🍫 A customisable, universally compatible terminal status bar

Shox: Terminal Status Bar

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A customisable terminal status bar with universal shell/terminal compatibility. Currently works on Mac/Linux.


NOTE This is still very experimental. I'm using it locally without any problems right now, but there's still a lot of testing and tweaking to do. Feel free to try it out, but get ready for some potential bugginess!

curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamg/shox/master/scripts/install.sh" | sudo bash

If you don't like to pipe to sudo - as well you shouldn't - you can remove the sudo above, but you'll have to add the shox dir to your PATH env var manually, as instructed by the installer.


The shox config file should be created at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shox/config.yaml, which is usually ~/.config/shox/config.yaml. You can alternatively create it at ~/.shox.yaml

The config file looks like the following:

shell: /bin/bash
    format: "{time}||CPU: {cpu} MEM: {memory}"
      bg: red
      fg: white
    padding: 0

Shox will use your SHELL environment variable to determine the shell to run if a shell is not specified in the config file, but if your SHELL is set to shox, it'll default to /bin/bash to prevent a horrible recursive mess.

Bar Configuration

Bar configuration is done using a simple string format. Helpers are encased in braces e.g. {time}, alignment is done using pipes (see below), and any other text will be written to the bar.


You can use pipes to align content within the status bar. All content before the first pipe will be aligned to the left, all content between the first and second will be centre aligned, and all content after the second pipe will be right aligned.

For example, to display a bar that centre aligns the time, you could use |{time}|


The following colours are available: black, white, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, darkgrey, lightgrey, lightred, lightgreen, lightyellow, lightblue, lightmagenta, lightcyan.


Helpers create dynamic output in your status bar. You can use one by adding it to your bar format config. The following is a list of available helpers.

Helper Description Example Config Example Output
time Show current time {time} 11:58:17
cpu Show current CPU usage {cpu} 20%
memory Show current memory usage % {memory} 20%
battery Show current battery charge % {battery} 20%
bash Run a custom bash command {bash:echo hi} hi
weather Show current weather (provided by http://wttr.in) {weather:1} 🌧 +6°C
until Show time remaining until a given unix timestamp {until:1583255109} 13m26s

Ideally this list would be much longer - please feel free to PR more helpers! You can see simple examples here.


The configuration section of the weather helper holds the display format. For all available display formats please visit chubin/wttr.in#one-line-output The default value is 1 which only shows the weather

NOTE: You don't need to URL-encode the weather format, i.e. use %l: %c %t instead of %l:+%c+%t


If installed with sudo

Remove the binary from /usr/local/bin

rm /usr/local/bin/shox

If installed without sudo

Remove the binary from the shox installation dir $HOME/bin

rm $HOME/bin/shox

NOTE: Don't forget to remove any configuration files you've created should you decide you don't need them


I frequently needed a way to have a quick overview of several things without cramming them into my PS1, and to update those things dynamicly.

How does it work?

Shox sits between the terminal and your shell and proxies all data sent between them. It identifies ANSI commands which contain coordinates and dimensions and adjusts them accordingly, so that the status bar can be drawn efficiently without interfering with the shell and it's child programs.

Liam Galvin
Security Engineer @form3tech
Liam Galvin
  • Install script depends on jq and fails when not installed

    Install script depends on jq and fails when not installed

    --- shox/scripts ‹master› » bash install.sh                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           127 ↵
    Determining platform...
    Finding latest release...
    install.sh: line 8: jq: command not found
    (23) Failed writing body
  • 100% CPU usage

    100% CPU usage


    Using the install script, I've got the latest release of shox in ~/bin, but when run it eats up one/two threads on a dual-core HT machine. I haven't let it run long or tested it otherwise. Any idea as to why this could be?

    I'm running Debian 10, with Linux 5.5.0, zsh 5.7.1 with oh-my-zsh. Please let me know if you need any more information.


  • max one bash helper supported

    max one bash helper supported

    When multiple {bash} helpers are in a format string, the output of the first command is repeated for the rest.

