780 ns/op              80 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrratCachedString    2081594               589 ns/op             128 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter     825763              1480 ns/op             192 B/op          3 allocs/op
ok 11.355s

This library is much faster than other libraries IF you can reuse the format pattern.

Here's the annotated list from the benchmark results. You can clearly see that (re)using a Strftime object and producing a string is the fastest. Writing to an io.Writer seems a bit sluggish, but since the one producing the string is doing almost exactly the same thing, we believe this is purely the overhead of writing to an io.Writer

Import Path Score Note 3000000 Using FormatString() (cached) 2000000 Pure go version on OS X 1000000 Using Format() (NOT cached) 1000000 1000000 cgo version on Linux 500000 Using Format() (cached) 300000

However, depending on your pattern, this speed may vary. If you find a particular pattern that seems sluggish, please send in patches or tests.

Please also note that this benchmark only uses the subset of conversion specifications that are supported by ALL of the libraries compared.

Somethings to consider when making performance comparisons in the future:

  • Can it write to io.Writer?
  • Which %specification does it handle?
@lestrrat 's Go projects
  • replace deprecated package

    replace deprecated package

    Replaces, which is now marked as archived and no longer maintained on github, with native >=go1.13 standard library functions. This preserves the error wrapping previously handled via errors.Wrap via the new %w directive in fmt.Errorf.

    This makes the minimum go version go1.13, so thus update the go.mod to reflect and also updates the test matrix here to test from go1.13-go1.18 inclusive (previously tested go1.14-go1.15).

  • Fix issue with optimization on verbatim value

    Fix issue with optimization on verbatim value

    Apparently our tests did not include a case where there were multiple verbatim sections in a pattern, which made us oblivious to this issue. Moving the verbatim value inside the loop does the trick.

  • Configurable Specifications

    Configurable Specifications

    In #7 we got a request to add %L as a specification to generate textual representation of milliseconds from the given time. This in itself is totally fine, except %L is not in POSIX, and implementations differ on the exact pattern to invoke this (e.g. %f or %L).

    While #7 just decided that %L was the right choice, I'd like to take this opportunity and introduce enough flexibility that we can create different flavors of Strftime in the future when the needs arises.

    This PR takes the previously static list of specifications, and moves them in a map so that they are more easily configurable. For common specifications, an optional parameter in the various methods can dynamically alter the specification set so that one instance of Strftime can generate a completely different set of text representations if need be.

    If in the future we have enough flavors to work with, such as "the pythin strftime" or "the ruby strftime", we could just wrap the objects as:

    ... = strftime.Python.Format(t)
    ... = strftime.Ruby.Format(t)
    ... = strftime.POSIX.Format(t) // current default

    And users can more easily navigate through the different implementations.

  • It is not same with c strftime?

    It is not same with c strftime?

    for i := 0; i < 400; i++ {
    		now := time.Now().Unix() + int64(i)*86400
    		cWeek := common.GetWeek(now) // cgo
    		strfWeek, _ := strftime.Format("%Y%U", time.Unix(now, 0))
    		gWeek, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strfWeek, 10, 64)
    		if cWeek != int(gWeek) {
    			fmt.Println("failed!!!", time.Unix(now, 0).Format("2006.01.02 15:04:05"), cWeek, gWeek)

    output: failed!!! 2021.01.01 00:35:27 202052 202100 failed!!! 2021.01.02 00:35:27 202052 202100

  • Add `%L` pattern to support millisecond [000..999]

    Add `%L` pattern to support millisecond [000..999]

    But I'm not confident whether %L is a suitable to do it because that one is not supported by POSIX strftime(3). AFAIK, ruby provides %L and python provides %f for that.

  • build(ci): test matrix include go1.12 up to go1.18

    build(ci): test matrix include go1.12 up to go1.18

    This tests back from the version specified in go.mod to current stable.

    This should enable detection of any breaking version changes as part of the dependencies update PR.

    subtask forked from #28.

  • If you have a number before a specification, it breaks the compiled pattern

    If you have a number before a specification, it breaks the compiled pattern

    Whilst using this library, I found an interesting bug(?) issue(?) to create log file names.

    If I use: pattern, _ := strftime.New("/path/test%Y%m%d.log") I get pattern -> "/path/test20191230.log" Awesome.

    But. If I use: pattern, _ := strftime.New("/path/test1%Y%m%d.log") I get pattern -> ".log20191230.log" Not awesome.

    If I try: pattern, _ := strftime.New("/longer/path/to/see/where/this/leads//test99%Y%m%d.log") I get pattern -> ".log20191230.log" Also not awesome.

    This has only started post PR#6 as far as I can tell, as I have an older forked version that does not have this issue.

    Am I going mad?

  • Add FormatBuffer

    Add FormatBuffer

    As discussed in issue 25, this is structurally similar to the standard library's AppendFormat method. I also fixed some issues with BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter which made it look slower than it really was.

    Nets about a 15% speedup which is less than I was hoping for, but still worth using in performance-intensive situations. Note the difference in the time output though - FormatBuffer uses about 20% less CPU time in total for the same number of executions, probably due to reduced garbage collection overhead.

    [master][~/hound/go/src/]$ time gotest . -bench BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter -benchtime 30000000x
    goos: darwin
    goarch: amd64
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
    BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter-8     30000000         390.1 ns/op
    ok 11.856s
    gotest . -bench BenchmarkLestrratCachedWriter -benchtime 30000000x  12.69s user 1.07s system 111% cpu 12.299 total
    [master][~/hound/go/src/]$ time gotest . -bench BenchmarkLestrratCachedFormatBuffer -benchtime 30000000x
    goos: darwin
    goarch: amd64
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
    BenchmarkLestrratCachedFormatBuffer-8     30000000         330.3 ns/op
    ok 10.063s
    gotest . -bench BenchmarkLestrratCachedFormatBuffer -benchtime 30000000x  10.49s user 0.62s system 105% cpu 10.517 total
  • Allocation in every Format() call

    Allocation in every Format() call

    This is purely a performance issue, but a significant one. This library could be much faster if it could be used in a zero-allocation way, writing into a buffer provided by the caller. Today, this array leaks onto the heap because it's passed into Write().

    A simple fix would be to keep that array as a field of the Strftime struct, but then this method would be concurrency unsafe. (The io.Writer spec doesn't allow implementations to modify or retain references to the passed slice, so you can get away with re-using that buffer, but obviously not with concurrent use.)

    I think a better approach would be an exported version of the internal format method - maybe just implement Append on Strftime. That way, the user can supply the buffer, and allocation only occurs if it's insufficient.

    I'm happy to submit a PR if the approach sounds good.

  • Promote %s to a standard specification?

    Promote %s to a standard specification?

    I was writing docs on what strftime specs are supported for a project of mine using this library, so I went to look for where the specs originated. Turns out they're from FreeBSD[1]/macOS[2] strftime(3): the descriptions match word for word, and the lists of specs are the same with a few specs/categories missing here — POSIX locale extensions (%E*, %O*), glibc extensions, %G, %g and %s. I can understand not implementing %G and %g, they're weird (%G for 2019-12-31 => 2020), but %s is trivial and very widely supported and used, so it's a bit strange it has to be added as an extension, seems more like an accidental omission to me.

    So what about promoting it to a standard spec? (The extension could of course be kept around for backward compatibility.) It's an easy change, I can submit a PR if you don't feel like spending time on this.

    [1] [2]

  • add go.sum via go mod tidy

    add go.sum via go mod tidy

    go.sum should be checked into VCS as per official documentation at:

    subtask forked from #28.

  • Hyphenated formats for non-zero padded numbers

    Hyphenated formats for non-zero padded numbers

    Some strftime implementations support non-zero padded numbers.

    For example, in Python

    >>> from datetime import datetime
    >>> datetime.strftime(, '%-d')

    This is documented in glibc's strftime.

    Windows has its own set of codes which use # instead of -:

    Another reference:

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