    This example produces a status bar with three segments, each printing 1.

    format: "{bash: echo 1}|{bash: echo 2}|{bash: echo 3}"

    (Neat project!)

  • Scrollback often times ends up being unusable. The nature of the tool, or is there possibly a way to minimize it?

    Scrollback often times ends up being unusable. The nature of the tool, or is there possibly a way to minimize it?

    Hey there, I was just checking out this utility, and it seems like I would like to use it, but there is one possibly overpowering issue. When using certain commands, it seems ones that scroll the screen a bit slower, and I try to scroll back to look at prior text, well, you can see demonstrated below.

    For quicker commands that dump to the screen, it is not so bad, but you will see when I run my update && upgrade command where the issue resides.

    Is there perhaps anything that can be done to eliminate this, or possibly minimize it at least, or is this just what I would have to deal with?

    Thanks, -MH

  • Current install instructions seem to be broken.

    Current install instructions seem to be broken.


    This seemed like a nice project and I was looking to trying it. That said, it looks like the install instructions might be outaded.

    Looking at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamg/shox/master/scripts/install.sh

    set -e
    echo "Determining platform..."
    platform=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    echo "Finding latest release..."
    asset=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/releases/latest | grep -o "https://github.com/liamg/shox/releases/download/.*/shox-$platform-amd64" | head -n1)
    echo "Downloading latest release for your platform..."
    curl -s -L -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" "${asset}" --output ./shox
    echo "Installing shox..."
    chmod +x ./shox
    if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then
    mkdir -p $installdir
    mv ./shox "${installdir}/shox"
    which shox &> /dev/null || (echo "Please add ${installdir} to your PATH to complete installation!" && exit 1)
    echo "Installation complete!"

    This https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/releases/latest seems to return

      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/releases/29853635",
      "assets_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/releases/29853635/assets",
      "upload_url": "https://uploads.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/releases/29853635/assets{?name,label}",
      "html_url": "https://github.com/liamg/shox/releases/tag/v0.0.18",
      "id": 29853635,
      "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5ODUzNjM1",
      "tag_name": "v0.0.18",
      "target_commitish": "master",
      "name": "v0.0.18",
      "draft": false,
      "author": {
        "login": "liamg",
        "id": 1187060,
        "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjExODcwNjA=",
        "avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1187060?v=4",
        "gravatar_id": "",
        "url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg",
        "html_url": "https://github.com/liamg",
        "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/followers",
        "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/following{/other_user}",
        "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/gists{/gist_id}",
        "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/starred{/owner}{/repo}",
        "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/subscriptions",
        "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/orgs",
        "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/repos",
        "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/events{/privacy}",
        "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/liamg/received_events",
        "type": "User",
        "site_admin": false
      "prerelease": false,
      "created_at": "2020-08-19T09:03:07Z",
      "published_at": "2020-08-19T09:03:39Z",
      "assets": [
      "tarball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/tarball/v0.0.18",
      "zipball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/liamg/shox/zipball/v0.0.18",
      "body": "- Fix rendering on OSX and IntelliJ"

    And this grep -o "https://github.com/liamg/shox/releases/download/.*/shox-$platform-amd64" | head -n1 wont match anything :cry:

  • weather plugin not working ?

    weather plugin not working ?

    Can someone point me to right direction with weather helper. I just cant make it work, i have tried various formats but none of them working.

    im sending it as : {weather:%l: %t %c}

  • ANSI escape sequence visible after running clear

    ANSI escape sequence visible after running clear

    After running clear I can see an ANSI character sequence printed to my terminal which I presume should be getting interpreted properly, also my prompt appears half way down the screen, this behaviour occurred in kitty and urxvt.


  • Flickers on Simple Terminal (st)

    Flickers on Simple Terminal (st)

    I'm not certain if this is a problem that you are able to fix or if this just a problem with the way that st handles rendering. However, every time the bar update there is a very noticeable flicker. I have only experienced this problem with shox so I suspect that you may be able to fix it.

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